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Everything posted by Anna

  1. It's his business. I'm actually quite thankful for what he's selling and I like how he handles it. Also don't forget how much time and energy he invests to offer free content as well. I guess we have a good balance here.
  2. As I wrote in a similar topic: Moderation is the key. Personally I don't watch TV, but I watch youtube videos and sometimes too many of them. The effect is quite the same. Like @Saarah said: I feel brain dead too. It distracts me too much from my life. It seems like an escape from the current situation I don't want to deal with.
  3. Exactly! They are not confident with themselves and try to put you down. I experienced it a lot myself. Don't take it personally, it will always happen. I tend to confront people especially with a smile on my face. It confuses them extremely. And sometimes I just ignore it.
  4. @Elton We have quite similar thoughts. You are not alone I also see you a good many times here in the forum. You are literally a noticeable part of the forum for me. So wouldn't be the same here without you.
  5. Some people wrote about their anxiety in this topic I created. Maybe you'll find something helpful here too.
  6. @Ray I believe this is a good idea. It also inspires me. I always see myself sitting in my rocking chair when I'm old and how I remember my life. I also think about death a lot. I always remind myself I could die literally every second. It actually makes me grateful and motivates me. So if you feel comfortable with a poster like this, go for it.
  7. I'm currently watching too many youtube videos. I sometimes waste hours. Moderation is the key here.
  8. "I'm not a human being having a spiritual expierence. I'm a spiritual being having a human expierence." I really like this one.
  9. "Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see."
  10. I will translate into german. This is a good task for me at the moment. Finally something I can fully concentrate on and calm down my mind.
  11. My body goes naturally to this. I feel horrible when I sleep 8 hours straight. It works a lot better when I sleep 4-6 hours at night and the second time after work.
  12. Minimizing your relationships does not mean you stop learning how to interact properly. It's about quitting useless monkey stuff. You can still improve your communication skills. This is what I do too. 2 years ago I couldn't stand being alone and I constantly thought about how to make more friends bla bla bla. Actually I realized and I'm now at this point where I don't feel the need to do so. Not because I gave up, but I feel the happiest when I have enough time to think, meditate and working on personal development. You can improve everything in your daily life. Improving social skills? No problem. I guess you cross enough people throughout your day.
  13. @Lorcan I really like your post! This is something I thought about quite often. Exactly what I think about that! I already made up my plans to trick the system.
  14. Thanks for fixing. I'm currently at work and shouted:"IT WORKS! YES!" My colleagues looked a bit confused. Oops
  15. Relax! You are stressing way too much. This feeling of "I can't be 100% me" is quite normal. You want to attract her and that's why you literally do everything even if this is not your natural behaviour. BUT this is not going to work in longterm. Accept yourself the way you are. If she doesn't love the "real you" she is not the right woman for you.
  16. Why not? If it's not the only thing you eat the whole day.
  17. You have these thoughts because you judged her as this "amazing, super cool girl". Judgements backfire on you. You feel like you are below her. Let's be honest: Everything between you and her is going well. Where exactly is the problem? What do you think other guys have, what you don't? Where is your insecurity grounded, what's the root cause? Watch this video: All in all I don't think you have to worry. She obviously likes you! Relax and enjoy the time with her.
  18. Believe me, you can. Motivation will kick you out of bed. At least you should be motivated to learn and get good results. And also: • make sure you get enough sleep • free your mind from distracting thoughts before you go to bed • find an evening routine which helps you to fall asleep This works aswell. My boyfriend does this too.
  19. I only feel stressed when my mind freaks out. It's mostly caused by having no structure. What worked for me is simple: - go for a walk - meditation - set up plans (structure) - visualize problems, find solutions Especially for presentations it really helped me to feel save with what I'm going to say. I also imagine which questions will come. Feeling informed and well prepared will help you feeling confident.
  20. Hello people! I'm quite active in this forum and in nearly every secound topic someone talks about his/her problems with anxiety. So I thought about a separate entry where people can share their stories and solutions about this theme. I suffer from anxiety (social) as well, but I worked hardly on it. I already posted an example of a way which worked well for me: So this was one example of what works for me. Meditation also helps a lot. Especially to calm down the mind. In addition I found this video: I guess it's quite helpful, too. Now it's your turn. Tell us your story, your solutions or your thoughts on this theme. I hope some of you will join this little project!
  21. @Hardik jain I can relate and I realized I feel extremely stressed, because of it. Did you ever asked yourself why you have the urge to do it?
  22. I think so too. Meditation really helps, but it's a longterm effect. You will be so calm inside nothing external could change it.
  23. I don't always get depressed/sad after I had a good time, but I still understand what you mean. I guess it depends on your situation in general. I only feel this way when I'm dissatisfied with my life and I try to run away from it. And also: a high serotonin level feels good, that's obvious and this is the primary reason why certain drugs are so addictive.
  24. You should watch Leo's video about self-acceptance. (I would share a link to it, but I only have internet access via smartphone.) Love and accept yourself the way you are.