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Everything posted by UNZARI

  1. These are beautiful man, have you ever considered becoming a tattoo artist? I mean seriously you already have the skill. You could still do personal pieces but in the meantime provide people beautiful art for their body. You could use that money to live off of or to invest back into your craft. either way amazing art man!
  2. @Leo Gura it makes me sad when people take the “everything is a scam by the government” approach thinking it’s smart and rebellious. I questioned if covid was real in the beginning cause I wasn’t living in the city until someone at my workplace died, that’s when I realized you have to think about both sides. Wish they did the same not everything is a hoax
  3. @DIDego wow that’s true I never really thought about it that way. I’m very passionate about my art and maybe I’m still working by playing games (of course I still do enjoy them for themselves) during the 3-4 year break I started doing graphic design and focusing on a relationship in highschool with a girl I’m still in love with 5 years later. I feel like Leo’s videos, my girlfriend, and art replaced video games in that period. graphic design is still something I love as well as making music. I have no hobbies that don’t relate to art in some way.
  4. @mememe I agree and thank you. I don’t think it’s gotten to the point where I need a rehab center but that definitely an option. Eventually I want to get to the root cause. I’ve been addicted to at least 1 thing my entire life. Games, sugar, tv, cigarettes, cocaine, social media, caffeine, talking to girls, even Leo’s videos. I want to get to a point where I don’t need anything to be satisfied
  5. @Leo Gura does playing chess count as healthy alternative? Lol I fuckin love chess it’s pretty high quality too naw but I definitely have gotten better with media consumption. I deleted all of my personal social media’s and only kept YouTube and this forum for healthy information. The games I play right now are challenging and engaging mentally but they still leave me feeling hollow inside. thank you man I think I will slowly (or quickly if possible) replace playing with meditation or force myself to write or draw instead. I feel this gaming addiction arose because I deleted social media because I was very addicted to those, since I was in 6th grade
  6. @DIDego good point honestly. I will give myself credit in that when I play the games I study the 3D models they used and think about how they made them
  7. @DIDego Hey! basically making 3D models n stuff. I make models for people for money and I also make personal art pieces. Another way of saying it is digital art
  8. @diamondpenguin I just looked this up. If you went through this process, was it lengthy or is it something I can get into rather quickly (a few months)? What’s it like?
  9. @Leo Gura that’s right I remember in one episode you said something about a monk staring at a Buddha statue for months and it began moving to him. I think that really helps to put psychedelics in perspective or any hallucinations in general. As you say it’s the fluidity of consciousness would you say: More consciousness=More fluidity? When I’m dreaming am I technically more conscious because my imagination is full throttle?
  10. @Leo Gura I have virtually the same thing only it’s over my daily vision but definitely gets crazier when I close my eyes. I was worried at first I definitely had to embrace it, it’s kinda beautiful. Sometimes I can imagine life-like scenes on my walls. Helps with art
  11. @Leo Gura But leoooooo ppl are gonna use this against you and claim ur a Holocaust denier lmaoo. I love the ballsy examples and claims you make in your videos but There’s no way other YouTubers are gonna let this one slide hahahah
  12. Hey guys I just wanted to maybe get some suggestions or help on my current situation, first time being on this side of the forum. Anyway here’s some of my symptoms that have been reoccurring: -extreme fatigue in the morning, sometimes I don’t feel energized until nighttime -swollen lymph nodes -complete lack of motivation Now of course this could be a million different things, and I’m honestly pretty sure it’s my diet. However these problems are a deep hole. I’m very poor and can only afford microwave food. My mind wants to get the money I need for better food but it feels like my body is broken. A good day for me is finally cleaning my house and taking my dog outside, or doing doordash for money. For example today I was planning on cleaning the whole house, I started cleaning yesterday. I woke up and all my muscles felt worn like I ran a marathon. It makes me depressed because I feel like a loser that can’t get anything done. The only things I can accomplish when I feel like this are things I can do while sitting down, like make art. I’ll be financially okay for now but I’m worried if this continues down road, I have big dreams for my art business which is doing okay but I don’t want it to fail on account of whatever’s wrong with me.
  13. @Matt23 you reminding me of things I have done really helped a lot, I finally got to cleaning the house so thank you :). But I actually have tried blood tests but I found it hard to follow through because of the fatigue. I think I just need to push through it and get it done
  14. @Windappreciator bro if ur so woke go do it and make a YouTube channel about it. Give me a break
  15. i am a 3d artist with a deep passion. I have a friend who’s trying to get me into NFTs. I see it as a silly trend that will pass. All you see are just people coming out of the woodworks desperately making digital art that is low quality and bland and/or just copying Beeple. My question is just: would any of it be worth getting into?
  16. @7thLetter that’s cool to hear man, I didn’t mean to come off as totally dismissive, just skeptical. I hope to learn more and maybe try it for myself, thanks for the perspective
  17. Just stop giving this guy attention he’s just looking for a way to leech off of a bigger channel for views. He really has nothing better to do than spread highschool drama on YouTube. Forget him lol
  18. hey man i feel u. you gotta think though that all other animals kill to survive. theres a thrill to hunting. as you say yourself, you love doing it. i think as long as youre not hunting endangered species and/or screwing up the ecosystem your absolutely okay.
  19. I’ve had this problem lol. But I Found a girl who is okay with that fetish and ironically ended up being able to have great normal sex with her. That’s just me but I think it could be more of a problem of who you’re sleeping with. My logic being that once you find someone who’s very open, you may get comfortable with other girls. Like maybe you could get turned on by her feet first then start fucking her? Trouble shoot it, even if you both have to be drunk to do it haha
  20. Do one with psyched substance lol I’m sure he’d love to talk about anything with you. Would be kinda funny to
  21. Drunk angry people like that are so fucked. This girl tried hitting on me and got angry with me out of nowhere. Started talking shit and putting her hands on me. I told her to fuck off and pushed her and she went crazy started fucking with everyone else. anyway the lesson should be love people but love yourself as well. Use anger as a way to get them to stop if they’re attempting to hurt you. Never take that kind of shit from people that’s not fair to you do you think the Buddha or Christ were just pushovers or doormats? Hell no they new when people crossed a line, they just prob forgave them for being stupid afterwards lol
  22. Only a few months after high school I moved to nevada as an adventure. I lived off grid and was happy and had a lot going on to keep me enthralled. However 6 months ago I returned to my hometown to settle down for a little bit and to socialize and have fun like I used to. I quickly realized that it wasn’t the same as it was especially because of covid. I wasn’t forced everyday to see my friends or them me like in school, let alone anyone. I quickly escaped the emotions it gave me by taking kratom. On kratom I was a zombie for about 6 months. After shitty withdrawals I finally quit and now it feels like my life is going nowhere. Not financially or anything but just... is this it? The loneliness is almost crippling. I still have my girlfriend but it’s nearly the same thing everyday, so as much as I enjoy her company this emptiness won’t go away. It feels like I had a life back in school or at least nevada but now I’m left with nothing. I keep trying to tell myself it’ll end when COVID does. But I feel like I’m kidding myself. Even when I distract myself with my art or working there’s always a moment in the day when I’m alone in the house. In a room that feels like loneliness for eternity. God I hope it’s just the withdrawals, cause I definitely like being alone sometimes but for whatever reason this is killing me can anyone relate?
  23. This is crazy man hope ur alright. Sounds amazing but terrifying
  24. @Mafortu idc what anyone says episode 3 is godly. So many memorable lines and its so over dramatic lol. 1 and 2 were forgettable but the appearance of darth maul in 1 was amazing, at least to me when I was younger