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About Kallan

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  • Birthday 11/05/1996

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  1. So I was tripping on some LSD the other day and not an overly high dose (150 micrograms) and found a pretty cool meditation technique. So I was doing a technique by Martin Ball called “Fractal Energetic Yoga” which is essentially yoga where you keep symmetry, try to drop the ego and just let the body move how it wants to move. Whilst doing this I was in a lovely blissful trance state. Then I saw a light in the middle of the fractals which is often the case. I decided to focus on this central point as hard as possible. I would notice that my vision would sway and it was challenging to keep the focus for an extended period of time. I kept working on focusing on this central point as hard as humanity possible. Then finally I was able to hold focus and fully clear my mind. After this it literally felt like my mind turned inside out in some higher dimension. All of a sudden my sense of self fully dissolved into a state of symmetrical perfect connection, extreme peace and infinite love. I had to trust that my body would breathe by itself and then I was gone. This technique of deep focus was astounding in effectiveness and felt very similar to a 5-Meo trip. Ive since tried this technique sober but haven’t been able to get to the same place. I’m very keen to try this technique midst a more intense psychedelic experience to see what happens. Has anyone tried this technique before? Let me know how it goes if anybody does decide to give it a go. Just focus on a central point as hard as humanity possible. It’s like there’s an error in the egoic mind due to pushing it too hard and you glitch into the God mind. My friend said I was moaning in euphoria like a mad man ?. I’m wondering if it’s good for the brain though as it does feel like I’m sort of crashing the system to rapidly dissolve the ego. I feel totally fine afterwards though. I’m thinking psychedelics may be a powerful tool to train focus as well.
  2. Still pretty awesome how much traction this post got. I think I have a much deeper insight on the matter than I did 2.5 years ago. Turquoise is a stage where people are in pretty good sync with the universe. They have achieved a beautiful balance between the material and the spiritual aspects of being. They are always going through life in a nice blissful flow state. If I had to compare it to a drug I’d say MDMA like. Turquoise will still likely want to participate in the world and go out and do things. Coral though is an entirely different beast. It’s what happens if somebody at turquoise gets really serious about enlightenment. They become more individualistic again and deliberately push the boundaries for enlightenment. This disrupts the balance between spiritual and material that turquoise had and purely pushes into the spiritual realms. For coral enlightenment is the only goal. They are God and they’ll say this to your face and not be all that humble about it. Material things begin to mean nothing to somebody at Coral. They are completely pulled into the gravitational pull of the Devine and that is all that will matter to them as long as their survival needs are met. Coral won’t care as much about teaching or trying to help humanity as a whole. It simply believes that humanity will evolve at its own pace and will focus fully on themselves and their spiritual development. Personal development from an egoic standpoint means nothing from this point. This is where self transcendence truly begins. Teal is the stage above this where somebody achieves complete enlightenment. These people will be so blissed out that they’ll have no material goals what so ever. They won’t really be interested in anything and will likely just sit around being completely content with what is. As blue is about truth so is teal but from the tier 2 standpoint. This as far as what I’ve found is the deepest somebody could possibly go. Also their personality will seem like it’s gone and they’ll seem very numb. At the same time though they’d radiate amazing energy I’d imagine. So to break down. Turquoise is balance 50% material and 50% spiritual Coral is the unquestionable drive to accend to the deepest achievable enlightenment 50+% spiritual and really trying to climb no matter the cost. Teal is complete enlightenment of 100% spiritual. That ego is basically gone. I don’t even know if somebody could even get to real or if that would just result in mahasamadhi. In saying this though I’ve never met anybody at turquoise who is actually pushing to be coral though I’m sure they exist. Maybe Leo will do it someday but then I doubt he’d have much further interest in material things including Actualised.org Personally I don’t think I’d want to push into Coral. Currently I sort of blend between Yellow and Turquoise but still have plenty of Tier 1 integration to do as well. I’ve read lots about the spiral but it’s also more so from psychedelics and deliberately contemplating the model as well as the spiritual awakenings I’ve had that lead me to these insights. Turquoise seems to have a very spiritually actualised ego but from Coral that ego will just melt away into pure consciousness. I think if people get too close to the light it’s just going to completely possess them and pull them in.
  3. So over probably the last year I have been getting into some very dark states. I had my initial full spiritual awakening about 18 months ago but for some reason since then I’ve been getting very depressed. 2 years ago I was this firery young Entreprenure/ Musican and being so motivated to achieve my goals. However, now I feel like I’ve given up on life and see no reason to keep playing this game. I still try to push towards the same things but the motivation is absolutely gone even though I have a strong vision for what my life could be. Currently I see no point to my life and the negatives in my day to day far outweigh the positives. There’s a glimmer of happiness here and there but mostly negative head spaces and failure after failure. I’d never want to end my own life but it’s very tempting at times to just want to ditch everything I know and go live in some remote part of the world doing next to nothing. I got hit with a huge dark night of the soul and I’ve never been the same since. It just gets harder and harder each day to get out of bed and I don’t really know what to do about it. Right now I’m just sitting in a room trying to be productive and failing miserably so I thought I’d hit up a spiritual community to see if any more advanced members have any tips on getting through the darkness.
  4. So earlier this year I had my first 5-MEO experience and was very blissful and conscious for a month or so after that experience. Then I went through a crazy spiritual depression and now I have no idea what is going on with my ego. Before all this I was an extremely motivated person and tried to excel in every area of my life. Now though I feel like my reward system has just disapared and I don’t feel inspired to do anything at all. I know my life purpose and even that doesn’t really inspire me anymore. I can happily spend the whole day in bed and do nothing at all and I’d be just at content as if I did something big like winning a marathon. I just don’t seem to care about anything at all. I don’t even see the value in living because I don’t feel inspired to play this game anymore. I just really don’t see the point of anything at all these days. Even making money seems stupid to me now and I only do the absolute minimum there to keep myself with a roof over my head and food in my belly. I wouldn’t say I’m suicidal but at the same time I don’t really seem to care if I live or die. So my question here is what the hell should I do. I think I’ve killed some parts of my ego but they seem to be the wrong parts or something. I’ve just became a hermit who doesn’t want to do anything or chase any goal and I was a very outgoing person this time last year. I even started training to become a life coach but even that is becoming a struggle at this time. I’m sure I can transcend this stage and become an awesome teacher and coach but I don’t really know where I’m at or where I may need to go and at this stage I don’t seem to care if I succeed or fail. if anyone’s gone through this sort of thing I’d appreciate any advice :).
  5. @OBEler The experience actually made my life much more interesting. Life just feels like an adventure now. It really opened me up to how much is posable. There’s no law of physics saying we need to get a 9 to 5 and all that. It’s just a society thing. So currently i’m finishing my music degree and studying life coaching and from next year i’m Going to start exploring this huge world we live in. Going to start by studying traditional Karate and Zazen in Okinawa while coaching online. I’m fully aware that life is just a game but I’m certainly going to enjoy playing it. It often feels like i’m on a small dose of MDMA or something. I don’t really even chase enlightenment now though as I’m content in just enjoying the journey of being. I think you get to a point after a couple of ego deaths where you just feel comfortable with letting the Universe reveal it’s secrets at its own pace. One other thing I forgot to mention was once you achieve Ego death it’s much easier to get back there. Like I had an LSD trip not long ago and was completely free of my ego for hours. Not to the extent of 5-Meo where it’s gone but still to the extent where i’m aware of it but know it’s not me literally, not just in theory as there’s a huge difference. Even weed or alcohol can get me up there sometimes not that I overuse either. I get interesting looks as I always get uncontrollability spiritual and loving on pretty well anything these days. Even trying the Shamanic breathing that Leo brought up a while ago has been interesting. I don’t do it heaps though as I find I can get headaches. I’m lucky I stumbled onto spirituality so young and am where I am at 21 years old. Who knows where I’d otherwise be.
  6. @OBEler I’m not exactly sure what the dose was but it was the standard dose for a full release what ever that is. It was certainly excellent timing for me to do it when I did but you will know if you are or aren’t ready. I was quite at peace inside already which helped. In saying that afterwards I had experienced a fair bit of spiritual depression or a (dark night of the soul) as some may call it. I felt rather pessimistic for a while and saw no value in doing anything at all really. I wasn’t really aware of this and it was rough as after waking up if you’re whole outlook on being completely changes as it’s different to know this stuff in theory and then to actually experience it. I’d say that it’s starting to fade now though which is good. The awakeness stayed with me after the experience and seems to be slowly growing. Also things like meditation are much easier and I can keep my mind quite still for the most part now. I had been meditating for a number of years before this experience though. The other big thing is that I don’t desire things in the same way. I still have goals and wants and all that but I don’t really care as much if these things happen or not. I simply enjoy the process of working towards them and improving a litttle each day. During the worse part of the dark night of the soul I felt a strong urge to retreat from society as basically everyone around me seemed really shallow as I could see how much power the ego really has over 99% of people. There’s probably heaps of other things I could mention but generally it’s a complete paradigm shift and you’ll never be able to go fully back to sleep. You’ll always see the illusion for what it is but I think the idea is to make peace with it and just let life happen. I sort of see it like there is nothing you need to do but just do stuff anyways cause what else is the point of living. Everything is absolute and going to happen in a certain way reguardless so just enjoy the experience of life I guess. Hope this made some level of sense
  7. Haven’t logged on here for ages but DMT experience was quite incredavke. Certainly one hell of a paradigm shift. Everything feels different now that i’m Somewhat awake. Still trying to comprehend it all though.
  8. Wow this really took off. I’ve even came across stage teal too now which seems to go even deeper. I don’t know where the theory ends and people just making stuff up starts.
  9. Holy shit this is some powerful stuff @Leo Gura. I tried this straight after watching your video as i’m Currently going through a dark night of the soul and all that comes with it. Maybe it’s because I have tried a fair few psychedelics including the privilege of getting to try 5MEO DMT but this was super powerful. So I put on some soft meditation music and did the breathing for an hour. Afterwards I was able to to surrender into the experience. I find it’s easier to meditate afterwards too. I did make the mistake of trying to stand up afterwards though and it felt like I was trying to walk in heavy armour for a while :). Just wondering is this something that is safe to do often as in a daily practise? I found it really useful and will continue to do it as long as there’s no long term negative side effects. I really feel I could grow from this.
  10. To put it simply: Yellow is where you enter Tier 2 where you're aware of the connectedness of everything. Turquoise is where you start experiencing the oneness with everything in a holestic fashion so essencially having the right mindset for the earlier stages of enlightenment. As for stages coral and teal i'm not totally sure because there's very little written on them but I'll give it a shot: Coral is where you see not so much your egoic self but your more enlightened self and see your body as an avatar like structure which can be used to benefit others. This is where people have had a few enlighenment experiences and feel a very strong urge to share their new found insights with the world as they see the potential this could have to improve humanity. You also accept chaos as a part of life. This is just a much much deeper form of yellow similar to how yellow is a deeper form of orange. Teal is essentially complete enlightenment and oneness with everything or as Leo calls (absolute infinity). If this is true then this would be the final development as true enlightenment is the end. You are exposed and feel reality as a whole as reality is everything that could ever be experienced. Personally I identify best with stage yellow so I haven't actually experienced those higher stages for myself but have been trying to make sense of all this for a while through lots of research. So little is known about coral and teal as next to no one gets this far and it seems you can only understand the stages you've been through as everyone starts at beige when they're born. I'd love Leo to do a video on this to explore Tier 2 in more detail but the thing is that only people in Tier 2 would be able to really understand it. Most people when explaining this stop at turquoise as there's this assumption that torquoise is enlightenment but this is incorrect. I'm interested to see what becomes of Coral and Teal as research developes further. I'd love to go interview some enlightened people about this sort of thing but sadly I don't know anyone. Hope this was helpful.
  11. @Leo Gura have you came across this in your research? I was always thinking that turquoise was the final level so this blew my mind a little.
  12. So I've been doing a lot of research into spiral dynamics recently and currently fit quite comfortabily in stage yellow. I can understand stage turquoise but stage coral is making very little sense to me. Does anyone actually understand what this stage is or know of any resources? Also I came across another stage called Teal which is apparently absolute enlightenment or something but from what I've studied about stage choral, it seems sort of narsacistic except everything is you or something like that. Almost like you're a god. If anyone has any points on this subject I'd love to know what you think
  13. That sounds great. I am also a Pianist
  14. @beaucoup I've sort of looked at it like getting ready to die haha but I doubt I currently have even the slightest idea or how intense it'll be. And yeah it is with Psilohuasca but it's a lady that i'm doing it through. Apparently her and a guy did group sessions but now she just does 1 on 1. I'll be sure to post here and let you know how it goes. Main reason I haven't done many psychadelics yet is because i'm still living with my parents in a country town where there's little to no access to pure substances and getting it online probably wouldn't impress my parents if they get to it first. Maybe that'll change if I realise me and my parents are one along with everything else but we are also nothing :).
  15. So I've arranged to attend a 5-Meo retreat while travelling Europe and am just wondering if there's anything I should be doing leading up to this? I don't have a great deal of experience using psychadelics so I'm wondering from those who have tried it if there's anything I should do beforehand to prepare. I want to get the most I can out of the experience so any recommendations would be much appreciated.