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Everything posted by Mada_

  1. A Night of Infield Myself and a friend of mine went out the other night, as lockdowns have lifted to the point where we go out at night in the CBD. We went to the casino, main clubbing district, and various bars with the intention of approaching and starting a conversation with 10 women before the night was over. My god was this difficult. My intention for getting into pickup is that I want to overcome the fear of talking to women that I don't know, because if I maintain this anxiety, it's an unnecessary limitation. I also want to develop the 'Game' skillset, because when I do meet an awesome person, I would like to be confident in my ability to court her. Also, I enjoy sex, and pickup would increase my sexual options. As we aren't that experienced with pickup theory (I've been listening to a summary of Rules of The Game by Neil Strauss, and my friend has been listening to The Mystery Method, neither of us have completed the entire books), we decided to give ourselves credit for just starting conversations with girls, no matter the topic, considering it was our first night out. Key Lessons 1. Girls don't seem to like obvious pickup line type openings I went up to a few girls and asked "Are you a Virgo? I've been looking for a Virgo all night". One of them just gave me a disgusted look and kept walking. Another group of a few girls just kind of joked with me by saying "I'm a Capsicorm", kind of making fun of me in a way. 2. Girls like being engaged in some sort of game or activity-like conversation I stopped a couple girls as said "you girls look very stylish, would you rate mine and my friends' outfits in sequential order. I did this to two different pairs of girls, and they really seemed to like (also got some helpful fashion advice I guess haha). 3. There is so much resistance towards approaching people. I literally like froze in anxiety before approaching some people. There is so much gusto that goes into sparking a random conversation with a stranger. 4. Girls seem to respond to playfulness and confidence. My friend was going up to groups of girl saying "have you seen a fat red cat, he's mine and his name is Joe", and they loved it, they would say things like "that's a terrible name for a cat". A girl initiated exchanging Instagram accounts. All in all, we approached 10 girls/groups of girls. We had some very fleeting conversations, and others were longer and more engaged. But this was a massive step forward, the first night I did this I manage about 2 girls. I showed myself that it was more than possible to up the quantity, and also how much there is to learn to develop this skillset.
  2. Me and my band-mates in highschool wouldn't go to a gig without musicians earplugs haha. They have a little hole in them so they don't block sound altogether, still able to hold conversation. I would recommend you buy some clear ones form any music shop, then you can cut the ends off so they don't stick out as much (just search in google images musician's earplugs, you'll see what I mean).
  3. I think this is a good topic, I think about this all the time. If Walter White was passionate about making meth, would this justify selling it? Probably not I'd say. The value of such products are based on temporary pleasure, but with the downside of physical harm. The same goes for the "tasty" food and drink industry. There is a book called 'The Pleasure Trap' that explains this concept really well.
  4. Hey guys. I tried doing the LP course a year or two ago, but would just spend hours and hours on each activity trying to get the perfect answer. I resonate a lot with the symptoms of Mercury Toxicity, and am yet to do a therapeutic dose of ALA to confirm whether or not I am mercury toxic. I was wondering whether it would be a good idea to wait to do the course until I've done a fair few rounds (considering I am actually toxic), this way I may be able to have a bit more focus and mental clarity, and be able to get the most out of it.
  5. Not sure what you mean by this sorry
  6. The fundamental principle communicated in men's dating advice is not to be needy, so I wouldn't be surprised if he was doing this intentionally. Talking to girls could just not be a priority. But most importantly, messaging sucks. Just ask to meet up and see how it goes. All of my online messaging fizzles
  7. Try actually researching the topic before dismissing it
  8. I've heard about people taping their mouth at night. Something to look into. Eating foods that are inflammatory commonly causes a sniffly nose - see Leo's book list for book on immune system. Also some short term solutions: - nodi sodhana yoga - using a neti pot Avoid surgery. My brother got surgery on his Jose for this reason and now cannot breath through his nose at all.
  9. Really crazy story, interesting insight into the primary role of North Korean spies.
  10. These are my focuses for the time being: Complete Andy Cutler Chelation protocol up until therapeutic dose Complete APT course Complete 21 day Hatha Yoga Course and 100 days consistency Complete 30x30 squat challenge Complete 7x30 squat challenge Implement Emotional Mastery/healing Practice (s) Implement Contemplation practice Implement mindfulness/meditation practice Self help courses that I want to focus on implementing: - Clear Communication by Eben Pagan - Full Spectrum Mindfulness by Ken Wilber - Leo's Life Purpose Course
  11. I did my first LSD trip at 17, and another trip at 18, I'm now 20. Doing DMT at 16 is probably foolish, I haven't done it, your sense of self dissolving is much more frightening than you think it is - when learning about spirituality and doing some practices, you kind of think that you're going to be on board with any experience that comes your way, but psychedelics will show your truths that are harsh, and if you're not in the right frame of mind when doing them you will have trouble accepting them, you'll realise how comfortable you were before and how uncomfortable consciousness expansion can be. I have some old threads on here from trip reports when I was 17 and 18, and to be honest they will both talk about how helpful they were. The comedown on the last one I did was fairly frightening, and I probably wasn't ready for the dose I was taking. But my main insight was that I can't actualise until I love myself and care for myself, which I hadn't been doing. My main advice would be to not do it, you're probably not as mature as you think, but I bet any money you're on the right track. It's probably a little early for psychedelics, especially DMT. And I'd also urge you to really deeply explore foundational topics like health, finance, life purpose, business, emotional mastery - Leo talks about what you bring to the table being huge when doing psychedelics, so if you hold off until your early twenties, you can make sure you're a boss young adult which will make your trip awesome. If you're going to ignore everyone here and roll the dice: - test your substance, you can buy a testing kit from a smoke shop or order one online, we have them here in Australia at a herb shop called Happy Herbs. - take a small amount. 200uq was too much for me and I was a 6' male - follow all the basic steps outlined in Leos videos on psychedelics and throughout the psychedelic community e.g. supportive and safe setting, be in a good mood, set aside at least a day for integration. Godspeed.
  12. What kind of soup for body/hair do you use?
  13. If you're passionate/see the value in mastering Enlgish, it wouldn't be a bad idea to become a translator. I remember talking to a Buddhist teacher who translated an English book to Hebrew, it have her a really solid understanding of the content.
  14. I did Nofap for about half a year. Urine can get mixed in with semen, causing it do have yellow in colour. Wet dreams happened multiple times per week, which was kind of annoying as I was changing my sheets quite a bit. When I was with a girl, I would finish in lightning speed. I kind of understand porn though. I feel as though watching porn disconnected me from touch, and that I was becoming sexually attracted to a computer screen. I am not sure if this directly contributed to erectile function but mine is definitely been influenced in some way. Porn has been an issue for me as I would use it to distract myself from work, and my tastes were getting rather graphic. My approach at the moment is to void all internet porn (have been going a month strong) and this week I'm seeing how only masturbating once a week feels.
  15. Make sure you do it during a break so you can focus.
  16. I don't think it is technically Holotropic Breathwork if you do it alone. From my understanding Stanislav Grof's technique involves a facilitator, music, the breathing technique and also a sitting partner. You probably want to be clear about what technique you're doing and have an understanding of the process. Breathwork like Leo's shamanic breathing or the Wim Hof method are pretty simple and not risky, so long as your taking deep breaths and aren't prone to epilepsy.
  17. Doesn't butt get sore from sitting so long?
  18. (This popped into my head last night) If I was interviewing Leo, I would start with personal development questions, more inquiring into what is possible for people's own development, then as the interview progressed I would get into to metaphysics. It would start like: - What is personal development? Why does this study deserve people's attention? - Could you describe your vision for the development of people/humanity? .... And then build to: - what is reality? - why does humanity exist? - what is god? etc.
  19. Has anyone attended a Holotropic Breathwork workshop? Thinking of attending one in April.
  20. If you are in fact mercury/heavy metal toxic, chances are this will negatively effect the function of your adrenals. Therefore fasting will just cause unnecessary stress to the adrenal glands. Before you're actually chelating its probably okay, but whilst you're regularly taking a chelating agent (e.g. ALA), I've heard this can put unnecessary stress on the body. As for eating certain foods, stay away from Chlorella. A lot of naturopaths, homeopaths are convinced that it can detox heavy metals, however there are many horror stories of how it has worsened people's symptoms. The issue with it is hard to measure how long it lasts in the body as a chelating (detoxing) agent, so although pick up the mercury and carry it around the body, it is unclear if or when it will eject it from the body (via sneeze, urine etc. Which are ways the body detoxes heavy metals). So the issue is that it could pick up mercury that is stored in the thigh muscle, and then redistribute it in the brain making you bipolar or something. (I only mention this because it is used really commonly). There's an elimination diet in Andy Cutler's new book to determine if you are sensitive to thiols. If so, I would recommend Jillaine Kay's cookbook on low thiol cooking. As for saunas, probably stay away from infrared saunas, they supposedly don't heat the body evenly so are not ideal for detoxing. Stick to traditional steam saunas and Finnish Saunas (which are way more relaxing imo). I've heard people use these at the end of a chelation (detox) round, but these methods are like 2% of the process, it's most important to research Andy Cutler Chelation.
  21. Go to the Andy Cutler Chelation website and forum, and follow every step of the process. If the research you have done does not mention the dangers of heavy metal redistribution when beginning to detox, then this is probably dangerous advice to follow. If you half ass a heavy metal detox you will for sure debilitate yourself, people have been driven to suicide caused by mistakes made whilst detoxing.
  22. I tried to do the life purpose course during my final year of high school. I also tried to do enlightenment work during this time, and keep up a yoga practice. My biggest take-away from this time was that I simply wasn't mature enough nor good at taking care of myself, to be doing hours of spiritual practice. I had to revert back to working on my career, my emotions, hatha yoga, working on my health and also socialising and pickup. The deal I made with myself is that once I have ruled out mercury toxicity, and am self-employed, I will start doing more intense spiritual practice.
  23. One of the first steps to self-actualizing is finding healthy ways to relax. Maybe try a couple of days of replacing video games with a nature walk, some meditation, a sauna, a mixture of these etc. I posted a thread a few weeks ago asking people their ways of relaxing and got some really good suggestions.
  24. Buddhist Groups Satsangs Reiki classes Wholefoods/health food stores Yoga classes Wim Hof workshops
  25. Pfizer, headache for like 10 minutes, fatigue for a day.