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About Lucas

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  1. Is it because you think people are better then you that you stutter? Is it because what people think OF you that you stutter? Is it because you are making this stuttering thing to be much larger problem then it should be? Is is because it is actually worth less then the thought you had about writing this sentence? Or is it because it is worth less then the piece of chewing gum stuck to the pavement? Is is because you have a phobia of picking up the phone that you blame on stuttering? Or is it because of what people will think of YOUR stutter when you stutter? Is it because of your image that you stutter? Is it because of the way you were brought up that you stutter? Is it because you dont actually have to stutter? Is is because you are living in a self made cell? Is is because you can unlock the cell and walk out just as easy as you walked in? Or is it because you cant remember how you walked in that you have forgotten where the door was? Is is because the key was in your hand the whole time? Or is it because you actually dont want to leave the cell? Is is because you have grown accustomed to the cell that leaving seems frightening? Or is it because you would not know what to do with yourself if you didn't stutter? Is it because you think anxiety causes stuttering? Or Is it because you think shyness causes stuttering? Could it be that you actually love stuttering and hate not stuttering, could it be that your awareness has not yet sufficiently raised enough to appreciate this truth yet, anything you do will not stop you from stuttering, ever, Therapy can only work against stuttering, it only strengthens it in the long term treating just the symptoms, no one can help you, you cant even help you. Could it be that there is no such thing as stuttering, or could it be that YOU so firmly believe that you are a stutterer that it feels more real then your body or your tongue or your brother or your mother, OR could all this be false and you wake up tomorrow morning like you never stuttered at all. Start to love yourself, care for yourself, no one else can, you are not different, its just another mental game among many, Fluency is a scam among many. There is no Fluency, you must see this for what is really is, the end goal is not Fluency, what.. are you insane? maybe so..... maybe insanity is what is needed, just trust that it will all turn out ok, it is even ok right now, infact it is down right amazing that your able to have this chance to write this nonsense. You want to stutter.... OK, you do not want to stutter... OK. Stop resisting it, its not as it seems, and if you cant see that effort used is effort wasted, you will never be free....ever. What do you do when the only thing left is to do nothing.....
  2. I have been doing nofap for 2 years now, no improvements to be honest. The one thing though, the most important insight I had from this was that... nofap is really only the starting point here, It will not cure your problems, your anxiety, or whatever you have, it will uncover them, bring them to the surface in full light for you to work on... or not, that is if you stick with it long enough. Sure it will be uncomfortable, but are we really on this forum because we are comfortable?