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Everything posted by GenuinePerspectiveXC

  1. It's the Federal Network that can help you out with enlistment more than I can. "Click if you'd like to know more!" Starting at :10 ending at at :32
  2. @VioletFlame Three years of military service and an honorable discharge gets you free tuition, free books, and about $1600 a month. The price is 36 months of eating a shit sandwich though, lol.
  3. @kieranperez Door to door sales can make you a lot of money, real quick, and they'll provide transportation for you. It's not ideal long-term work, but all it takes is dedication.
  4. @Quicksilver Sometimes I wonder. In the gameshow, the woman said she was betrayed last time, so she instinctively chose not to let that happen again. The man was trying to play an honor code and got his head chopped off like Ned Stark. Which vMeme do you think they each are now dominated by?
  5. Quoted from Wikipidia, this is the Prisoners' Dilemma: Two members of a criminal gang are arrested and imprisoned. Each prisoner is in solitary confinement with no means of communicating with the other. The prosecutors lack sufficient evidence to convict the pair on the principal charge, but they have enough to convict both on a lesser charge. Simultaneously, the prosecutors offer each prisoner a bargain. Each prisoner is given the opportunity either to betray the other by testifying that the other committed the crime, or to cooperate with the other by remaining silent.
  6. The prisoner's dilemma can be applied to a variety of areas in life such as relationships or race relations. Perhaps one side empathizes and the other does not. Or, both sides empathizing and a greater outcome occurs. Same thing in business. Pepsi Co and Coca-Cola usually have a gentlemen's agreement to pretty much price match instead of both being forced into barely sustainable price warfare. Here's one on this game show:
  7. Living in an authoritarian society is really tough, even moreso depending on the branch. It can be okay in the Air Force and horrible in the Marines, depending a bit on your unit. You do not want to be a critical thinker on moral issues in that environment. Nobody likes a critical thinker in an authoritarian society. That being said, as the wars continue, the leadership style becomes less and less authoritarian and more competency-based. I've been out for 8 years now. And honestly, you gain a really interesting perspective, but the suffering and time-wasting over 4 years is not really worth it...unless the other option is to stay at 7-11 and drink slurpees for the rest of your life. Ethically, you're going to be with some very low conscious people, doing low-conscious shit to other low-conscious people.
  8. People aren't people? wtf? I was in a live-in relatioship with a Mexican girl for 2 years and her mom couldn't speak English. It was not easy times. I recommend you graduate out of Pure Green. I promise you the guilt phase will turn out to be BS.
  9. There's only one party that runs on a racial platform, and it's not the republican party. What 'promising of disenfranchisement are you talking about?" It is relevant. This vMeme voted Clinton over Sanders and now we have Trump because of it.
  10. I had a friend that started out like you, and now he's making money in variety of ways from digital painting because he's so good. You have to put in the hours and enjoy doing it.
  11. No, not regardless. Ford fucked everything up and now that doesn't matter.
  12. What behavior are you suggesting people 'relinquish'?
  13. @Serotoninluv Sovereignty =/= oppression
  14. They're still in a similar vMeme as white trash
  15. Which demographic do you think is the most racist; Mexican men, black women, or poor white people?
  16. The same thing happened during the Obama presidency. Whichever party loses the presidential election usually does well in the midterms.