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Everything posted by Electron

  1. @Arik I need to try it. I tried it before but always gave up as soon as I felt excruciating pain saying to myself that I shouldn't go this much hard on myself. I have been practicing mindfulness meditation ever since for 60 minutes every day. I realized too, that it was just the intense level of prejudices and interpretations I have had for every bit of inconvenience that messed up the sittings. I literally imagined all kinds of insects doing whatever they please and associate those pictures to every single itch I felt. I think I have been a pussy in the face of pain a lot of time. Thats the reason I switched techniques. I will try though (thanks to you) to do the sittings again and not give in to the interpretations.
  2. @Arnie I too am using personal development to enhance my efficacy as a researcher. I am glad that I can resonate with you so well.
  3. I am grateful that I am just a manifestation of the nature itself and I am grateful that I am serving a purpose and contributing to the universe just by existing.
  4. @Water My mind was just wandering and I bumped into a thought, a spooky possibility which I then started comtemplating about and felt the immensity of. But let me be clear, I don't consider myself a genius or anything to have had that insight. I just consider myself lucky to have that experience. I don't think I know how the hell it came to me anyway. Pure luck.
  5. @Water I had my first spiritual doubt about the existence of reality when I was dawdling around in a park 4 years ago, and I have been driven to pursue the answers ever since.
  6. Try writing your thoughts down rather than just thinking about them in your head. Also as your thinking matures and becomes more profound you can compare how you have developed over the years.
  7. @Simon Zackrisson @The Alchemist I am pretty sure he didn't mean it in that sense..!!
  8. @abrakamowse No he is leo. Buddha is dead. Sorry to break it to you.
  9. @DreamSpirit Read his autobiography if you haven't. (The sky is not the limit) You will see how much he really is connected to the nature.
  10. @DreamSpirit I like neils ideas and his fascination with the universe.!
  11. Well, I personally don't like the idea of being attracted to a person physically. Its a stupid bias, in my view. I think its just a waste of time doing things for someone, or carrying out a conversation just out of lust. But nonetheless I am attracted to girls. And I always consciously try to deny this very truth. But I want to feel more authentic about that and literally not desire anything physical AT ALL, even if its validated by the circumstances. Do you have any remedies to this conundrum?
  12. All kinds of fantasy stories, Almost all movies. Parties (sheer stupidity) Porn (the most half-witted thing one can do) Adoring the legacy of great people (Its all extrinsic, didn't really inspire me) Caring about looks too much. Eating shit food just for the sake of its taste. Being extravagant. Gossiping. People pleasing. Believing entirely in your parents. (They don't really know what they're saying at times) Not believing entirely in your parents. (Sometimes they are actually right, you gotta stay open minded)
  13. The Simulation Hypothesis. Planet Earth.
  14. @MonikaBcn It could be. But it hasn't been that productive to me in my 20 years of existence. If something like total self-control is really possible, then I would take my chances on it. And because like I said its total self-control, which according to the consensus is possible through enlightenment. Then I don't think it would be any less fulfilling and productive.
  15. Can you recommend best of the best biographies and autobiographies? I have read many but yet there are so many to choose from. It would be of great help.
  16. @Naviy Good one... Thanks for sharing.!
  17. Unity 2014 Documentary Unity Trailer
  18. If you regard success as a vector, then meditation gives you magnitude and visualization gives you direction. Ergo: They both are rewarding in their own way..!
  19. It doesn't matter where you live, if you haven't developed the profound connection with your soul, you won't be able to appreciate the beauty of the world around you.
  20. @Arman Thats a good one. Heres some of my favourites: The story of my experiments with truth. -MK Gandhi My inventions - Nikola Tesla An autobiography- Benjamin Franklin Never at Rest (Isaac Newton Biography) -Richard Westfall The sky is not the limit. -Neil Degrasse Tyson