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Everything posted by Mada_

  1. I see things like Crypto are really popular, and all my directors at work have stocks. Is investing actually worthwhile?
  2. This is a good website. Was recommended by an employment mentor I worked with. Contemplate why you want income, it helps when being a wage slave exhausts you.
  3. I have been thinking about starting Brazilian jiu jitsu lately. I think that it could be a cool way to move my body, and explore the sensation of interacting with another body. I really enjoy the sensation of pushing and shoving against another person (not even in a sexual way). I'm worried I'm not going to stick with it, because of the time commitment, and that it is not something I plan on mastering. Hatha yoga for example, that is something I want to master as deeply as possible, I deeply resonate with the vision of yoga. Yet teachers like Ido Portal suggest exploring movement in every way possible, however this is clearly their area of mastery. Peter Ralston is also another example of someone who explores different disciplines of movement.
  4. I can relate. I kind of gave up on sharing things with me dad, he has biases that I don't really understand/care to understand (at this point). I got him to read "The Pleasure Trap", to which he read a part about the biological function of fever, which he dismissed because anti-vaxers would use this as ammunition for their cause. Health is pretty nuanced in my view; emperically, we should eat only wholefoods, but then some people are intolerant to certain wholefoods, eating only meat has shown to eliminate symptoms of autoimmunity, but a diet high in animal products has been shown to increase inflammation etc. Some people refuse to challenge their comfort zone, what are you going to do about it? My mindset is that I will keep trying to master my health with fierce effort, and one day my results will be so successful, that people will begin asking me questions.
  5. I am a complete beginner to studying Marketing. I have seen some courses from local universities which are 6 months - 1 year long, which introduce you to concepts such as: consumer insight and target audience profiling media planning and buying strategic marketing and research in business digital media applications and software social media marketing and advertising creative and persuasive communications website marketing and video production. If I do not plan to create a career in Marketing specifically, would this be a wise time investment? Is a university a trustworthy source of information in regards to Marketing? Or would I be better off consuming videos, youtube videos, books, online courses etc.? Thanks.
  6. Can you start a successful online business on your own without being able to code a website? If so, how would this work? Would you just keep contacting contractors? If you start a business to fund a larger vision (e.g. You want to be a successful painter, so you start an online retail business selling hats), is learning the entire skill set of a web entrepreneur counter-productive to the mastery process of becoming a painter?
  7. I don't think the idea that physiological prosperity involves looking a certain way has legs. I've never come accross whilst educating myself on health and nutrition; what I've read involves getting the right amount of certain micronutrients, eating enough, moving enough. I respect plenty of men that do don't look like bodybuilders. And also depends what you want; Krishnamurti walked around with fucked knees because he sat in full lotus so much. Who cares? They're his knees. Sadghuru says that if you develop the muscles too much, you can end up needing to sleep for much longer than you need to. I'm sure that if you spent years doing intensive Hatha yoga in Sadghuru's Ashram, that you would not come out of that experience being "unfit", even know you wouldn't have huge muscles.
  8. How do you actually take action on anything Jordan Peterson says, he gives no techniques or contemplation questions
  9. Once I decided to find a bookstore called the "Theosophical Society of Melbourne" (I think that was the name). It is full of cool self-help books from authors like Byron Katie, David Hawkins, Shinzen Young. I walked up the steps, and found a little breakout room, with a guy sitting outside the doorway. He told me that a guy inside had written a book on gratitude. I caught the end of it. He was a nice, charismatic guy, and people who asked questions seemed to love sharing their insights they've had. He proceeded to sign books and chat to people, I bought his book and got him to sign it. I asked him how to identify the process of growing/healing, he had some interesting answers. At some points in the conversation, we would just stop talking and look each other in the eyes. It made us both smile, I think it felt quite good in my body. I was resistant to keep looking at him, the fear/anxiety in my body kind of wanted to take my gaze away from his. Why does it feel good to look someone in the eye, and be silent?
  10. I love your posts, you're always so inspiring. All the best brother.
  11. I watched Corpus Christi the other day, I found it very emotionally moving, and some good wisdom aswell.
  12. Thanks for your advice. Everything you've said I'm going to take into account. However, this is not an ACC specific forum. The ACC method is informed by the pharmacokinetic process of Mercury chelating agents, and claims that other methods do not. If such claims are true then this does suggest the method is safer than others. I'd suggest reading his books rather than relying on this forum to convince you of a specific view. Also nothing personal on my end, just parroting what I've read. Thanks for your response <3 Edit: typo @Michael569
  13. "The Mercury Detoxification Manual" (book): Andy Cutler, Rebecca Lee P.177 - What should I do if I have been obliged to get a vaccine anyway? Take a gram of vitamin c every hour for a few days Take 2 or 3 tablets of aspirin 3 or 4 times per day Apply ice to the injection site Apply hydrocortisone cream to the injection site three or four times a day for several days. I would also reason that a "theureperutic dose" of Alpha Lipoic Acid would be appropriate for testing whether you have become toxic from the vaccine, or a hair test if you have Amalgam fillings (both procedures are outlined in the book).
  14. He still criticizes left wing though.
  15. The only issue with Vaccines that I have actually read is that they contain Thimerosal, a Mercury containing ingredient. Mercury poisoning can cause autoimmunity, depression and attention deficit. Mercury can be detoxed. Therefore, a wise choice would be to get vaccinated, and then detox the Mercury. That way you protect yourself and others from a deadly disease, whilst also countering negative side-effects. Are there any other dangers of vaccines I am not aware of?
  16. They taught self-defence at my school in year 10. Really informative stuff; how to defend against a knife, how to stop someone from attacking you whilst giving yourself time to run away.
  17. You can get an iPad and do both; they have a really effective technology that converts written text to computer text.
  18. You can go to an Ashram, apply for residency at a monastery, work with a consciousness work teacher, apply for residency at a psychedelic retreat centre. Peter Ralston would sleep at his retreat centre on a loft he built out the back, go out and teach, then spend the rest of his time meditating. Also, the food you will be eating in prison will be garbage that will make you lethargic and your mind floppy.
  19. I finished high school last year. I had a terrible year, had a very irregular sleeping pattern, depression, isolated myself and would binge eat to deal with stress. Imo, what your son needs is perspective on why school is important to him. That is what was missing for me; I would constantly be trying to motivate myself, affirmations, journaling, putting inspiring words on walls. In the end I couldn't put my finger on why it was important to me, but I could probably define it now. My friend who got awarded dux (best marks in the whole year level) said to me "I think a lot of the time I didn't manage my emotions, but year 12 was very important to me and I knew I wanted to do well". Meaning she probably had similar emotional challenges to me, but her vision allowed her to prevail. If money would allow it, I would recommend booking your son one or two sessions with an NLP coach. This way he'd be given a practical technique to be able to motivate himself, and a chance to meet a really positive role model.
  20. Greetings forum users. I came accross the required reading list for people wanting to become Holotropic Breathwork facilitators. I personally see lots of value in reading this entire selection, even without the ambition of becoming a facilitator. You can find the original document at this link: (scroll down and click "application and support package", then do some more scrolling and you'll find it).
  21. I've been contemplating recently what I want from life. I've been toggling between using a journal, and exploring my direct experience. I come to a point each time where I could start to "create" what I want; I could write it down a detailed list of things/an image. This would be creating a vision. Then I could also ask deep questions, and contemplate what wanting actually is. Should I be doing both? @Nahm Your dream board is more so a "making up"/creating process, do you have insight on toggling between asking deep questions, and creating?
  22. "some vitamin C source to improve bioavailability so few drops of lemon may do" I actually put some calcium absorbate in it sometimes, because I take it with my breakfast anyway - I'm assuming this will do the trick? @Michael569 @Villager Albert thank you for your reply
  23. Would it be best to consume epigallacatechingallate (ECGC) from loose green tea or matcha powder?
  24. This topic would be a cool pinned thread; maybe a list of live facilitators, groups, books that can help you integrate.