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About Infinityzeropoint

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  1. On the off chance that Leo might re-upload if enough people complain, consider me complaining. ?
  2. Hi

    I feel the same way, haha. I have a desire to talk to people about it but I also feel like there really isn't a point to it, all at the same time. It is hard to find people who aren't selfish and unreachable in some way, got those brick walls up over some aspect of themselves. So I just kind of watch and talk to myself about what I see
  3. I would be careful when inviting these sorts of experiences. Not everything that feels good is good for you. I've had a similar experience and I can tell you it felt amazing but it did not end well.
  4. I am sorry to the OP for being off topic, @VeganAwake I live in the Spokane area, are you currently living around here?
  5. Hey everyone I was wondering if anyone would kindly share some resources which may elucidate the topic of 'accepting everything that happens' as discussed in Leo's most recent video about fear. I recently went through an experience that really pulled the rug out from under me and it was then that I finally started surrendering to unexpected events instead of defending my identity and reacting. I've never been one to identify with anything very strongly because I was always aware that I don't exist as anything without everything around me. But lately I've been unraveling my micro reactions and my identity and it was quite fortunate that Leo would post a video about this very topic. I would love to expand my research on this topic so that I may continue practicing this. Thanks everyone