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Everything posted by GenuinePerspectiveXC

  1. Sounds like you think good vs evil dichotomy is 'evil' or 'bad'... so you'd have to remove that part of you're brain and everyone else's.... and then no one would care about whether good vs evil is bad b/c that part of the brain would be gone... so everyone would stop removing that part of the brain... and then there would be good vs evil thinking again!
  2. @Cortex @Cortex That sounds very dogmatic of you, and I'm sure you have moralistic reasons for your dogma. I think what you're trying to say is that blue principles must evolve, and they pretty much have been and will continue to do so.
  3. Because of people on this forum who don't understand the model, you're still not getting it. The law is stage blue. Principles are stage blue. And it's really difficult to develop stage orange if a healthy version of stage blue is not being used
  4. It took a lot more than black and white thinking to create the Noah's Ark story.
  5. It's not like nitpicking a typo. You are a moderator on this forum - that builds itself around this model - and you've been using the model wrong.
  6. You mean you used a purple example for effect.
  7. I'd have to put the Noah's Ark story into purple behavior. I still don't think you grasp the concept of spiral dynamics.
  8. Do you follow the law? If so, that's stage blue behavior. Same thing about valuing your health (beige), family (purple), and passion (red).
  9. Warning, the whole country is a shithole. And the people are always trying to play angle on you and each other anytime money changes hands. That being said, there are interesting experiences: - You can go watch them burn bodies from all over the countryside at Varanasi. Or even volunteer if youre feeling ballsy. - You can do a 10 day Vipassana, but you have to sign up in advance. Just Google Vipassana retreats - Rishikesh Is the yoga capital of the world and meat is actually illegal in the city - Dharemsala is the 'de facto' capital of Tibet and home of the Dali Lama. It's a great place to go to cool off in the mountains, and I find the food to be a lot healthier than what the Hindis eat. Warning No. 2 - The bakeries are delicious Warning No. 3 - The horns are literally cranked 3 times louder than they are in other countries. The noise pollution from stressed out aggressive drivers will bring lots of pain to your ears. Warning No. 4 - You may realize that excessive meditation is a waste of time and you'll be much more fulfilled by surfing in Sri Lanka or climbing Mount Everest with other backpackers. Excessive meditation can fuck up your social skills and lead to depression as you neglect your human nature.
  10. When I smoked, my ex could taste the difference between menthols and regular
  11. It's moreso a feeling that needs to work with the rest of your hopes and desires. None of them is perfect.
  12. One of the ablest coaches who have answered this problem is TJ Reeves. Most of the video is about spiral dynamics, but the whole things is well-worth watching.
  13. The darkness of his videos -- their lightless background, their asperger's inspired messages, his black shirt, his yearning to go fuck off in a cave until he dies -- will not do you any good
  14. Duolingo is a good for the basics. It's a free app you can download for your smartphone, and it's quite entertaining.
  15. People do, which is fine but eventually comes back around because: 1) most men and women genuinely like gender roles, believe it or not 2) we're different, so gender roles are usually natural... which is a stage yellow concept. It's actually most natural for grandparents to raise children (healthy purple). Stage blue people have a deep understanding of shadow stage red feminine and masculine. If you read Sperm Wars on the booklist, you would understand exactly what stage red feminine is. You're right, can you imagine Hillary Clinton (stage Orange) with a penis? You could, but most people don't like it, regardless of vMeme stage. wtf do you expect Emerald to know about Orange vMeme wizards? Actually, if men drop their passion (red), principles (blue), and value (orange), they become less desirable, even if they have a strong sense of compassion which would just result in being a 'nice guy' if the other stages of the spiral are ignored.
  16. Shadow Green is often rejects healthy expressions of the rest of the spiral, like so: - Rejecting Orange Personal Responsibility (like improving your capacity to create abundance) - Rejecting Blue Principles (MeToo movement which rejects due process and disregards female shadow red/orange) - Rejecting Red Positive Masculinity (the idea that men should not stand up for themselves and shouldn't hit on women) - Rejecting Purple Family dynamics (Orange also often does this) - Rejecting Beige personal health (example: Leo letting his arms turn into twigs... real healthy there Leo, how are you supposed to lift heavy objects?) All of the shadow versions of the spiral do this in some way or another. Try to be the healthy version.
  17. So this question is just for those who have had successful careers in life coaching: What's the difference between you and a novice?
  18. First of all, no one in the military cares about what you want, no matter what the recruiters say. There used to be something called the Guaranteed Job Option which helps a little bit if they still have it, but not as much as you'd think. You could literally end up anywhere doing any sort of work. Second, you may end up in a non-combat unit, but that can go either really good, or really really really bad. In the Air Force, or Army/Marine Corp Air Wings, most people are satisfied with what they do. If you end up as Admin in the Marine Corps though, you're in for a nightmare. The most insecure people I have ever met in my life were in Admin, basically being worked like Chinese factory slaves. Adding to this, you see high ranking people with extreme levels of insecurity from not having combat experience even though they are trained killers, Jersey Shore Level steroid abusers doing deskwork, and a minority of unattractive females destroying any sense of brotherhood by causing drama and being the source of male posturing in a zero-sunlight maze of cubicles.
  19. Absolutely not. Combat experienced leaders and Presidential mandates change the military, not you. The military functions as a full blown authoritarian entity.
  20. I think a lot of us have trouble when we realize a good amount of the Struggle Industry (racialism, sexism) just turned out to be Orange duping Green. Like imagine Red or Orange not making a meal of it. Green also gets weird when you start to realize most people actually do like gender roles. Knowing this is both liberating and confining. On one hand, people will assume you're in stage orange if you don't feel guilty, yet, you can free yourself up to be solution oriented. Of course it will also turn out that a lot of people don't want solutions which is when the Group consensus can be a little disturbing to watch.
  21. @theking00 What team is it?
  22. @Greatnestwithin That's aweseome. Thanks
  23. has an excellent video editing course, and I think it's free or at least starts out that way.
  24. It's a lot of fun to go communal. Just make sure you can sustain yourself and continue your orange growth. Otherwise, all of your 'compassion' is going to be about self-interest, and bitching at other people (but not you) to save the whales.