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Everything posted by Umar_uk

  1. So what if it's a reaction, there is no reaction without an action, a reaction is the sound of our own echo....get over yourself. It's like taking a dump in outer space, it's going to come right back at ya and hit you in the face. That's just the gravity of the situation...pardon the contradiction. Leo was the one who started being uppity with me for choosing to speak in a nondual context...I said nothing wrong neither was I being arrogant to him, so why does he think it's ok to call me a nondual snob... if he wants to cry like baby just because I choose to write the words I write, then he can't handle his own forum can that's not my problem. It takes two to tango, where there's smoke there's fire. What's all this got to do with you anyway...I was in conversation with Leo, not you. Stop preaching to me what is none of your business.
  2. Natures will is actually none of our egoic business ... Ultimate truth is unknowable even to itself, for who wants to know? who is asking? ...the answer is right there in the point in trying to cross the horizon, for the horizon never comes, never's can't be shown, because you cannot show up to your own show. Beware the tricks of the mind, the mind is an addict, addicted to itself, for what am I without one.
  3. If your post got banned then that's what you get for having freedom of to the character ''Truth Addict'' here on this very forum about freedom of speech ..that person appears to have a lot to say about that subject, it was preached to me not half an hour ago...I guess speech is not as free as one makes it out afterall. And that is the deluded sickness that is the human can't make up which mind it wants to believe in...
  4. Listen to others but don't idolise or follow them, always make up your own mind about what's being spoken Dont make Leo a guru. You are your own guru. Leo calls the ones that ''get it'' a nondual snob....he's confused, he want's people to 'get it' then calls them a nondual snob, what a charming confused man ..but then hes just a man not God at the end of the day...we've all got assholes, and they all stink. If Leo can't handle other peoples opinions by calling them a nondual snob then he's the one who should practice shutting himself the fuck up.
  5. Your not the only one on this forum... Hmm, I wonder where I've heard that before. I think the thread starter was asking everyone not just you. Your snobby ego is showing again. My point is, talk to the poster on the forum not divert the poster to make it all about your opinion only. It's not only your opinion, I know you like that only word. I typed How to deal with confusion into google and guess what was at the top of the list...yep, it was our Leo, pride of place.
  6. You are the one being dishonest with yourself Leo... stating / assuming another one hasn't seen the depth of it, not even close. No one cannot communicate how it feels, the proof is in the pudding, you cannot tell other people how you feel and expect them to know that feeling because as you know full well ..two minds cannot meet. Telling people that they haven't seen the full depth of not wise, because there is just no way you can possible know that let alone say that. It's not radical either, it's very simple and cool. Once seen, it's permanent, you cannot lose it once seen. What is this obsession of going deeper with you? isn't that just another form of addiction? addiction to the pleasure that is God, as if this ordinary life is never enough. Going deeper is still being in seeker mode, so as long as you keep telling people there is more, more more to if going deeper is the only way to become fullfilled is just your delusion... this realisation is just as shallow as it is deep....the true wisdom is knowing when to stop seeking ..and to just get on with living an ordinary life. If it's all God ..which it is.. then why the need to keep telling people to go deeper...deeper to find what exacly? ...God is God...fullstop. What does diving deeper even matter, you still have to come back up to the surface for some air at one point, back to life, back to reality... and so what does it all matter, you might get run over by a bus today and that's the end of you...end of all your accumulated knowledge. What's the big deal? Why keep pushing that big boulder up a that even going to add one more day to your life?
  7. There is no truth. Relative truths about the Absolute truth is absurd.
  8. Solipsism is a conceptual idea like everything else imagined. It's also a belief. The Self in which ideas and beliefs are born is unborn, only the unborn can be born. So the SELF is irrefutable, immutable. Solipsism in Philosophy... is the theory that only the self exists, or can be proved to exist. extreme preoccupation with and indulgence of one's feelings, desires, etc.; egoistic self-absorption. But non-duality is not a theory. Now look at what Rupert Spira says... “The tragedy and comedy of the human condition is that we spend most of our lives thinking, feeling, acting, perceiving and relating on behalf of a non-existent self.” So the irony is..there is a SELF but it belongs to no one. It is only your imagination that insists that you are the mind, it's memories, its personality, and the physical body that contains it. But these are merely attributes you perceive. Your true self is beyond any scope of possible perception,you are the awareness in which all perceptions appear. Only the Unborn can be Born. Y ( our ) true nature — Empty Awareness. Despite the innumerable names that are tagged on to it, "Nonexistence is eagerly bubbling in the expectation of being given existence....For the mine and treasure-house of God's making is naught but nonexistence coming into manifestation." ~Rumi ''Buddha tells us that, "There is an Unborn, Unoriginated, Uncreated, Unformed. If there were not this Unborn, this Unoriginated, this Uncreated, this Unformed, escape from the world of the born, the originated, the created, the formed would not be possible." But there is this essential ground, and it is possible to "escape" spacetime, according to Buddha.''
  9. Y (our) true nature — Awareness. Despite the innumerable names that are tagged on to it, Know that the real meaning is as follows: Let your mind spontaneously relax and rest. When left to itself, ordinary mind is fresh and naked. If observed, it is a vivid clarity without anything to see, A direct awareness, sharp and awake. Possessing no existence, it is empty and pure, A clear openness of nondual luminosity and emptiness. It is not permanent, since it does not exist at all. It is not nothingness, since it is vividly clear and awake. It is not oneness, since many things are cognized and known. It is not plurality, since the many things known are inseparable in one taste. It is not somewhere else; it is your own awareness itself. ~Lama Shabkar, Tsogdruk Rangdrol
  10. The seer of a seen hallucination is real. The seen hallucination is not real and yet the seer is inseparable from the seen, so you can make your own conclusion from that premise.
  11. Very good thank you oMaros my friendliest imaginary friend.
  12. You can't become or know enlightment, you are enlightenment. You know it, but you cannot speak about it. Words are pointers pointing back to the absolute silent knower, using words to point to the wordless silence is counter productive and is why I don't take myself the self I think I have too seriously or worry about having to explain or understand myself...what comes out of my mouth is just deluded pyscho babble like most noise is. Words are in essense just noise heard as words with meaning, a total fiction. Might as well chirp like a bird for all it's worth, we're all just singing for the sake of singing. No thing is making this happen. It just happens. Does anyone actually know what the heck they are talking about ..I hardly doubt it. Chirp chirp.
  13. Awakening to the eternal now can happen spontaneously at any age. No practice or drugs are necessary. It is life itself that evloves the awakening as and through the consciousness experiencing itself as a human. The awakening will occur only when it's meant to happen and not one second before. I had a direct experience of the eternal now at the age of 7 years old long before I'd ever picked up an esoteric book or even knew what the word esoteric meant..this nondual glimpsing experience had prompted me to investigate it via books later on in life which then only served to inform and confirm with me what I already knew...because to resonate with this knowledge, you must already know it in yourself first...there is no other source of knowledge outside of it's not like it's coming from another source.. it doesn't matter where the knowledge comes from because no one owns knowledge, it belongs to no one and everyone. You can only resonate with what you already know because it's already innate in you first. No one can say that the only path to awakening is through this method only.. that's just not the absolute's relative secondary knowledge...every awakening is different, and the absolute truth can only come from the sources mouth itself which is you.
  14. That's just a fallacy, that it requires lots of practice. It's spiritual ego at it's best. I became conscious of the eternal now at the age of 7 .. I can remember that moment like it was just now, and that's proof in and of it self that who we are never moves an inch and that we are eternal awareness always now.
  15. chuckles!! The absurd notion of oneness...if you weren't mad before non-dual self-realisation you certainly will be after, because you won't exist yet you will. It's so beautiful actually. Such a shit load of mysterious miracles and magic.
  16. You can only know human experience right now, there is no other knowledge available to you, in that nothing else is happening. Human experience is the channel consciousness is tuned into right now as and through your body mind mechanism...there are multiple other channels all of which are existing simultaneously right ant channel or cat be honest, no one knows jack shit, it's all mental contructs aka knowledge aka language that expresses as and through the human consciousness which is transcendental in that it can know it is aware...what is consciousness or awareness? ... I've no idea, except what I imagine. The buck stops here in human sentient consciousness.
  17. All you can do is follow your own nose, and keep it clean, then you can't go wrong, the path home is always right under your own nose, closer than your very own skin, it's that intimate. There is no follow a leader because the leader is also a follower...add infinitum. There is no first cause, you are both the first and the last. Infinity Now.
  18. Being helpful when someone asks for help is ok, otherwise leave people be unless they ask for help, don't force helpful on someone if they are not interested... interest in this suject comes spontaneously cannot force it on's not about being right either. The right comes to light from the listener of the helpful advice not from the speaker of helpful advice. Many authors appear to help with their stories, but there is only one reader...reading it's own echo, the reader will either resonate or not. There is no one more right than another, for all knowledge is fiction anyway. If no one has a desire to see the eternal now..then anything you tell them about how to see it will be not be helpful that's a mute statement you made above for a start. To tell people they will only notice the eternal now via drugs and that unless you adopt this method only you will not see it.... matters not and makes no difference whether we tell them they need a deeper probe or tell them that everything to experience is already here and now without the use of a deeper probe.......and what will that do to the matter not either way...why favor one method over the other if no one is actually going to care or have any desire about wanting to notice the eternal now in the first place. It's going to be irrelevant how you inform people of how to see it. . people will only make up there own mind about things like that...the mind that they believe they have but haven't....most people don't want their mind fucking with with such absurd notions that they are god, they are mostly concerned with just their basic survival. Let the sleepers sleep, let the dead bury the dead, it's not up to man who is walking to even direct his step. Beware the false profits.
  19. There is nothing higher than human sentient awareness. For an ant, there is nothing higher than sentient ant awareness. Why are we here? ..for the same reason cockroaches are here. There's nothing more to this than the dazzling sound and light show.
  20. Just remember to Keep Calm and Carry One...I mean On. You don't need to do anything, you are already being carried, you are the one and only... You are ON right now, no need to turn it on...why not just relax and enjoy the free ride... There is no thing starting or finishing have no other choice than to just be here ...although you do have a choice to not be here, if you believe there is a you here in the first place...but then even not being here is still being here ...what's the difference? how would you know the difference? all you have ever known is being here, so there's no difference between being here and not being here, it's all the same one stateless state...And yes, there is no thing here, no thing is real, and all we can do is to look on in detachment, that's if you want to stay sane that is. This is free advice. So don't worry now be happy. If you want to know what death is like, just remember the time you existed before you were born, that's usually a comfort for a restless mind, knowing that you get that little rest bite of your finite life.. you are a unique finite flash of light popped aware self shining between two eternal lights...sounds poetic doesn't it...but it's all you. There's no escape.
  21. I wasn't adding in the ''ONLY'' was in fact Leo that actually wrote that down himself. It's a problem using the word leo needs to be more careful, I'm just correcting him as a good teacher would...but I don't think he likes being corrected by other teachers. I agree that the chemicals in phyc's can take you to nirvana that is the nondual self...but I don't know that through my own experience, but on what someone else has told me, namely, via heresy which is not a reliable source... the proof is always in the pudding, excuse the cliche. What one must realise and learn is that you cannot teach another one to become enlightened. Setting up schools for other people to teach them what they already are is the work of the devil..beware of false profits. I personally wouldn't dream of teaching another one to become what they already are...seriously this message is totally free advice...I don't think Leo likes that truth being pointed out to him, but if it's going to earn him a living in the relative world then that's all well and good, it's harmless enough, no one is doing any of this anyway. Would he do the same if he wasn't getting paid...I would, I'm doing it now, I'm giving out free advice on this forum right now and not getting a penny in return for all my time and love. I would in the relative sense teach someone to become what they are a doctor or a policeman or something like that, but not what they already are...aka the absolute. Teaching one to become the absolute from a relative position is absurd and is why I personally wouldn't entertain that teaching position. I do entertain myself with a different writing style away from what is usually conscidered to be the normal everyday average joe kind of writing style, some might even say my writing style is snobbish, but then I chose to go to my own school of thought in regard to awakening to the eternal now nondual self, and my school was kind of like Eton college in London, it doesn't just take on any old tom dick and harry thought process, it's totally elite thinking.
  22. I'm just reflecting here what's already in you there, else you wouldn't know it.
  23. Very nicely said and beautifully written thank you cute looking Shadowraix. I love the last line in your reply, very true, thank you oh wise cutie pie. Did I just say that!! Lol