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Everything posted by Joshe

  1. I think he’s planning a 3rd term. I saw a commercial on TV today that was painting Trump as a strong, driven leader whose doing everything in his might to deliver a better country for the American people. It seemed like a campaign ad. I think they’re gonna attempt to propagandize the citizenry in hopes of getting enough support for a 3rd term. Their reasoning will probably be something like “The 2-term limit rule is only fair if the terms are consecutive. Trump didn’t get two consecutive terms, so he should get a chance to see how he can turn things around with two consecutive terms because that’s only fair”. The American people can definitely be manipulated into accepting this if they’re properly propagandized for the next 3.75 years.
  2. Haha. A rape conviction will soon be an unspoken requirement and political consultants will handicap you if you don’t have one.
  3. This is good to keep in mind. On the whole, really nice work. Thank you!
  4. They're far from bored. They're narcissists who hit the narcissistic supply jackpot. After watching the video above, I imagine that If they get bored, they just blink their way out of the current matrix and into a future reality where boredom doesn't exist. These mother fuckers are retards.
  5. On one hand, Christianity can be as beautiful as other high teachings, but on the other, the teachings have been bastardized so bad that it is one of the largest contributors of continued suffering on the planet. It’s current form is diametrically opposed to truth and integrity. My sister and her whole family feared hell so much, their lives now look like something out of a Christian cult movie. They’re so far gone, they ain’t ever coming back. It has robbed humanity of way more than it will ever provide. It’s modern form deserves to be rejected and condemned, IMO.
  6. I first saw him several years back as a key contributor at a SAND conference and just figured he was legit spiritual. Some of his skits were funny around that time as he was poking fun at the spiritual ego and things like that. Then one day I got on YT and saw one of his thumbnails had Biden in ugly fluorescent light and Trump right next to him in a nice yellow glow. lol. That was my first clue. I figured maybe it was just a fluke with images or something, but that was soon proven false. Strange AF.
  7. If they weren't famous and you ran into them out in the real world, your first impression of them would be the correct one, which would be something like "arrogant, rude, dismissive, entitled, think their shit don't stink, bullies, flashy and loud braggarts". In a world where no one knew them, this would be the first impression most people would have of the Tate brothers, and it would be correct. It's only after you run your culture war program that your mind starts to view the despicable in a good light.
  8. This reminded me of this: "Traditional virtue often involves conscious effort - trying to be good, kind, or ethical through willpower and intention. It's like constantly checking yourself against a moral compass and adjusting your behavior accordingly. Natural virtue," by contrast, emerges spontaneously from clear perception and understanding. When you truly see a situation clearly, the right action presents itself as the most straightforward and practical response. Vernon Howard told a story about a young man who kept getting pulled over for not wearing his seatbelt. Each time, he was baffled, convinced the cops were unfairly targeting him. But the truth was—he wasn't seeing reality clearly. The law existed for his protection, not to restrict his freedom. If he had truly understood the situation rather than resisting it, wearing the seatbelt wouldn't have felt like an external rule to follow—it would have simply been the obvious thing to do, like carrying an umbrella in the rain or wearing a coat in winter. His resistance wasn't to the rule itself, but to his misperception of why the rule existed. This explains why wisdom is so valuable. It transforms virtue from a constant effort of will into a natural expression of clear understanding. Instead of being caught in the chaotic cycle of desire, moral calculation, and bad outcomes, the wise person is spared the headache of constantly colliding with reality. When we see clearly (wisdom), our actions naturally harmonize with how things actually are. This alignment with reality has several benefits: It eliminates the internal conflict that comes from fighting against what is. The young man fighting the seatbelt law creates his own suffering through resistance to reality. It resolves the artificial separation between knowing what's right and doing what's right. When perception is clear, action follows naturally without the need for willpower or moral calculation. It creates a kind of freedom—not freedom from rules, but freedom from the constant internal struggle of forcing ourselves to comply with external standards. (reminds me of House, M.D. ) " This is why wisdom is so badass. It's freedom.
  9. Of course it's possible and very logical (which is why it's effective), but it's not consistent with his character. What's more consistent, Tucker is willing to spend 2 years chasing after Truth or Tucker is fabricating stories to gain even more influence in the space he's been intentionally grifting for years? I think your default starting position should be the latter. To assume a professional liar is telling the truth here seems like bad thinking.
  10. Tucker and Russell Brand have been joining each other on speaking engagements. It’s not a coincidence both of these grifters have recently been making public spectacles of Christianity. Tucker’s story is most likely fabricated. Does this sound true : Tucker was so stricken by the incident that it prompted him to begin his quest to understand reality and it just so happened to lead him to reading the Bible in solitude for 2 years, and he intentionally avoided being influenced by preacher men because he needed to make sure he wasn’t led astray. Lol. That’s hilarious. Tucker is conscious of his own bullshit and my guess is he accepts it as part of his apex predator mindset. Not everyone is doing the best they can. Some people knowingly embrace falsehood, and Tucker is one of them.
  11. I'm gonna check this video out but I feel like diving into all these factors takes your eye off the root causes. Like, there's a reason those factors are factors. What REALLY happened here was you had two key factors: 1) Low level of development, stupidity and ignorance 2) The exploitation and manipulation of those Americans are unwitting victims of stupidity, ignorance, propaganda, manipulation, and deception. The fact that the American people chose a guy who, out in the open, attempted to coup the U.S—without recognizing the truth or its implications—reveals the extent of the manipulation that took place. When you grasp the scale of this deception, the key factors are clear. Aside from culture war entertainment and identity building, Trump voters were largely not interested in politics and didn't/don't care what happens to any part of the world so long as their ignorance is allowed to persist and if anything bad happens, it happens "over there". Kamala Harris comes on the scene and the apolitical fools are all of sudden interested in politics and want to know what Kamala will do to improve the state of things. lol. All of sudden, they put on their thinking caps and took this politics thing seriously. 🤦‍♂️They started learning about the economy and all sorts of stuff and they chose Trump because he was the clear winner. These are the stupidest ideas I've ever heard. It is all about vibes, but more importantly, the manipulation of vibes. Probably half the people who voted for Trump because of "the economy" are now tariff sympathizers who are all about that long-game. When the "economy" voters double down on Trump instead of denounce the policies that hurt them... that's vibes, right? Trump’s win is a symptom of mass propaganda and manipulation of public perception rather than a legitimate ideological contest. Falsehoods were pounded into the American psyche so effectively and by so many, the unwitting American didn't stand a chance at knowing what was true. So yeah, The Dems need to face that, as well as everyone else, but it's too much truth to handle, so no. IMO, there should be no compromise with falsehood. The falsehoods people embraced should not be "accepted" by the Dems. This itself would corrupt the Dems even further. While the Right is carving out channels of corruption at scale, now is the perfect time for the Dems to rid themselves of their own corruption and come back with more integrity than before, but that's not gonna happen, at least not as effectively as it could.
  12. Elon now buying swing state governments, supreme courts, etc.
  13. Yeah, I see what you mean. It's totally feasible that Musk transcends mortality and becomes a cyborg space emperor.
  14. Yeah, because he'll be alive to witness the merging of titanium and flesh. Nanofibers serving as not only the structural connection, but also the data transfer mechanism that allows man's brain to control his cyborg arm as if it were his natural appendage. You're right. Musk probably has it all planned out so that it makes perfect sense.
  15. Life on Mars would be like life on earth except much worse. There’d be more deaths from environmental factors, a more agitated people than those on earth, whose only horizon is a red baron wasteland or something artificial. Have you noticed how difficult a time humans have with being physically and psychologically healthy in their own natural environment? What do you think happens when you put them in an unnatural, artificial environment where their rights and freedoms are necessarily stripped away for survival purposes? This whole colonize mars idea might be good fantasy but all those who share in it would be fighting each other to escape it after a few months or a couple of years at most. All that would need to happen is something sharp pierce the balloon that is their fantasy or the balloon that is their bio dome, lol, and they'd be killing each other for tickets back home. Horrible idea. Now, if you want to take a dedicated team of scientists who were willing to devote their lives to that mission, that's doable, but if the goal is to populate Mars with the citizens of earth, that's just a dumb idea at this point in time and likely will remain a dumb idea for tens of thousands of years, if not forever. Maybe the planet could be put to good use, but trying to make it a hospitable place for humans to call home isn’t one of them.
  16. Did you miss those times he claimed to be one of the world's best gamers, only to be exposed for paying for leveled-up accounts, all just to deceive you? If not, it’s odd how you cannot see why he’d lie to you.
  17. It might actually be good for him strategically. The Christians would feel no guilt or shame in supporting him for a 3rd, 4th, or 5th term if he built a massive monument to their idol on the White House lawn.
  18. Yeah, they can't be 100% other side bad. But maybe 70/30 or 80/20. I agree the remaining focus should be a barrage of populism. I'm not sure the best way to balance it but I know getting the balance right is crucial. Maybe stagger smear and populist campaigns. People get tired of hearing the same message over and over and they end up tuning out or dismissing the message, so stagger smear campaigns with populist campaigns and have dynamic campaigns ready for launch to capitalize on Republican blunders. They should also build coalitions with people like MediasTouch, The Lincoln Project, and all other online influencers so they can coordinate messaging to improve campaign effectiveness. You'd think with pockets as deep as the Dems they wouldn't have trouble finding someone to give them good advice.
  19. I don't see this topic get enough attention so I figured I share this. I was too lazy to do the writing, so here's Claude "I recently came across an article from NATO's Strategic Communications journal titled "It's Time to Embrace Memetic Warfare" by Jeff Giesea. While focused on military applications against terrorist groups like ISIS, it provides a fascinating primer on what memetic warfare actually is: Memetic warfare is competition over narrative, ideas, and social control in a social-media battlefield. The article explains how memes and social media can be weaponized to shape public opinion and influence behavior. It describes tactics like creating viral hashtag campaigns, undermining enemy narratives, and using emotionally-resonant content to spread particular viewpoints. While the article argues for these techniques in counter-terrorism, it got me thinking about how these same strategies could be used domestically. Certain billionaires, like Peter Thiel, are deeply interested in mimetic theory (the study of how ideas spread through imitation) and are simultaneously pouring millions into alternative media platforms and paying contracts to influential content creators who promote very specific worldviews. Thiel has: Studied memetic theory extensively and sought out experts in the field Created a network of funded political candidates Invested heavily in alternative media platforms Paid substantial contracts to right-wing influencers Was a student of Rene Girard, the father of mimetic theory. Thiel idolized Girard and even went to his funeral. When someone with virtually unlimited resources develops expertise in how ideas spread virally and then builds an infrastructure to disseminate specific ideas, we should be concerned. This isn't simply advocating for a viewpoint - it's engineering public opinion using sophisticated understanding of social influence while obscuring the full extent of the operation. Democratic discourse depends on transparency about who is promoting ideas and why. When billionaires create elaborate influence networks based on memetic principles, they're not participating in the marketplace of ideas - they're trying to own and control it." Who else do you hear talk about memes? Musk. IMO, controlling the public narrative was the whole point of buying Twitter.
  20. @Hardkill maybe it’s time the Dems step up their memetic warfare game. I think the Dems need to rebrand. Stop talking so much about social issues and civil rights and focus on Republican devilry. That’s the winning strategy. Every time they talk about someone who isn’t white or straight, they dig their hole deeper. Lol
  21. It's typically frowned upon to invade the personal space of people you don't know. It would only work if you were very attractive.