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Everything posted by Akemrelax

  1. Idk man, he once said right wingers need milkshakes thrown at them, and one time he called black conservatives House ni*****.
  2. Ohhhh I hate Jordan Peterson so much. How can people listen to him? He is a pseudo intellectual hack. He went on a debate with Zizek about Communism... when he never even read Capital by Karl Marx. That’s all you need to know about him.
  3. My high school teacher believes Stalinist communists are taking over. He is an ex psychology and social studies/civics teacher... How do you convince normies that todays communists are different from Stalinist communists?
  4. AOC last year questioning Zuckerberg about factchecking:
  5. Well, as Leo said it benefits conservatives and capitalists. Religious pro-life people are single-issue voters, that has a lot to do with it.
  6. This is a nice playlist of nine videos that shows the birth of Islam. It shows how stage blue monotheistic religion helps unite and improve the situation of stage red/purple regions of the world. This is a nice YouTube channel for Islamic history. This is a list of good history channels on YouTube if anyone is interested: https://usefulcharts.com/blogs/charts/10-history-youtubers-you-should-subscribe-to
  7. Sorry to hear about your struggles. But it is of your own making, and you have been very irresponsible that is for sure. I think your main problem is that you are ALL OVER THE PLACE! Why are you travelling, having a relationship with an exhausting person, working, painting, going to university, meditating, going on spiritual journeys, and going to a psychologist? Doing all this is not possible or healthy. Just being in a relationship and going to university is hard enough! Your focus is so split I don't see how you can properly do even one of these things. This tells me that you don't have a structure to your life, you seem to be going about it in ad hoc, spontaneous fashion. If you don't have a clear structure, a plan you are like a leaf in the wind. Yes, you will end up with situations like this one again and again! You need to realize that it's not important WHAT you do, it is important HOW you do it. Don't try to find the right type of work, instead work right. Don't try to find right things to do, do things in a right way! Passion is developed. (You should check out Cal Newport's books, but only after you get some stability) To live a great life you have to do right actions and be a right person. People who run away from things or go place to place to find meaning and happiness are never satisfied and don't live a deep life. I think your daughter is a sign from the universe to anchor your life. Prioritize doing important things. Face discomfort. Do things that don't feel good in the moment. Trust it will yield result. I think you're lucky in that you seem to have a supporting family back in Germany and you're a German citizen. You should marry her and raise your daughter in Germany. I wish you all the best.
  8. Never got into a relationship yet, though I'm fairly young. But I have the same fear Perhaps try asking her directly? Like, "hey, do you think you love me to stay with me for a lifetime? I fear that I'm not enough for you?."
  9. Do you feel like a day will come where she realizes that you are not enough for her and she can probably find a more "exciting" partner?
  10. It is a fact that people society perceives as more "beautiful" are treated better than "ugly" people. What matters is how you use that fact. Don't turn it into a victim mentality. BTW, the world is a cruel and unfair place. As a European you benefit a lot from it. All survival depends on it.
  11. +1 Other than psychedelics, how many spiritual traditions and practices have you tried and for how long? Did you have a spiritual guru who taught you personally?
  12. That's because you think of it as a negative. It doesn't cause anti-social behavior, shame, guilt, or self-esteem, by itself, you feel those because of your worldview and how you use it. Shame, guilt, and self-esteem especially is caused by your own projections, nothing is inherently shameful.
  13. My mom is someone who nags a lot. Obviously my dad has to deal with it more than me, but I have some experience living with nagging females. My parents are happy but this is still a problem. Imo this habit doesn't tend to go away. A lot people have suggested to just ignore her nagging and eventually she'll get the hint, but that doesn't ring true in my experience. It may create a rift in the relationship. She may think you don't listen to her and blame you for not listening when you mess up. You may avoid certain conversations cause of fear of nagging and arguments. The negativity might take a toll on you in the long run. Nagging is part of every relationship but I can imagine relationships where nagging is way less to be way more satisfying.
  14. I don't get why you need to have sex. Getting into a relationship purely based on sex is a bad idea, call me old fashioned. Often times you have to be fake and lie to the girl to get into her pants, even if you don't lie you're probably putting on front, and women don't like it when you play with their emotions. Not to mention it feels fake and wrong to do that. Why don't you try getting a hooker if you think you're missing out on sex? Don't cave into societal pressures and your own prejudices. There is so much porn nowadays how come that does not fulfill you? Girls of every type on your finger tips, something not even kings had in the past! Why demonize porn, it can be used effectively to fulfill a basic need. Focus on your own life then get into a relationship with a person you actually fall in love with!
  15. Come on, I have seen un-awakened, unactualized individuals more humble and respectful when they disagree. This discourages discussion, actual back and forth dialogue in the forum, and boils it down to name calling and LOLing at each other. This is a huge weakness in Leo, rationalizing it as coming out of love is just wrong. This is the same argument my teachers used back when they would slap me across the face.
  16. I'm was not talking about Trump. I was making a general point....
  17. I think suppression of emotions is necessary to some extent to function properly. Things we spiritual people consider 'wrong' like ambition, greed, fear, desire, and anger are necessary to function in everyday life. I tried to exterminate these things in me, but I find it impossible to be a functioning human being without them. It's also near impossible to get rid of them as long as one lives. I would say these need to be cultivated. A healthy amount of fear and desires are necessary to have a motivated life. These stage red and blue traits need to integrated to live a good and balanced life according to me.
  18. I have seen you break your own rules. Calling people fools, denying male rape, and other trollish behavior and other insults...
  19. The real question is: Why are these things happening all over the world? and what is the best way to deal with hate politics and predatory capitalism? I suspect one reason is that internet as a medium is affecting us in a way that's really bad for our mental health. Social media and the rest of the internet are not passive tools, they are intended to make you think and feel a certain way to maximize corporate profits. Negative emotions, outrage, radicalization, that's the tip of the iceberg. We haven't even begun to unravel the effects of this medium. Hypothetically, we live in an age where, if you have the internet, you can bypass boredom altogether for the rest of your life. That's huge! And it will affects every area of life. There's very little discussion about this in pop culture.
  20. But most people have predetermined value in this case. Like an attractive woman with good proportions has value that other women can't produce for themselves. Same goes for race, height, eye colors, etc. How will a short man compete with a tall man? Height is a significant factor for getting women. And hotness is a significant factor for getting men.
  21. Women say men should be gentlemen, but secretly want assholes. You can see why the toxic men's internet communities are growing.
  22. Women: Fuck alpha male toxic masculinity. Also women: Men are the ones who need halp. We are tired of stupid demands!
  23. But now they say gender is not related to biology. It’s very much in line with pluralist way of thinking. We need some agreed upon rules to determine people’s gender for society to function.