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About Yamamoto

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  1. Thank you for the help, it make sense but i'll definetly have to think about it now to understand it trully and deeply.
  2. I guess, thoughts ? I'm not sure ton understand the meaning of your sentence as my english is not perfect, but i kinda feel what you means, it make me laught like it's obvious even if i don't really understand why ..
  3. Well, it seems obvious like this, but still i can't really understand it .. do you have an other exemple maybe ?
  4. But, to be aware of thought and interaction it requiert consciousness, and we are aware of consciousness and are being conscious by thought, isn't it ?
  5. What is the difference betweene consciouness and thought to you ? Where come from the consciousness if it's not by thought ? How can we have conscious that we have a consciousness if it's not by thought ? Aren't thought the consciouness ? Than thought aren't they coming from interaction ? Which mean consciousness come from the interaction that we interpret by our thought ? ( excuse me if my english is not really clear, this is not my first language )
  6. The thought make that we are conscious of interaction, thought come from interaction ? Without interaction, would we be able to though ? I struggle to find an answer to those question that comes up in mind, interaction and consciousness have create thought ? Thought that make us able to be conscious that we are conscious of interaction ? But how can we be able to be conscious of interaction without thought ? heeeelp