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Everything posted by Wyze

  1. He didn't show the compassion of Green here or Yellow's ability to see validity in lower level's activities and values; so I don't think his a Turquoise. I see a really disillusioned Orange. Perhaps he is having trouble getting into Green because no one is being authenticity with him due to the environment he is in aka Hollywood, and his fame. (Experiencing and giving authenticity is really important in Green) In the Real World, if someone spoke to another person like he does to this interviewer; she would have told him off straight away or told him to F*** off.
  2. I agree, I think the very nature of Shadow Work is to shine light and incorporate the "shadow" into a fully functioning component self. (and this advice did not come out of SpiralDynamics, but alot of psychotherapist and enlightened masters of different religions all say the same thing). I just found it really interesting that Spiral Dynamics also illustrate the same concept of Shadow Work in its model.
  3. Totally agree, do you think this is due to extreme repression of the Red in us? As humans we have very little healthy outlet for Red activities apart from sports.
  4. I wish we have more information on Red, would love it if Leo could do a video on it. I feel like the reason why Reds get such a bad rep is because all we see today is Unhealthy Red Shadow manifestation (I think this is due to extreme repressed Red in ourselves). Then we take our Shadow Red tendencies into relationships (becomes abusive relationships), and take it into work (and it becomes workplace bullying and ruthless climbing of corporate ladders). I think healthy Orange is about excellence and achievement along with enhancing the self. I think healthy Orange is the embodiment of Win-Win. Where as if Red is allowed to run wild and in a healthy way, it'll be about hunting etc.