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Everything posted by nistake

  1. I'm sure it must have been frightening, but relax, it's all good. Lay off the psyhedelics for a while and do some sober purifying work. Meditation, yoga, journaling, emotion work, etc.
  2. Take into account that you don't know Leo at all. He may be completely different when it comes to his private life.
  3. @KGrimes Yeah, it tends to be intensive. I just feel into it as much as possible and after a while it subsides on its own.
  4. @levani Different sorts of traumas may surface, heavy egoic reactions, long term ego backlash, dark night of the soul. Just to name a few. Anyway, if you have some sort of established spiritual practise and pace yourself, you're gonna be just fine. Don't worry about "dying" and stuff like that.
  5. @levani If you have lots of unconscious shadow material in your psyche and all sorts of attachments, then yes, it can be pretty hardcore.
  6. @Eren Eeager Maybe squint your eyes or try opening the images and zoom out with scrolling
  7. I know the struggle and I contemplated this a lot. What really helped me was Adyashanti's take on it. Especially the end drove it home for me. The highest spiritual "practise" ?
  8. Yup, I sometimes experience this exact phenomenon too. For me, it usually happens when some unconscious emotion/fear/desire is released and usually comes with heavy bodily sensations (erection, rapid breathing, little bit of shaking, etc). I'd say feel into it as possible when it happens, but don't resist it, don't cling to it either. Just notice and accept it when it comes and continue your practise.
  9. Hang in there, you're fine and healing is completely possible. Have you looked at shadow work? It helps you identify your hidden traumas and serious limiting beliefs, thus you're able to heal yourself. Leo has a dense and detailed book on it on his booklist, but I prefer Existential Kink by Carolyn Elliott.
  10. Investigate your reasons for the goals you have in life and see if you can be completely okay or not if they never become fulfilled.
  11. Was watching a video and I noticed this cool looking symbol: After zooming out:
  12. Having a fulfilling and well-organized life all around. Spiritually, emotionally and yeah, even financially. Of course, this is a lot easier said than done, but you're in the right place. Being together with a self-actualized person is a the highest value in and of itself.
  13. Really great thread! I'd add one more rule though: you can only post your artwork if you review at least one artwork from others. @Thought Art The guitar riff is pretty good although it gets a bit repetative after a while. The vocals could use more power and maybe more reverb/delay. Other than these, great relaxing stuff. @aurum Nice track! It has a strong synthwave feel to it. I like the way you used the pads/synths, but for my taste, the kick could be louder and punchier. Here's my latest 3D piece that I finished:
  14. @Someone here Well, if you arrive to a point in your spiritual journey when you completely realize that your true nature is the silent, still and never-changing present moment, you'll have your answer. I don't mean this in a condescending way though, I've only had glimpses of this. I usually contemplate the circle of Life. If you really think about it, death doesn't really exist. Change of form would be much more appropriate. Here's a great quote from Eckhart Tolle:
  15. A and B are the same color. - 5:11
  16. Yup, death is the ultimate fear of the finite mind. Spiritual awakening is the solution, there's no another way around it.
  17. There's one thing I'd be cautious about though. If you start seeking infinite love/consciousness in the future, you can easily fall into the trap of "when am I getting there?", thus running in circles for years or even decades. No matter what spiritual practise you do, always be mindful of future projections.