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@Arik I love your talks on do nothing. If you don't mind me asking how was the terror shown to you, or brought about by these sits?
How do you feel, how has it benefited you (in general and also spiritually)?
Incredible work. Its based on interviews of people of all races who have had issues with self acceptance and self-esteem growing up due to the media, society, western culture and their disabilities etc whom have absolutely conquered their demons like Hercules. Really puts it into perspective. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCw7FSgzdHFeaIKk4qUD_nEA
haha would love to! I love the wheat beers in germany! Also, people like Shinzen Young and Leo say strong determination sitting and do nothing is one of the best way to merge with reality in the moment and see through your ego. I have discovered the ego likes to fight back in the sits. Especially in SDS towards the end when your rotten mind cannot bare anymore pain and you get emotional responses etc but you apply mindfulness and sit through - its brutal!
Maybe the state you where before NoFap wasn't natural...Maybe you were living under masterbation for such a long time that you thought that was the natural way. Then when you stopped you thought the results were weird because it was unfamiliar. I think its down to the person. Very interesting though, I am going to give it a shot because i am curious of what happens
Bro if you are single, give NoFap a try. I am only 3 days in but as you can see here it gives people benefits. Might shoot your load quite quickly tho when with a girl... but fuck it haha. I was addicted to wanking which made my energy so low - probs contributed to low self-esteem. But it makes sense as it makes you work for your results instead of giving you pleasure at the touch of a button.
Thanks so much dude!! That was so insightful. Honestly, you guys are amazing I wish i could meet you all in person. I am starting to realise that how when i gave up on other addictions i was scared of the void, so i started to binge eat. Low self-esteem played into it. But now I have been doing the "do nothing" and "self-acceptance mediation techniques and that has helped me substantially. I haven't realeasped yet and haven't had urges. I still binge sometimes but don't feel guilty anymore, and i start to binge less. I am starting to fill the void with more "mundane' things like the application of the movement of water, birds singing, the colours we see etc.
I can see the beauty in it defiantly. How have "you" come to that stage, by just being? But then if there is no "You" thinking these thoughts, what are they? where are they coming from? Its just a happening right. Why does this illusion even exist anyway?
This is for if you have watched Leos new video A youtube user said "so are you saying that we should have no concepts of things? isnt it helpful to know more about an object than what is visible to the naked eye? and if we stop having concepts, how are we supposed to interact with anyone or anything? for instance we'd stop understanding language because we have a concept for every word, giving it its meaning, which without there'd be no meaning at all. is that what you'd describe as actualized?" Is there some validity to what he is saying or is his comment an extremum? I think its the later. What are your guys opinions?
Yeah I have been to berlin, absolutely love it! very wide roads though haha, and they love the pepper spray! Got pepper sprayed by a taxi driver once. How is the even possible? are you talking about images instead of the inner voice. I am confused
@BeginnerActualizer Look up NoFap in google - porn is majorly fucking you. Ironic Hey
this forum has got some good information on this
Also guys, anyone with social anxiety just remember that social anxiety is a luxury of the western world. We are so cushioned from real dangers (food/water supply, famine, shelter, the wild) that we naturally become worried over the most stupid, unrealistic things that have been created as a fiction of the mind . All down to the negative bias. I am feeling grateful now of the fact I had/having social anxiety because its a sign of a very cushioned life in comparison to others whom are less fortunate.
Do you live in Germany? Have you got any recommendations for retreats, preferably in the U.K.? thats the issue with me at the moment, I get so fixed up into thinking what I should say, and thinking did I say what I said right. It stops me from talking to new people I meet now, but I can see signs of improvement
@Arik so interesting. Have you ever been in the state of do-nothing whislt conversing with someone? Also how long do you meditate for a day?
Haha yeah that's what I was trying to get at. But language is a taboo thing on this matter. I have currently trying the exercises and find it quite challenging looking at things without judging. But have been doing this exercise for about a couple of weeks and getting a lot better. Everything seems more calm when I observe. What about you have you done it? If so how has it effected you?
@Saarah very true! everything existing is a function of nature. We built it using the resources from nature and nature built us. Its unwise to not make the distinction because if we do we start to believe that humanity is somewhat superior to nature.
thanks guys, very powerful comments. I am learning so much on this forum! The car was an invention by humans, as nest was an invention of a bird. I can't exactly speak for the bird but i assume it doesn't label the nest, "nest". It instinctively builds its home but doesn't place labels or judgements on it, experiencing it exactly as it is in its awareness. I think the same can be said for the car. We can build it and use thoughts as a tool (which is an incredible gift we have), but there is no need to taint your perceptions of it with thoughts
When in the midst of the do nothing technique and experiencing a monkey on cocaine in your mind, if you start to resist the monkey isn't that just the monkey trying to resist itself so that's why you shouldn't resist the resistance. Because it's not you. But isn't the you trying to resist the resistance the monkey mind again? It's and endless cycle haha. So if you find yourself urging to resist your mind it's ok because that's just your monkey mind and you should just surrender yourself to it, right?
Awareness, been constant and unchanged since birth
@cle103 I mean just counter argue "the voice" in your head who tells you who you are when you ask those questions. But of course its just your voice talking to the voice, but for me it has created a genuine sense of wonder of what you are
Leo in your video How your mind Distorts reality, you mentions how you have been going through painful months. Could you possibly explain the issues and pain oyu have gone through?
I am 20 years 168 days 3hrs 3141.42314981238471320412738461237849123743194234683741078234102387419203840712839410238947102398 secs
I am a but confused, do you mean the stage when become contempt of doing nothing? There is no goal to chase for enlightenment because you are happy in the present moment and also because you are it right now