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Everything posted by Advocate

  1. @Neorez I take about three drops three times per day of a 5% CBD oil (which probably is not a high dose) and it helps me being relaxed during the day and to sleep deeper. For me as a sensitive person it is absolutely amazing to have a clearer mind in the face of everyday struggles. However if you wanna try and use it for real serious conditions, you may need a really high dose as well. My recommendations: Buy a high quality full spectrum oil (which contains a bit of THC and thus is more effective); keep it at room temperature; shake every time before use; start slowly: one drop under your tongue and wait for 1 to 2 minutes; increase later and see how it feels. Enjoy!
  2. @levani One bottle is about 20€ and lasts between 4 and 8 weeks depending on how much I use it. At the beginning I sprayed twice in every nostril three times a day, now I only spray once because my breathing got a lot better. It’s incredibly effective and has no side effects.
  3. @Shiva99 Like half a year ago I was in a similar situation like you. I tried so hard to improve myself yet nothing seemed to work... fast forward, nowadays I sometimes can’t even remember what the problem was. I like the suggestions of the others. Have you tried any of the stuff? I agree with @susanyzm that Kriya Yoga is really helpful. I can recommend to you Forrest Knutson’s YouTube channel. Try this for relaxation: And this for finding and cleaning your chakras: Good luck and much love ?
  4. I absolutely love running out in nature and afterwards listening to spiritual music by Kevin James and practicing Mahamudra stretching:
  5. I’ve been suffering from a chronic sinusitis for more than ten years. The surgery did help only a bit. What I can recommend to you or anyone who’s got breathing problems: Plasma Liquid spray (that’s what it’s called in Europe. The important ingredient is cold plasma). It’s a relatively new invention and an awesome quick fix. The liquid moisturizes your sinuses and kills bacteria and viruses, and may even prevent you from getting COVID-19.
  6. @Leo GuraAlexander Wendt would be an awesome interview partner. He’s a well-respected and very openminded political scientist and has talked about quantum physics and UFOs.
  7. @Happy Jay Do you experience flu-like symptoms as well? Then you should also check out the Postorgasmic illness syndrome.
  8. Sure, it’s important to be skeptical. Still, did you watch the video in vitamin D that I posted above? Rhonda Patrick makes a strong case in favor of taking vitamin D supplements.
  9. @datamonster @Hansu Exactly. All of this is so obvious, and still these organizations don’t want people to take vitamin D. It’s frustrating.
  10. I guess the thing is that nowadays we’ve got many awesome tools available that people did not have in the past. So why not use them? Is it also unnatural to use a computer or to have heating at your home? In reality, it is very difficult to have sufficient levels of all vitamins at all times. I also believe that the whole point of personal development is not to only be “alright”, but to be super healthy, energetic, conscious. And there are many supplement out there that can support you in that.
  11. Yes, you’re right about this. Imagine you’re a man with a severe deficiency in testosterone. That’s about what it’d be like to have a vitamin D deficiency. According to Rhonda Patrick, African-Americans are 28 times more likely to be vitamin D deficient than caucasians in the U.S. She brilliantly illustrates the importance of vitamin D here:
  12. Chronic sinusitis (for more than ten years): being able to smell very little and always having to breathe through my mouth which is especially bad while sleeping. Catching coldes all the time. Digestion issues (for about a year): diarrhea after eating, constantly feeling hungry. Eating a lot and losing weight. At some point I could only eat potatoes and carrots.... I’ve recovered from the worst part of these issues. This stuff turned out to be symptoms of me feeling constantly overwhelmed. I almost burned out but eventually I took time off to heal and meditate a lot. It has been totally worth it so far
  13. Yes, changing the environment is very powerful! My case is perhaps a bit more extreme than you imagine to change your environment, but here you go: I've lived in four different countries, both in environments gravitating towards stage blue (Russia, Hungary) and leaning towards stage green (Germany, The Netherlands). All of this has pulled me more and more towards stage green/yellow, also because I was exposed to so many perspectives.
  14. I agree with all of you who suggested to live frugally, and I have always tended to live that way. However, how do you balance that with investing in yourself and not being cheap (as Leo rightly proposes)? Still haven't figured that out for myself totally.
  15. Have you ever heard of "Highly Sensitive People" or "Empaths"? This mirroring of others and almost "missing" of a self is a common trait of those people (including myself).
  16. @Moreira I am a HSP, too, but only found out about it about a month ago. Finally, I could understand why I was different than the others, why life was such a struggle, and why forcing myself to be tough actually makes things worse. From what I understand, emotional (and physical) healing is the most important part for an HSP, if you want to go anywhere in life. If this part isn't in place, then it seems almost impossible or at least terribly painful to do all the hard work associated with a Life Purpose. So, I'll take a year or so off to heal my wounds, ideally somewhere where the weather is nice and the cost of living is low Something like this would be probably a good idea to consider for your friend. As a first aid for all the crippling emotions though, I'd definitely recommend practising the Sedona Method.
  17. "I don't tolerate racism and xenophobia! I have no comprehension for those fools! There is no hesitating, I march forward on that! My attack is powerful and dynamic! I defend myself, if I have to I do front kicks! That's my style of moral courage! I stay being radical and anti-fascist!" Irie Révoltés is mainly popular in the German speaking countries, but they sing in German and French which shows their cosmopolitanism. The band is the voice of a politically active youth which heavily leans towards Stage Green; their songs criticise capitalism, consumerism and fascism.