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Everything posted by Leonid

  1. Day 6 Again almost no urges. Continued my meditation habit, although I did not meditate for a whole week now. After 3 years of practise I still does not have an everyday meditation practise. But that's fine, Ramaji in 1000 says that you start to meditate only after 580 LOC (Level of consciousness), in my experience that's true. Only after 570-580 I started to see the immense benefits meditation brings and how life could actually be lived. Just gonna keep going. Downloaded 'Sexual energy and Yoga' book to transmutate energy.
  2. @Vitamine Water Man are you for real? You are going to just watch porn now and ejaculate? Do you think that worth it? Congrats on reaching the goal, that was challenging
  3. Day 5 Almost no urges. I think I'm going through flatline or 'dead dick' stage. Hope that'll last long enough so I can build my willpower a little bit. Obviously today no porn, no looking at pictures, no phantasies. @Roman Edouard Sure man, I've downloaded a couple Robert Monroe's books and started reading them. Thanks for your support buddy. It'll let me to concentrate my attention on what really matters - consciousness and non-duality. I've had a glimpse of non-duality a month ago, it was so strong and mind-blowing that I had to stop meditating and started playing a bunch of stupid video games. I never thought I can be everyone that I see or hear, and I'm still in doubt, but I sure as hell want to try to get back to that state again. It is pure bliss and non worriness. So I thought it's a good idea to track how much sleep I get at night. Also what I noticed is that my sleep has direct influence on how much willpower will I have the next day and how good I'll feel myself.
  4. @Vitamine Water Yeah I certainly can understand that. And then it comes to the point where even mild discomfort makes you wanna fap. Glad you took that action timely, I didn't. My friend who was masturbating 4-6 times a day almost never even watches porn with women. He prefers hentai, in my opinion because the degree of stimulation there can be way more than in average porn. Unfortunately the last frontier is violent porn. I got to that point but fully realised I have to stop. Am literally on the verge. So I decided to give it up completely. 365 days is a lot, but that's because I would never ever want porn to be any part of my future life. The man who jerks off to pixels can never be trully fulfilled and happy in life imo.
  5. @TheAvatarState Created it today buddy, really like how Leo did the forume. It has so many cool features. Yeah I agree man, porn or enticing women are everywhere. Our mind is always being exploited to make money. I deleted Instagram, quited Twitter, almost quitted YouTube and so on, there is always some asses, sexy content and so on. For the time being I'll shunt from it. At least for me when I watch porn and do not jerk off I will do it during the day or in the next day. But do as you like, let's see how it goes. Yeah I'm sure unleashing semen every day hurts your body systems phisically.
  6. Day 4 Urges to masturbate are very mild, very easy to cope with. Unfortunatelly I still feel myself inadequate in social interactions. But it's getting better every day without watching porn! )
  7. Wow man great journal! 50+ days is super cool! I've been watching porn for 8 years, and I can say to you there is nothing to see there my bro. Does not worth it at all. The amount of pain you get for the joy from porn becomes too pricey at some point. As I can see you were not that much of a hard porn addict, couple of times in a week is a relatively mild porn addiction. Hard porn addiction is 1-5 times every day minimum. And this almost quarantees you are ruining your life completely if you do that. And I know some of this guys personally. And obviously all of them have extreme erectile disfunction, because that's what watching porn does with men without exception. (Not the case with me anymore, but I was there) That's why maybe it was relatively easy for you to pull off that 55 days. Not whining tho, great accomplishment buddy. I would also recommend watching Ted Bundy's last interview, it's a serial killer that said his killing were due to a severe porn addiction. And I can relate to that completely. He is telling the truth. I myself was acting out that addiction, not in a bad or hurmful ways, but I know if I would not stop in some point in the future I would certainly be doing what he was doing. So stay vigilant my bro and keep it up?
  8. For how long have you been PMOing? I'm on it for 8 years, and this has really became an obnoxious habit. At this time I'm on that point where you realize you'll really fuck up your health in a big way if you continue doing that. It's like you start having difficulty pissing, pain in the dick after ejaculation, also ED obviously and prostatitis. A man I know who's been PMOing 5-6 times a day, developed severe ED, prostatitis, almost completely ruined his life because this addiction has almost completely taken him. ( I am on this with you here, it's mine third day in a row. Wish you good luck man, keep it up
  9. Man I'm on this with you completely! I am also a 8-year porn addict, and I've been trying to get rid of that shit for 4 months already. I'm on a 3 day streak right now, and let's do that damn 90 day reboot together But remember - do not watch porn! That is deadly for you, and you know it. Watching porn increase your chances of relapse like 10x, especially the genres what you find attractive. We need to support each other, because to me now it seems that dropping that habit alone is almost impossible, at least in my experience. (13 days streak was my max)