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Everything posted by UNZARI

  1. https://youtube.com/@dmackler58 I found this channel a few days ago and have watched so many videos. It was similar to finding Leo’s channel for the first time, a true gem
  2. Recently started college and have my first psychology class. Since I’ve been gorging on Leo’s content for the past 5 years, the class is so easy and fun. I already know so many terms and concepts because of the videos that even if I don’t know something specific, I can usually make a good educated guess. We have a quiz coming up called “states of consciousness” and my mouth is watering ?
  3. Yup it’s all or nothing. My friend legit made music his life. He works at a drum shop and teaches music to kids, went to college for music, started a band and got with a record label, does music videos, manages all his social media and does promoting through the label. It’s insane and he’s just now starting to see some success!
  4. Lol I remember a long time ago leo saying that the new elder scrolls game suck and that morrowind was the pinnacle. Understandable if you have a lot of fond memories of it. Mine was skyrim cause I was too young when morrow wind and oblivion came out. Many memories of playing it for days at a time over summer vacation. I got my partner addicted to it last year lol How r u liking it? What race and class do u like?
  5. Ever since I tried my first energy drink back in the day I loved the effects of stimulants and became interested in drugs in general. In highschool I picked up a coke addiction from a tattoo artist and loved the social abilities it gave me and just the pure energy as I am a mostly quiet and mellow person. But I thankfully got off of coke after a great acid trip after realizing how I had been hurting my family. However i had tried kratom once a few years back so once I saw it in a smoke shop in capsules I just had to try it again out of curiosity. The first time trying it I felt extremely talkative, empathetic, and ended up cleaning my room for 5 hours. Over the past year it’s slowly become an everyday thing. First I only took it at work for energy, then on special occasions, then when I had downtime, now all day im obsessed because it’s stimulating like coke but you actually can empathize with others, get shit done, and for me it helps greatly with social anxiety. I also was addicted to hydrocodone before for a short period and it also mimics those effects as well (warm itchy face, warm sedation). I don’t take a ridiculous amount everyday, maybe 7-8 grams tops. But some days I feel gross just constantly pumping this shit down my throat Are there any long lasting techniques for addiction? How can I let this go? It feels at this point like it’s apart of my identity ?❤️
  6. Hey man I empathize with you because I’ve been wanting to quit vaping (I jumped from cigs to vaping a few years back). I’ve tried cold turkey and apparently I’m one of the few people who get horrible anxiety and mild hallucinations from nicotine withdrawals, so I know how hard it is to jump. I seriously recommend you get some nicotine patches and find something that can occupy your mouth and hands like leo said. with the patches, don’t think of it as another vice. You gotta change your mindset to “I’m fucking ready to quit, no matter what happens”. You need to set yourself up for success, you’ve already tried quitting before so you won’t be blindsided by anything this time hoped that helps at all! Good luck man you got this!!
  7. @Leo Gura is this why I get a weird existential fear when I stare into the sky or space at night? I get feelings of beauty ofc as well but sometimes it’s just this feeling that it’s just so fucking big like how do we just ignore this massive void above us and live our lives normally lmao
  8. I can speak from experience that penis envy is ridiculously more potent. I took what I thought would be a small dose that would be very light and ended up tripping harder than I ever had before lol. I also notice that penis envy has a very heavy cathartic body load
  9. @Razard86 this entire take is just cringeworthy
  10. @Leo Gura just curious, do you have anything to say about dissociation itself? I’ve experienced it many times throughout my life drug induced and sober. Idk if it’s genetic or what but it’s such a strange state of consciousness, it can feel wonderful and calming or absolutely terrifying. Do you think it has any existential dimensions?
  11. I’m 20 years old and have finally gotten on food stamps so I can afford to buy more food. I’ve been eating complete garbage for over a year because Ive been poor and struggle with bouts of depression I can tell my body just wants good meat and vegetables. I don’t want some ridiculous diet with 3,000 supplements and super foods. I just want good ol meat and veggies what are some good easy dishes I can start with? What are some options I can have so I don’t get tempting to go back to junk food? im open to really most things just as long as it’s not too expensive or hard to prepare (for now at least) thanks!
  12. I finally have the house to myself. But I was getting depressed because all I did today was sit inside. I started thinking about the fun stuff I used to do and became really upset In the midst of all this a powerful silence came over me. Everything was so still. There was a great sense of relief. But then it kept getting more real. I had the sensation that I was seeing what was really there, behind the veil of my mind it was an existential terror that I had gotten from weed many times years ago. But this time I breathed deep and accepted it. When it passed, it was just a matter of fact. My mind was telling story after story and I couldn’t see past it until now
  13. Forgot to mention I’ve been eating lots of nuts and oats as snacks. I hope that’s a good start. Ideally I want my meals to be meat and veggies and have nuts as snacks. I’m honestly intimidated by trying to eat healthy because of how many conflicting ideas there are which is why I want something simple and intuitive to my body.
  14. As the title says I’ve been cutting corners at my new job. I’m worried at some point they will have had enough and I’ll get fired. I work as someone in charge of a store’s inventory and boxes. I don’t completely fuck them over everyday by any means. I do my job completely well majority of the time. But there are times where I know I’m bullshitting them or making excuses so I have an easier day. today was one of those days. I didn’t fill the cash register with enough change so they were short, and I didn’t bring enough boxes to one of the stores. It’s not the end of the world because the stores aren’t that busy so they can send someone else if they really need to. But I of course still bad. Feels icky. Made things confusing for someone. I have chronic fatigue from a suspected infection, and I’m seeing a doctor this week. In the moment I know what the right thing to do is, but I’m so fucking lethargic that the idea of doing it is monumental. Some days I kill it at work, others I just want to work bare minimum then go home. Any thoughts?
  15. My self esteem has been very very low the past 6 months. I was practically unemployed barely scraping by and I almost never left the house. The cherry on top was when my girlfriend expressed how bad it affected her. It broke my heart and I knew I needed to change or she would leave me. In the past month I’ve made large strides in changing. I have 2 jobs now. I buy her gifts and go out with her all the time. I will also finally start therapy next month. But the past couple of months were pretty traumatizing in a way. I became very suicidal, and didn’t really tell anyone about it. To be clear, I’ve struggled with depression for most of my life. I just haven’t had suicidal thoughts until all of this. It felt like I had ruined all the goods things I had in my life. So even though I’m doing better now, I’m still suffering through all of these feelings of anguish, self loathing, and paranoia. Sometimes I feel better about myself, but other times I feel very insecure. What are some things I can start doing today that will help? Thank you
  16. @SonataAllegro I slowly told her when i first started to work on the problem. She was very accepting and non judgmental. I tried to do it in a way that wasn’t too overbearing. But I’m sure I came off as pathetic sometimes (which only adds to my insecurities lol). But for about 2 months I’ve barely talked about how I feel so I think I do need to just express that I’m dealing with the fallout of what went on
  17. I’ve been struggling with the realization that my art doesn’t matter. Most of the time I can get past it. But sometimes it really hurts me. if I spend years learning to paint and to perfect that craft. My painting MIGHT just hang on someone’s wall. Maybe a few people will think it’s pretty then move on with their day. at least if I was a really good musician my songs could make people cry or make them happy. to be clear, I make music and visual art. Sometimes it just seems like what the hell is the point? Yes I do get joy from making it , but sometimes the finished work is just meaningless
  18. Today I had an emotional burst and did a lot of crying and letting go. I realized how many negative stories and beliefs I had been holding for so long. Your mind can tell you anything. You often don’t even question it, because it’s you! You trust yourself right? Think again, and again. Youll convince yourself that your negative stories are somehow helpful or making progress when they themselves are the problem. Of course it goes much deeper than this but I can’t even articulate the rest into words. Our minds are so crazy it’s scary.
  19. I used to play games a lot when I was younger to escape my feelings cause I was abused. After watching Leo I took a longgggg break, like 3-4 years cause I was focusing on my life. recently however, I’ve been just in a loop of playing 2-3 games periodically throughout the day, just binging it. I still get my shit done like cleaning the house and getting money for rent. It just feels like I’m stuck u know? ive seen leo say “just play until you’re disgusted with yourself” yet I feel like I’m already at that point but I still can’t stop. I’m a 3D artist and I feel like I burnt myself out cause I was going really hard for 2 months straight. Maybe I need this break? any suggestions?
  20. I’m not sure how long it will last. I’ve only ever seen this on MDMA. Everyone is me. I don’t mean it conceptually I’m staring at my girlfriend recognizing she is me. Deep empathy. I’ve been scarred, we have all have at different degrees. We push away love. We can’t see it. I probably will fall back into the illusion again until I come around but that’s okay. what a gift
  21. I’ve been doing graphic design for 4 years now (since I was 16, 20 now). I am tired of these dead end jobs and being broke. I have ADHD and am still in the process of getting help for it, I’ve been in a rough spot stuck trying to find jobs at the same time. I’m living off of my savings right now and doordash so I’m okay, but I want to take my graphic design to a new level. I’ve had several people (strangers) tell me I’m their favorite artist. I know I can really fucking do this. I can do commercial or personal designs. I’ve had this skill for so long I somehow didn’t consider it was profitable. If you guys can help with any advice, gameplans, links, or anything like that it would be greatly appreciated! I’m tired of being a nobody
  22. @Sahil Pandit thats the thing.. I have a decent portfolio full of work but most of it is pretty strange (lots of people like it) but I doubt it would appeal to any companies. What I lack I think is just doing jobs for many different people. But to be honest, ideally I want to make stuff for bands/musicians in some way. I’m even making music myself just to bridge the gap so I can make sick album covers and merch for myself lol. Perhaps I can find a place that focuses on art for musicians, or make one. I would hate to work for some boring corporate place
  23. Is it possible to make yourself into a vessel of love? I’ve done MDMA, acid, and shrooms and there’s always been a moment or the entire trip where the veil of ego gets ripped down and all I see is love. Anyone around me I instantly express my gratitude to, and the place I’m in becomes magical in every way. I haven’t tripped in a while but just now I had this love realization again, and it always puts tears of joy in my eyes. Love is all that matters in the end. Why does the human ego not like love all the time? It makes you and everyone around you feel good, so how is love not practical for an ego?
  24. @Tim R wow thanks I never thought of it like that. Humans are in quite a bind huh. We have a natural force in us that clouds our vision of our own selves as love. Crazy to wrap your head around
  25. @Leo Gura lol good point. I guess the solution is to admire from a distance? Have a rational caution of your surroundings but love as much as possible