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About SkrOzz

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  1. What do you say about a male that is masochistically attracted to women? It's pretty common, but if this is feminine normal attraction, I guess male sub- female dom is more perverted. I have many submissive fantasies with women , some i did in real life, but its more like wanting to feel helpless and dominated than feminine. I am pretty masculine guy and i have masculine mind and attitude except when the sex comes It's just that there are no quality content on these topics, its pretty taboo. Many explanations about these phenomena dont sound too good to me, I watched years ago some psychologists discussing the need of a theory of sexuality.
  2. It's probably ok to eat it few times in a year... It depends on the circumstances... of course. But generally it's ok.
  3. This makes sense to me I just feel it is a little bit staged. It is not about what he is wearing but how the change from one color to another came to be. Because the guy knows what he is doing. It doesn't feel like some emotional coincidence- like (I dont feel good in black anymore). To me it feels like he knew he would change to white after some significant event. In other words, doesn't seem authentic but more like an act. It doesn't matter that much cause the information he provides is really good.
  4. I personally enjoy the content Leo provides us - but the change of the shirt feels so staged to me for such highly developed, aware and conscious individual It is like Gandalf from Lord of the rings Leo, did you know you would do that long before you did? I see there is subtle difference in content when you were black and now that you are white, and i feel the reason is some kind of "rebranding".
  5. I was ENTJ 2-3 years ago, but now i took the test again and i m ENFP but the F and the P were 51% , so I guess the personality can change over time and the types around 50% are not well covered , i think there is big difference if you are 0 or 49% in some of the letters or 51-100% . I was also more introverted 3 years ago, it was also around 50-50, now i am more extroverted i guess, the only constant is that i m high in the N(intuition)
  6. Watching porn videos on mute while listening audio from actualized worked for me
  7. I think it's brave for Leo to admit eating meat on this forum. There is probably high percentage of people who are vegans or have that ideology in the member base. Somehow most of the vegans I know are often more on the spiritual side. But he teaches that you should be authentic, sincere, genuine and brave - so he lives what he preaches
  8. I am trying, it's hard I wanted to see how people here, or Leo would approach a subject as team work - somehow all of the videos are oriented on individual working on himself - and that's great. Team work has it's challenges.
  9. How would you manage a band or something similar? I am in a band and have this problem - I always get in fights with 1 guy in the band I have a vision, he has a different vision for some detail, or direction of a song. Don't know - if i stand my ground too many times - it sometimes feels like I only want what i want and it seems maybe egoistic and too individualistic. But watching Leo's videos - I can say I have a strong vision and I feel that I am losing my self if I change something that I like about the song just for the sake of team peace and preserving democracy.
  10. What are your opinions regarding this picture? I found it on 4chan year ago and saved it - I found the subject relevant to the forum. I am guessing mentalistic mind is more right brain dominated - and when goes to the hyper domain psychosis or psychosis-like behaviors can occur. Mechanistic minds are left brain dominated - and the hyper domain is at risk of developing asperger/autism-like behaviors. I put-like cause somehow the severe autism seems to me and feels to me like a different problem - more like hypomentalistic than hypermechanistic. I know there are researches which links between gut microbiome and autism etc. But i find this simple model and paradigm of human minds interesting. If mentalistic mind is more prevalent in women - I just can't see why I have a feeling almost all priests and monks are males?
  11. Many topics and ideas here really helped me. Just want to hear some general advice , thoughts, propositions or opinions regarding this topic. I'm pretty ok, but sometimes when is tough, on some bad days, the reality that I'm dependent on others to function in some basic areas of life hits me.
  12. Hello! First, thank you Leo for sharing the work and insights, I find your content great and helpful. Today when i was in bathroom one idea came to my mind. A kind of an analogy. Somehow I came to realization that Leo's style of explaining many concepts, mental images etc. is a sort of mind training. Using the muscles make muscles stronger. Doing exercises. Trying different coordination techniques as dancing, some sport. It all makes a person more stronger and powerful physically. Their spectrum of body movement and physical possibilities would broaden. There is specialization(some olympic disciplines as trowing discs) and there are more general athletes - doing wide range of exercises for overall athletic abilities. It improves competence for doing physical stuff. If you just lie on a bed your muscles would become weaker, they would atrophy, and you would have more difficult life - which would result in neurotic conditions. I have a medical condition called spinal muscular atrophy - and i find it great that i have a chance of becoming more powerful by training my mind to use many concepts. Neurons in the brain are a sort of muscles too. Using more of them makes them stronger. And i guess the statement "knowledge is power" is about that. It broadens your possibilities. You manipulate a little bit more of the reality. You have similar benefits as you would be physically stronger. Ideally, of course is better to have both if neuroticism and weakness is considered bad. I am guessing people who look for self help have in some sense atrophied minds. Leo's sharing insights is broadening our minds. I see science as a tool to broaden concepts even further. We are limited to our senses. In science we can use some machine to collect some hidden information from reality. Result is more concepts. More power. More competence. A person with 20 concepts can outsmart, outplay, sell more to the person with 13 concepts. Chess is a good example. ... I could write about this till tomorrow. One question... many of us will become old and weak. Losing neurons too. Can we avoid neurotic behavior in that age, being mindfull etc? Reducing the suffering? ________________________________ Opening 3-4 topics today seems like spam. So i would type few more offtopic questions. If the reality is consciousness - does reality have an ego too? Philosophical view Idealism its pretty similar view btw. On duality - non duality... Einsteins theory of relativity reminded me of the concept spacetime . Could we potentially call nonduality and reality -> matterconsciousness or consciousnessmatter? I think about a sine wave curve , amplitudes give the illusion of duality, but there is just The line.