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Everything posted by mmKay

  1. Beginners guide The site Leo mentions in his nootropic blog post : ^^^^ that's the jackpot
  2. Having a meaningfull reason to do it is everything
  3. So lets theoretically say i may have around 10k € saved up, and theoretically the economy may be in a delicate situation, susceptible to inflation and whatnot because of constant money printing by every government for covid measures. Theoretically, my cash could go down the toilet. ( yes, I'm being selfish here with the scope of my concern ?) Since theoretically crypto and bitcorn ? ain't that reliable yet, and I cant purchase real estate ? with such "low' stash of cash , what would y'all millionare stonk? experts say would be a big brain move? I mean I don't REALLY really care, and if I lose it all and the economy goes to ?then so be it, but since economics is far from my area of expertise, hereby I ask for advice. Also, am I deluded bout the situation of the world economy? Edit : ( Theoretically) My mindset right now is basically what Leo said in the other post. Just keep livin' my life, and if an apocalipse was to come, there is no point in preparing for it anyways ?‍♂️
  4. Go down the rabbithole of " A day in the life of *blank* . Quite insightfull.
  5. You look like you are from Kazakhstan
  6. @StarStruck cool, i met them in barcelona. Was it worth the 10k?
  7. @soos_mite_ah binge watch all of their videos, specifically from james marshall Then you may narrow down your concept of what practicing pick up and attraction is.
  8. pick up = exposing yourself to massive experience with girls. what you may be missing is just how much less socially savy men are. We are literally autistic compared to women, and that's one of the reasons girls cant fathom why would you ever practice social skills. I've had extremely introverted female friends and yet I'm just amazed at how naturally socially intuitive and callibrated they are . Catcalling and grabbing asses on the street is no pick up. Drunk guys hitting on girls is no real pick up. That's like the opposite. There zero social awareness and empathy to that. Yes , practicing social skills and attaction may be cringe. But do you know what's more cringe? NOT LEARNING SOCIAL SKILLS and attraction. EDIT : I read your post. Your idea of what pick up actually is is reeeeally far off. All of the examples you have written are about people that specifically have not practiced attraction and social skills. This cringe and lack of social awareness and empathy is what real pick up cures.
  9. @Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj oh yea these two walnuts definately belong together lol
  10. Gotta love the peterson deepfakes. Making fun of someone is a good way not to take him too seriously
  11. Very often when I'm in middle of sleeping I come to this point where I'm aware that I'm falling asleep and I experience some EXTRRME buzzing noise and feeling of shaking and "turbulences", and feel like I'm about to die. Since I'm familiar with this feeling for years already sometimes I get cocky and I'm like " Go ahead show me what you got " but every time I do this I REALLY FEEL I'm ACTUALLY dying, as real as it getsgets, and I get a huge emotional reaction. The buzzing and noise and turbulences are the exact thing that I feel when I'm about to have an out of body experience but this feels like " A different route". Most likely if during that moments I was to put the intent of flying out of my body it would happen, but what I'm trying to ask if anyone has experience with this "different route " Thanks Do you think I'd simply experience death nd no - self or is this like pressing alt + f4 on life. And I wake up as god-self thinking nooo that was a missclick you were mid-game
  12. How Trumpets imagine the evil landslide :
  13. Watch all his videos, reada Leo's book list on money and take the Life Purpose course ( you will understand why after watching this video) Spoliler : because money follows massive value. First give value. Then money follows ( dont forget to set up a structure to get paid for your value - giving)
  14. Real sages have no living room. They live in a loft and ita called the beingroom
  15. this guy is amazing ( just claryfing he is yellow on Spyral Dynamics, not that hes yellow because he's asian lol ) This system is literally the future of education right there. Listening to this guy is so satisfying. Gotta love the structural thinking
  16. there is no reason why you are not enough. operate from this paradigm when you interact with people and it will make wonders for boths sides,
  17. orange transitioning to green. period. mostly orange though
  18. Good, leverage those emotions to take action, but also, you gotta be able to be your own cheerleader and pat yourseld on the back for the smallest things. Get on facebook and join rsd inner circle london. Then introduce yourself and meet a wing in real life. Going solo is THE hardest thing. Look for a whatsapp or telegram group of active wings. This WILL change your results and bootstrap your pickup journey. Edit : dm me if you want an accountability partner, I dont mind giving you some suport?
  19. @Sempiternity i predict some riots and a pinch of terrorism at most. People love ideology and being part of an imporant movement but they aint suicidal. Going out there Ramboing will definately get you killed and they know it. The radical side aint got no tanks or choppers or big organized mastermind. Imo the fire department with some water hoes alone will be suff sufficient to wash away radicals. Then again, im not murican and not in murica, so im just speculating