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Everything posted by Wyze

  1. @EternalForest I think your onto something. and heres my 2c. I've always felt really strange about this "adult world" until I met Spiral Dynamics and it all starts to make sense. During our childhood - we are mostly still learning about everything, so we don't have the emotional understanding and expression. But there is a sense of pureness and authenticity in children (most). During our highschool years and possibly even extended to uni days, this is where I felt the most comfortable and happiest. If you have successfully developed in your childhood without major trauma, people are able to go after their achievements. (start of orange but healthy compeition) But the environment is still somewhat "in a bubble" and if you were not majorly picked on during this time, you are able to develop some good friendship and truly experience emotional connection and authenticity. (This is where I started to tap into Green and felt most connected and understood.) As adults - what the fuck LOL. Everyone is highly inauthentic (from traumas) and some people are literally looking to seek revenge everywhere. You have workplace bullying, ruthless cutthroat, extreme competition, workplace games, dating games etc. (I think the adult environment is unhealthy orange). I witness after over a decade as an adult"; all my friends have turned extremely selfish and self-centered. For example, recently a friend of mine is getting married, and during our catchup with the 3 of us; my friend (getting married), my other friend (already married) and myself. We have known each other since age of 13. The whole time during this catchup, they were 1. comparing their ring size and 2. comparing their house size and how many room. 3, obtaining information out of each other over the perceived value of their homes. WTF... (extremely orange or what?) and I was waiting for the conversation to turn real like "how do you feel about getting married, and start this new chapter in your life?"...waiting for the entire night. I think we are all forced into following the majority or where the spiral colour is.
  2. Here is a very short video of individuation, persona, shadow and the self. What I found particularly interesting starts at 11:42 - It talks about how un-individualized people (over-identified with the persona) are extremely easy to manipulate by dictators. I am trying to think in Spiral Dynamics: does that mean anyone in the first tire in easy to manipulate? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhAeXyVDDTc
  3. @Karla I agree curiosity is very helpful and school basically trained it out of us. (dont get me started on the school system)... Im guessing that by being curious, you are open to the story of the other side, which could lead to opportunities...I like that. I find that the otherside must come with vulnerability, and willing to share their side of the story? So how would you deal with someone who is purposely abusive and manipulative or creating conflict for the sake of conflict?
  4. Its very helpful. I was wondering how did you get to that thinking style or accept that belief that conflict is interesting and curiosity can help resolve conflict? I have gotten to the point where I've stepped out of avoiding conflict but I feel like I might have swung to excessive aggression instead. But I know its all rooted in fear of conflict.
  5. @Ampresus If it was just a belief from reading; its actually very easy to change. All you have to do is debunk it via logic, and you would have done it by now. However what I see is that you have an emotional attachment to those belief. Usually, you need to go back to the event that triggered those emotions in you for you to truly see why you are holding onto those beliefs. Unfortunately, only you can do this work (because its your emotions), and no amount of logic can debunk an emotional reaction or attachment.
  6. @Ampresus I feel like your conditioning has an unexamined emotional core/attachment to it. Saying that its Quran/Islam/Culture as the explanation of your conditioning, is protecting your ego belief that you don't want to examine (a defense mechanism) Is there an event in your life where the belief "women are inferior" became an emotionally defining point to you personally? Often the event was very negative and soul hurting.
  7. @George Fil I travel alot. I think its one of the least boring thing to do. It allows me to speak to so many different people, and talk about topics I could never talk about at home. I think that's your issue: your dismissive rather than curious.
  8. This is Sam Vaknin (who is also diagnosed with NPD), his POV is interesting...controversial because its different from DSMs and what is accepted in the mainstream. Food for though, and keep an open mind, and keep asking questions.
  9. I wanted to discuss groups like Incels, MGTOW, Alt-right, SJW etc There are a growing number of groups that hold extreme ideologies and beliefs. I wanted to know why is our society (assuming we are at Blue/Orange) is producing such groups. I understand the internet have a way of grouping people together, but what is causing people to form such opinions/worldviews in the first place? I understand this is a sensitive topic; we are not here to start a debate on who is right. I am interested in genuine talk about sociology and spiral dynamics. Thanks.
  10. Yes there are cigarette vending machines too in Japan. And smoking is very common thing. And most countries have very easy access to alcohol as well. I find alcoholism in UK is more of an issue compare to Europe? I really do believe that the increased use of substance abuse along with extreme thinking, that we are seeing today, is a reflection of inter-generational trauma, or at least it is linked.
  11. I've also noticed this too. This is one of the main reason why I think over staying in Green (in today's society) would lead a person into a very nihilistic pov and possibly become a red shadow themselves; if they don't move up the spiral for whatever reason.
  12. I think my biggest concern is the potential influence of extreme groups and the average person falling into what you've mentioned as "good people" doing bad deeds, and not even realizing it. I've noticed that the bad deeds of the last 100 years have significant impacts on their children and grandchildren (war-traumas). Is this a sign of the collective shadow?
  13. @Joseph Maynor I agree with the lying habit. I think lying not only discredit you from your community but also you discredit yourself internally. I find habitual liars all suffer from extreme insecurity and low-self esteem eventually. However, there are times when lying becomes a protection mechanism where "revealing the truth is potentially dangerous" eg, if you find yourself in an hostile environment.
  14. @CreamCat The true fear isn't just a subculture remaining as a subculture and locally making peoples lives hard. Its when it becomes the mainstream and normalized. Not everyone can just leave.
  15. @Zizzero Well to start off with; if you see the reaction to the new series of Doctor Who; claiming its too PC and blaming SJWs and feminism. So here this example, its affecting mass media. Another example is the Gillette ad which caused so much backlash. The Incel movement holds some very dangerous ideologies: blackpill, call for government controlled rape etc? (some of this is very dangerous and costs lives) ..... And opposing this you have #Metoo movement. I feel like each one of those subculture is a counter movement towards something and could be counter movement towards each other. But theres no conversation to tie it all together.
  16. @CreamCat I think its important that we can get to the root of this; because there might be new groups forming (with even more out there ideologies). Can't just ignore it anymore, and pretend it doesn't affect your life?
  17. @Joseph Maynor I wonder why people let themselves get into one of these, in the first place? Complacent?
  18. @Sahil Pandit I too find it hard to completely dissociate with the subcultures. I feel like they are somehow impacting on the mass/mainstream culture regardless; sooner or later, you will run into a situation where you will have to confront the ideology behind the groups.
  19. @CreamCat Yeah with all the recently backlash on the Gillette ad. The interesting thing is that there is a opening to talk about toxic femininity. at least on youtube: I think people in general are confusing masculinity between the embodied type (archetypal father) with toxic type (archetypal trickster/abuser) and embodied femininity (archetypal mother) and toxic femininity (femme fatale). Its sad there is no conversation happening about this. But I want to know why? Blue SD is performing out the archetypal father...but what went wrong?
  20. I don't think Blue stage will disappear, there will be institutions in life where you will experience and learn about Blue. But society may be operating from a much higher level. I feel like schooling will almost be designed according to the stages - so instead of learning math, english, physics etc you'll learn Red (control and learn about aggression), Blue (learn about order and hierarchy), orange (learn about achievements and discovery), green (learn about empathy) etc etc
  21. I was thinking about culture and online cultures and how that can be fitted into the Spiral Dynamic model. Do you think specific online platform attracts specific worldviews? In that case where might those platform be? 4chan Internet Relay Chat Twitter Reddit Youtube Facebook Instagram Quora
  22. Its the little things that counts; like helping someone's carry their pram upstairs, or keeping the door open for the next person, saying hello, or offering someone water on a hot day. None of this stuff is heavily expensive or takes a long time to do. But it is this, that keeps a society worth living in.
  23. I can say, I've lived in "cut-throat" cities like this before. It ain't pretty. Its easy when your young and healthy to say "I don't need anyone and no one should need me." But when shit hits the fan, sometimes its that stranger who ends up helping you (I've also gone through this personally too)
  24. @Paan Are there different ways of expressing identity other than through watches?