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Everything posted by Mada_

  1. Thanks for the share, I start an Accounting/Bookkeeping online certificate at a community college in two weeks. My first year self-employed I didn't do proper accounting and ended up $7k in debt, have vowed never to make that mistake again.
  2. There's a depressant named Kava native to the South Pacific, can produce similar effects to alcohol such as relaxation but does not contain alcohol.
  3. I have been living in Melbourne Australia for the last 2 years, moved home recently to a smaller town about an hour away. i have been bitching and moaning for the past 2 years about how ‘woke’ Melbourne is, and how they can’t integrate any views outside what shows up on people’s TikTok feed. People in Melbourne are obsessed with their sexuality, their pronouns, will jump on any bandwagon that sounds remotely progressive. I realise now how much I took this for granted, it is so rare to have a culture that it predominantly stage green. Where I moved home to is predominantly blue and orange. I realise this is actually a symptom of a culture having its base necessities, and a culture of people growing up in supportive households.
  4. @Leo Gura A vision that really touches me is to make live music that generates enough revenue, to create physical systems that reduce pollution. E.g. a huge music festival that uses revenue to create an organic farm, devices that collect plastic in rivers, creating conservation properties. Lol picking a lane is so hard, I want to develop and share profound wisdom, I want to creatively inspire people with my music, I want to protect the environment by creating actual infrastructure that brings more nature into the world by planting trees and help to reduce the toxic load of the world, not just talking about it and being an "activist". My role models are people like Rudolph Steiner who was a philosopher, but also invented a sophisticated agricultural system. Steve Irwin who used revenue from his Zoo to create conservation properties, James Cameron who is a successful artist but also does observational science work, and has his own school with an awesome education structure. I thought of starting by putting on gigs in my city that crowdfund for community gardens, equipment for river cleanups, and then scaling this model as high as I can take it. Does it sound like I'm ambitious and am visioning as an expression of my values? Or am I being greedy and not facing the emotional discomfort of picking a niche lane and niche impact? I turned 22 in April, I'm really late to the party, but if I committed my life to being maximally insightful, impactful and creative I think I'd die trying.
  5. Yeah I’ve had no dual experiences, none of what you’re saying is new stuff, especially on this forum, and has been covered in videos for years
  6. How do you guys make claims like this, surely this is some kind of Buddhist/traditionalist dogma. I have no idea whether or not Leo has reached the levels of consciousness he has claimed to, let alone which one is Enlightenment or God, but his trip reports are pretty exotic indeed, and some more significant to him than others. Is your claim that “basic non duality” is the one chief teaching?
  7. A lot of the advice you get on this forum for stuff like this isn’t really based in experience, you can get a lot of good theoretical ideas no doubt. I would recommend dropping 4-5k on like an Owen Cook course or anybody you genuinely resonate with, you can generally find one or two people in mastermind groups like this who are actually successful on social media and can give you grounded advice.
  8. probably not
  9. just two of them really, but they were very close friends of hers and one she chose to move in with
  10. We broke up because eventually she would need to choose between me and her friends. I want to be a healthy, self-employed, artistic person, her friends wanted to throw parties and occasionally do cocaine. As soon as I started spending time with them I knew I wouldn’t be friends with them. My girlfriend noticed this and raised it as an issue, and said her friends were like her family and I was doing the “bare minimum” if I just chose to spend time with her and not her friends. And described me drawing that boundary as ‘abrupt’, and that I don’t know her friends. I really like this description. I’ve spent lots of time with lots of different people, and as soon as I see a red flag from a new person I want to be really good as weeding them from my life. Could this go wrong for me? I am a genuinely accepting and compassionate person, if a homeless person asks for a coffee I will buy one for them, have a conversation with them, listen to them. I often reach out to childhood friends that are struggling with intense addiction (in rehab for heroin, meth addiction) and check how they’re going. I just won’t let these people into my intimate circle.
  11. What about like environmental lawmakers who take logging companies to court?
  12. I appreciate the initial question - basically each issue I have with her friends I reflect in my own behavior in some way. I am noticing my hypocrisy but I don't really know what to do with it. This boundary of "I'm dating you and not your friends" doesn't really work. That's my recent experience at least; it's too big a statement to make to her, in a way its telling her I don't trust her judgment of people. Also to a feminine woman her social circle is literally the most important thing to her in life, and I'm like "meh, I don't like it", it's like kicking over a kids Lego creation. One of my female acquaintances who is married told me after committing to her husband she lost like 3 friends, so perhaps if I stuck it out and just loved her through everything, everything would even out. But like I'm in my 20s, I don't know if that's the best move right now.
  13. Yeah just supplement. Then when iron levels are normal she can just take a supplement less regularly. vitamin c helps with absorption.
  14. Pre heat your pan, flick some water at it. If the water rolls into a ball it is hot enough to be non stick.
  15. I lost my virginity to a professional violinist I met on the street. I invited her to get a drink on the spot and she took me back to her hotel after. I think she had sex with me because she felt like doing so.
  16. I just start working down a worksheet, an each time I get to “who am I without that thought” I feel a big release. Instantly puts me in a good mood, I don’t even need to do a full worksheet. Then I take lsd
  17. This story is crazy, worth a read if you’re planning to do psychedelic retreats.
  18. I use it to pump my state before lsd
  19. Not necessarily curated but certainly dumbed down yes. Yeah the menstrual cycle is interesting, life is interesting, reality did all this all by itself it’s crazy blah blah blah. when Leo says talking to women is like talking to a child it’s dead on. Bro I wish you could just randomly bring up spiral dynamics, the menstrual cycle, the constitution, but as a rule the place these topics emotionally come from is not what women enjoy responding to.
  20. This thread has 24 replies
  21. This community often has insane standards for Leo. His ego development video provided an interesting insight; people who teach complex and profound models of development are themselves heartbroken that they can’t embody their own vision completely. Leo ain’t perfect, he makes some cool videos though.
  22. Once I said “I’m not sorry at all, you’re gorgeous” she melted lol. we had dinner and made out after the next week, we weren’t compatible in the end but she truly was gorgeous
  23. Yeah for sure, makes me want to really want to get dead serious about grounding and harm reduction. Spirituality is such a fucking minefield, it’s crazy that I was doing self inquiry and lsd on a whim as a teenager. I don’t regret it at all but I want to develop clinical understanding of deception, psychology, cults before I “teach” or “facilitate” anybody.