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Everything posted by bmcnicho

  1. I agree with Leo’s larger points that the scientific paradigm is limited, and that the goal of this work is far beyond intellectual models. However, I think that Vervaeke is a great example of a high-consciousness scientist and is something that we should want to see more of. He’s probably at a higher level of conscious development than 99% of people, so criticizing him just based on the fact that he’s a scientist seems a bit reductive. The two videos linked were part of a 50 episode series on the Meaning Crisis, the content of which is a great example of Stage Yellow moving towards Turquoise. Vervaeke is quite open minded, and the things he speaks about seem to mostly transcend ideologies. The lectures integrate a wide variety of perspectives from philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, mythology, history, religion, mysticism, and insights into the nature of consciousness from meditation in an attempt to address this question Obviously, these are all relative and not absolute areas of study, but they address issues that are very important to a large number of people. Yes, the solution to the Meaning Crisis is ultimately to realize that all meanings are relative and to instead fully embrace Being. This is a large component of Vervaeke’s proposed solution! But the nuances of how people can embody this understanding in everyday life can be aided by conceptual knowledge of these topics I think Vervaeke is an effective example of Spiral Wizardry in action. He’s had multiple discussions with the largely Stage Blue Jordan Peterson, keeping it focused on the important issues and not letting things get derailed by Peterson’s low consciousness hang ups. He also talks to Stage Turquoise people about consciousness and meditation Vervaeke does still seem to have some materialist beliefs that hold back his further growth (although I think he’s open to things beyond materialism). Keep in mind though, that most of his audience are also going to be materialists, and you need to appeal to where someone’s currently at to help them progress further. In this blog post, Leo seemed to almost denigrate science in a way that seemed more extreme than his previous statements. Science is still one of the best tools we have for finding answers to relative questions about the nature of the world. Cognitive Science especially is a relatively new field of study, that seems to have a lot of potential for helping people better understand the nature of the mind. Even if someone were to achieve total permanent enlightenment, they’d still proceed to live out the remainder of this current dream, and it would be nice to have tools like science to help understand what’s going on around us
  2. I just had a very realistic dream that gave me insight into this. Perhaps no decision is necessary. God could dream every possible dream all at once, because time does not apply to God, it only exists within each of the dreams. Your mind is then shut off to all the possibilities except for your current reality. Like a prison or a sanctuary depending on how you want to think of it. In my dream, I was trying very hard to determine whether it was “real” or a dream. In the dream, it actually seemed real. I could only become conscious of the logical inconsistencies and lack of proper contextualization to events after I woke up. The reason is that in the dream, you lack access to the part of your mind that can know these things, and logically reason in this way. This makes the dream seem real I think it’s the same way in your current waking reality, you currently lack access to the omniscience and omnipotence of God, so you believe yourself to be some kind of human living in some world. (This is the level I’m still at as well) The reason for this is that for God to fully know itself it must experience each part of itself individually and fall completely into its own illusion… As Leo likes to say, Ta Daaa
  3. He said he was working on 2 courses and a book, so he might be working on those, or doing more intense trips, or just thought he could use a break. He did say he had 100 video ideas for the next 2 years, so I imagine we’ll be seeing most of those unless something changes.
  4. @Bujo I once stumbled across a website openly selling powder on the regular internet. I don’t know if it’s safe to buy without legal trouble though, as while San Pedro is legal, I think powder would count as a “preparation” and be illegal. I’m pretty sure cuttings are legal though. But yeah, powder seems like it would be much easier to work with
  5. @something_else Yeah I just swallow them for that reason. The physical side effects don’t seem to be as bad for me as they are for some people. I leave them in my mouth for as long as I can tolerate to increase potency, but they do taste pretty bad
  6. @Jaccobtw I think he meant clear-net, the regular internet @halfknots I was wondering about this too. The websites I’ve found say that they’re for legitimate research purposes only. So will they ask you to demonstrate that you’re some kind of researcher, or can anyone just order them anyway? And could you still get into legal trouble under the Analogue Act in the US, even for substances not specifically scheduled?
  7. @Someone here Ginger might help. You could also take them sublingually instead of swallowing them. They would need to be kept in the mouth for 30 minutes to fully absorb and 50% more seeds are required for the same effects. There’ll still be some nausea that way though There are also various extraction methods, but I don’t know how well they work
  8. @OBEler Anti-choleringic deliriants are highly damaging to the body. Datura specifically has been known to drive people into psychosis that can last for months or even years after taking it. Apparently, the Chumash would take Datura after a 3-4 week fast and that would make the drug safer as there would be no more acetylcholine in the body for it to compete with, but still not recommended
  9. @Someone here Nutmeg is classified as a deliriant. It can cause severe dehydration and nausea at high doses. I don’t think it’s as dangerous as other deliriants, but it’s very hard on the body, and most trip reports on it are negative. I highly recommend Hawaiian Baby Woodrose though. I had a full ego death on 8 seeds. You do have to put up with some nausea and vasoconstriction though. I’ve also used harmala extracts, they’re fairly mild on their own though. I would recommend the extract if possible over Syrian Rue, as I’ve heard that Rue can be some pretty nasty stuff to consume
  10. @Razard86 Apparently, Peterson took 7 grams of mushrooms one time, and I’m assuming lower doses before that. He had a conversation with Richard Dawkins where he describes that during the trip he became directly conscious of the structure of DNA assembling itself. I guess it’s possible for some people to take high doses of these substances and have their worldviews remain intact afterwards. Which I find odd, because for me and most of us, they absolutely destroy our preconceived notions every time
  11. @Jannes I’ve always heard that keeping them in a dark drawer at room temperature was fine, and they would only start losing potency after a few months. I could be wrong though
  12. In Leo’s latest video, he seemed to imply that he has discovered something beyond his current teachings. I’m perfectly content with waiting until next year’s course for the answer, but I’m wondering if anyone has an idea about what he could’ve been hinting at Under my current working paradigm, Infinity/Nothing/God would be the highest level, because by definition it includes everything else. Anything that could be expressed in words, concepts, or images would be finite and thus less than infinite. I think even a direct experience could only be either finite or infinite (although there could be multiple levels of infinity… honestly this I have no idea about) Given that Leo has been using brand new research chemicals fairly extensively, it’s possible that he’s discovered something that previous shamans and spiritual traditions didn’t have access to. Or maybe this could be something from some obscure tradition that almost no one has heard about. I’d like to hear other’s thoughts on this
  13. I’m also curious about this substance. What makes this compound interesting is that it’s difficult to categorize, it can have properties of a dissociative, a deliriant, and a psychedelic. Taking the wrong kind can be fatal though, dxm needs to be the only active ingredient. I haven’t researched if it’s physically safe to consume in large quantities, but it seems clear that classical psychedelics would be preferable. The dosing is also different than other substances. It has plateaus of different levels of intensity (5 if I’m remembering correctly) rather than the dosing being linear or exponential. So one would want to dose at the lower end of the desired level. There’s probably also a greater chance for negative experiences compared to other substances, however it sounds like it could have unique effects. I’d be interested to hear if anyone has successfully used dxm for spiritual purposes
  14. @blankisomeone It depends on what kind of experience you want to have. The visuals are more intense in darkness, however mushrooms can be pretty sedating, so you might have more energy during the daytime
  15. Something that others haven’t mentioned is that most of the mescaline is in the outer green layer. So the white center can be discarded to reduce the amount of cactus ingested
  16. My girlfriend has made contact with an entity during her last 4 trips who, after imparting it’s wisdom, will instruct her to take a specific dose of a substance to receive the next message. A couple weeks ago, it told her that it was going to contact me as well, and said that I should combine mushrooms with Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds at specific doses to receive the message I had a great trip with a full ego death and lots of great insights, but it didn’t end up contacting me. Earlier today, it told her that it tried to, but my mind was resisting it. While I wasn’t consciously resisting, (I went into it open to receiving the message) the idea that this entity could be “real” (whatever that means) does scare me a bit. Now, it’s telling us both to take salvia in order to enter its dimension. I wasn’t planning on ever trying salvia though, since Leo says it’s dangerous. However, it seems arrogant to disobey a psychedelic entity of unknown power. Also, it could cause us both to face consequences in future trips if I refused to take it. It did say that we could take a few months off from psychedelics to prepare (which might be healthy at this point) and that I could start with a low dose at first Does anyone have experience with this type of entity? And do people think the dangers of salvia are serious enough that I still shouldn’t take it?
  17. I’m interested in tripping again soon as I think it might be a meaningful and enjoyable solo activity to start off the next phase in my life. However, I don’t want any unresolved feelings to become a distraction from the deeper spiritual insights. I’d be interested to hear people’s experiences with this
  18. The key implication of non-duality is that all things are perfectly Good, as they are one with Infinity/God. This seems to suggest a state of total equality, whereby placing one thing above another would merely be a relative bias. Yet many religions have the idea that God represents only the highest good, that stands above lower things For example, Christ is meant to represent the highest of what a human could be, such that the infinite is embodied within the finite. (I’m not a Christian and see many problems with how religion affects the world, but still think some of the stories have symbolic value) The counter to this would be that everyone is God, or that only you are God and Christ is imaginary. However, I think it can still be useful to people to have a notion of a highest good that they can strive for. It may be ultimately true to tell someone that they are already identical to infinite perfection, but many people have difficult lives and major personality flaws, so I don’t know if that’s the most helpful message Traditional religions have the notion of the “straight and narrow”, drawing a clear dividing line between correct and incorrect behavior and forming a hierarchy of the ways you could conduct yourself in the world. (This can be achieved without religion as well) While it might be true that all paths are equal, because everything’s a dream, that doesn’t help a conflicted person decide which path to take. Obviously, the idea of hierarchy can be horribly misused. It’s easy for one to believe that their personal bias represents a higher spiritual truth and then force it on others violently. But could the idea of hierarchy serve a healthy role within a high consciousness spirituality? Or is Equality ultimately the Truth?
  19. I tried a low dose of this combo as an experiment (1 gram of dried mushrooms, 2 grams of mimosa hostilis root bark powder, and 150 mg harmine hcl) At this dose, the dmt seemed dominant, with a slight mushroom vibe to the visuals and mental images. I have no idea how it would be at a higher dose. In my limited experience, mushrooms have a certain pure quality that can be lost when combined with other substances. But I think there’s still potential for interesting combos. Both are definitely powerful enough on their own, but seeing as they’re very similar molecules, I think it’s worth a try as long as you’re careful about the dose
  20. @Aleister Crowleyy The entity claims to be a machine elf who comes to different people in different forms. My girlfriend saw it as a humanoid figure in dark robes. It came across as a stern parental figure who gave her useful guidance, although it seems like it could become more harsh if it’s not listened to
  21. @Hojo Has there been documented cases of things like that happening? From everything I’ve read, as long as you’re mentally healthy, no matter how crazy things get while tripping, your sober mind should return once the drug wears off Of course, people have believed in demonic possession for thousands of years, but I’m skeptical that it would occur to a mentally healthy individual and be permanent
  22. @Razard86 I understand the perspective that entities are a distraction and that you should aim straight for the highest wisdom on your own. Although I don’t view the idea of an entity giving dosing instructions as inherently bad. It’s been said that spirits instructed Amazonian tribes on how to make ayahuasca. Although it’s also possible that they combined thousands of plants together over time and just happened to stumble upon it at some point But I will take some time to think about it and come to my own decision
  23. @Leo Gura Do you think it’s possible though that there could be entities living in other planes of existence that have access to knowledge and wisdom that humans lack under normal states of consciousness? I’m also open to the possibility that this thing only exists in her imagination (although I suppose ultimately the distinction between real and imaginary breaks down) Yes, generally I would like to make my own informed decisions regarding substances and dosage. However, it seems possibly foolish to reject a potential spirit guide, if such a thing exists. And I wouldn’t want it to angrily visit me in the future, although I don’t know how likely that would be
  24. I tried to take ayahuasca at home using mimosa hostilis and harmine hcl. It came on strong about 30 minutes later with some nice visuals and body feeling, but about 15 minutes later it began to fade a bit. I waited another 15 minutes and was feeling surprisingly mentally sober. I thought maybe I didn’t take enough of the harmine, but attempting to take more made me throw up immediately At that point, I was feeling too nauseous to attempt taking more, and figured it might have not been the best night anyway. I was basically sober at that point, with a bit of an altered body feeling and a bit more emotional Does anyone know what went wrong? I’m thinking not enough maoi because there was definitely a large amount of dmt in there. Also, is 1 hour in too soon to throw up? Does it take longer than that to fully absorb? Thanks!
  25. @Razard86 As long as we’re talking about classical psychedelics, combining doesn’t seem too dangerous from my experience and what I’ve read. If you pick two substances you’re already experienced with individually, and start with less than half your normal dose of each, there’s not a whole lot that can go wrong. It can add a new flavor to the experience, but some combos will be better than others. It does add an extra element of unpredictability though