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Everything posted by Huz

  1. Yeah I am 20. I understand where you are coming from. It always beneficial for you to get information from different source from which I do. I had a response from that video that did scare because my ego wanted to defend what I have lied about in the past, nothing more than that. On this self-actualised journey I get my information from other sources, like books and meetings and honestly was a big part to play for self actualisation. Previously the tone of thoughts going on in my head where very negative, and I set out to change them by spiritual means. This site has done so much wonders for me in many ways. As for strong determination sitting, its one of the most disturbing things i am doing in my life and not really fun for me. They have been instances where there was so much space in my mind due to the lack of thought. What happens when you get deep into spiritual practices where the thoughts in your head are virtually silenced during the day unless you need them for a situation? Are you going to die? because you say that all you are is nothing more then a thought in your head, but you don't always think...
  2. did you do the 6 hour sit on a chair or in lotus? Forget this I just read your comment
  3. I guess I am vulnerable, especially socially. My actions are dictated sometimes by the opinions of others. What are your suggestions to address venerability? That was helpful, I guess i have to me accepting and own the lies i have told and love myself for them
  4. Thanks Emerald. Just reminiscing on this post because a lot of good advice was offered. Are you saying that i should slowly work on stages of how to bring my self to stop lying that was one Leo's episode. i.e 1) Be mindful of your lies 2) Speak the truth exactly as it is 3) Speak you emotions exactly as they are So start of at stage one the slowly work yourself up. How does stage one begin to stop lies. Is it because when we are mindful of lying, it reduces the effect of karma on the lie? Also because, it takes the sting of lying because you accept it? Have you got any other reasons?
  5. @Arik did you monkey mind amplify after you started do nothing? So say after your mediation, during the day you were experiencing the monkey mind in more intensity?
  6. Thanks, will do some research into the various teachings. I am keen on Mahayana and Zen. Do you know off any residencies?
  7. Haha your are right. Here in the west, culture is dependent on economy and everything is generally expensive. I guess they need to sustain themselves here. Thanks for the idea by the way, wouldn't have thought about becoming a resident after uni, but when you said it, it made so much sense to me Just did the visualisations on Leos new video of guided inquiry, had a little cry, and made me realise how my mind wasn't as open as it should be. If you watched it it was based on a Hindu philosophy so might go to a Hindu monastery. I think Hindusim's core has been very washed over and it will hard to find "pure teachings". I want to find some good ones which aren't expensive because my money is limited. Maybe I should move to India.
  8. What are your opinions on masterbation? I see it as an escapism that doesn't delay gratification, and gives you pleasure with little motive. Anyone who has stopped for a long time noticed the any benefits?
  9. @Emerald Wilkins aww cute, he is blessed to be born into a family with mother like you I guess people like Shinzen-Young practiced Zen (and other forms) so should be interesting. Did Peter Ralston do too?
  10. incredible! I can barely do 50 minutes in burmese position on my bed! How long where you meditating for before? Whats your experience like now?
  11. @Falk wow! how long have you been training for? which position where you sitting in?
  12. @Holdup I had a relapse. I gave in after 8days, but going to stick to NoFap. I didn't really notice the effects. I felt more productive but didn't test it socially because i am revising all day now for my exams
  13. @Emerald Wilkins Bring your family with you haha! Thank you! This seems like its quite popular over here. Will probably go to the one in august, over my birthday! Does anyone know which type of Buddhism is the most direct on its teachings of spirituality and enlightenment. In my opinion its Zen but are there another that you guys think which would be ok? Theres a lot of airy-fairy schools.
  14. ahh ok are you ever skeptical about paying for monastries?
  15. @Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj whats the one you are going to in Switzerland called? you know any others the are legitimate in Europe?
  16. now who doesn't like a bit of spiritual BANTER
  17. @ZaneI want to get deeper into my spiritual practices. At the moment I have exams so only about an hour to an hour and a half on mediation/enquiry a day. If I get a job in environmentalism/renewable energy (what I want to do after) I won't have the time to do deepen my practice. Also, I am not sure if even that is what I am truly supposed to be doing because my ego has been affecting my life drastically. I think it would be the truest way to find my purpose. I have loved animals since i was a kid but the got teased out of me as a kid. I want to get in touch with the child inside me. I am fascinated by the nature of discovering who I truly am and feel it to be a wise and strategic move on my part Thanks for helping me out!!
  18. Has anyone on the self-actualised journey gone from below Esteem straight to Self Transendance? Is it possible?
  19. Thats cool dude, thanks, it put my search into perspective. How do you sustain yourself financially? With me I have always had this believe that I have got a point to prove to my family and friends. I think that came with an up bringing in an indian family. I discovered enlightenment and been practising it but my ego keeps going haywire and pulling back to pleasing sometimes. There was a case when I just had an exam and my thoughts just suddenly went crazy to I had to stop for 10mins and let it tick. I think that was my ego trying to prove that it is important because it was messing up the exam. My self-esteem has lowered quite drastically as well. I keep saying its the enlightenment work but I don't know, I am quite confused now. But I feel it is so going to carry on with it
  20. Has anyone been to one? going to apply for 10 day course in August. Cant wait!