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Everything posted by mmKay

  1. @Striving for more careful with having bluetooth 24/7 around your head the whole time, radiation is serious issue. But I agree, some good headphones are great for lisening to audiobooks etc.
  2. @Husseinisdoingfine bruh wireless mouse and a calculator?? why dont your drawers have knobs??? your desk has a hole specifically for cables to go in yet your keyboard cable goes around the table. So many questions .
  3. Not even nothing actually Lol. This right here is oficially our new Zen riddle. The anwser? Mu Funny how someone could actally have an enlightenment experience from this stupid question X d
  4. *This post was inspired by the existance of MBTI and the big 5* I'd love to roll out an extensive research and personal thesis on y'all but actually I'd like to know what do you think about the "astrological signs", whether western or eastern or any kind that you know of. Imo it's mostly BS and stories as most things that come from popular culture, but I gotta say that I do see an overarching kind of personallity in people who share the same sign like " Leo" ( my brother) and Sagittarius ( my father"s , my friend's and my own sign as well) since these are some "signs" that I have more experience with. Since the solar system is somewhat cyclical, he time of the year you are concieved in, could affect in some say the way your brain gets scrambled together when you are born , the same way as a full moon may affect someone's sleeping or how a full moon affect's the tide or whatever. Also girls love this sh1t, so why not have a chat about it. Thoughts?
  5. is a titanium dental implant like I have a cause for concern?
  6. Tip : separate your sentences or paragraphs, was quite painful to read all lumped together with no spacing. The default state is happiness. You feel unease because you distract yourself from emptiness with tasks and chores, when what you have to do us ground yourself in the emptiness. That would be a massive step up in terms of growht. Watch leos vid on " You are not happy because you dont want to " , understanding meaning, value and purpose" And "what is happiness"
  7. It's funny because for me many signs feel 99% correct hah. Overly generalized descriptions + proyection from the reader does the trick to make one feel like it's really describing you.
  8. personal development did change me from intp to infp. idk about others
  9. That's pretty much a false dichotomy. There is "victory / loss" only if you frame it that way. Get outside of that pradigm and zoom out to see the bigger picture. You can see things happening simply as learning oportunities, as practice, as "experience", etc. Imagine this: you walking to the bathroom from the couch in your living room, and you think the following: OKAY, IF I DON'T MAKE IT TO THE BATHROOM IN EXACTLY 8 LARGE STEPS I LOST. See how you created that win/ loss frame out of thin air? This applies pretty much to everything, to various degrees. Let me quote you this from Leo's old " Personal development blueprint". Not exctly on point but you will probably still get a lot of value.
  10. Same with this guy. Thought since he's quite into the "self improvement comunity" He'd know better, bur he's somewhat passively supporting trump.
  11. Dont overcomplicate things, you can sit down for 20 min a day and stll focus on stage orange materialism or ego developement. Put into perspective : what are 20 min of meditation in 24 hours of your life? Nothing. You will reap the benefits of those 20 min x10 in terms of insights for your day to day life.
  12. I don't want to start a conspiracy theory, but today I was thinking about what plot twist or recontextualization of life would blow my mind, and this one now I can't get out of my head : Leo had a ponytail all this time!
  13. With the power of Wikipedia, I present you this humongous list: Also, I encorage you to share your favourite ones, preferably that are aligned with Self-Actualization. For me they would be : Biking Calisthenics / ring training / Weight lifting Dance, Shaking, Vibing to music. Beatboxing. Journaling, Writing posts, Brainstorming. Targeted thinking ; Contemplation. "Visualization" Aka imagining how could things be, how would I like them to be . . . Doing Free asociation Improv with friends to vibe. Improv Rapping . This one is actually an activity of letting go , wittiness , connecting dots in the moment and literaly getting in Flow state. It's really cool and if you strip it away from all the cultural baggage, the ideology and whatnot, it ends up being pretty cathartic and fun if you are willing of letting go of the need to look cool / controll that you don't say something stupid, etc. Researching on Google / Youtube, going down some rabbitholes, clearing my recommended videos so that I get access to that new juicy stuff I know nothing about rather than being stuck in the same content I normally consume. Work in progress. Your turn!
  14. It's pretty much what is refered to as " The gateless gate" . If you realize things don't actually have names, and you manage to melt the imaginary boundries between objects, and melt the conceptual duality between subject and object, you enter this state of non-conceptual awareness aka samdhi where you are one with all percepción. Watch video on "What is Actuallity"
  15. Huh, simple yet didn't cross my mind
  16. "Possesion" doesn't exist. These shoes being mine is an idea, asigning imaginary boundries to reallity. Nothing actually changes if I say that my new Crocks© belong to you, besides implied behaviour between us if we socially agree that this or that belongs to one of us. It gets freaky when you realize that this would mean that "my hand" is not " mine" , because posession doesn't exist! And same goes for thoughts. These thoughts, this inner voice, it is NOT mine! Because posession doesn't exist! This realization helped me to get some distance and de-identify myself from "my thoughts" All of this as seen from the absolute sense, relatively speaking and as a social construct, posession does exist. Don't walk into a gas station and simply snatch yourself some honey-roasted peanuts, saying to the cashier " Mine, yours, whats the difference? ?
  17. Imo it's complicated. If you get exposed to various languages since a young age, you are likely to be somewhat more openminded. I'd say the age of being exposed to languages matters a lot, aside of many many other factors. My mother for example, has been exposed to german and Spanish 20+ years and knows virtually nothing, simply because of the mindset of "I don't want to have anything to do with that "
  18. All jokes aside, the insight of " the back of my head existing only in my imagination" while I was on 'shrooms did recontextualize my experience still until today. Feel free to share your anecdotal mindblows as well.
  19. @No Self I'm not implying there is anything wrong with being intelectual or knowing some history. I'm pointing at what many times may be what is fueling one's actions : Search of aprooval of others ( "wow you are smart for knowing this and that " ) , Feeling like you are developing yourself without actually doing it ( memorization of stories and dates is just adding more files to your brain, to say so) Desire to flex on others. Actually looking to get in a conversation to show off your knowledge. All I'm saying is that these are possible reasons why he may feel guilty not knowing history. I dont know him and im proyecting a lot, but it's difficult to be authentically interested in the topic of history if your house is on fire ( analogy for him not having his life together and on purpose) By all means, go read as much as you desire and research all you want. It would be ridicoulous to say " Stop reading! Stop thinking! "
  20. @PurpleTree Good video. In short, you may call anxiety the "shadow" of freedom since visualizing a possible better future and life circumstances entails exactly that : visualizing into the future, aka worrying about what could go wrong. It's the same thing that is appealing in joining a Zen monastery, or a university, or beliving in a supreme Being : being told what to do and think, releaving the burden of having to think by yourslef
  21. Is the "giving a name to your baby" cultural norm stage blue? What I'm trying to say, your parents choose a name for you, "against your will" in a way , and indoctrinate you to belive that you are actually called " Joe " , when it's a totally relative and meaningless label. You are totally free to introduce yourself to others as Arnold from today on, and refer to yourself as Arnold. If you want. Same goes for last names. The pride of your last name, the desire to get married and pass it to your children, etc.