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Everything posted by mmKay

  1. I can second this. Purchased the course 3 times so far
  2. "Yo mama so dense she penetrated to the 8th density" saving this one for when i meet some dmt elves Maybe it refers to dimensions, as in lucid dreaming, astral proyection and others.
  3. Yup cant unsee what you've peaked behind the courtains
  4. Is urine test more accurate thain hair test?
  5. The cheap one I've been using for a long time just keeps giving me skin rashes . These days what I try to do is shower often and use talcum powder wherever something could smell, but it's not as effective as a synthetic deodorand that last for a whole day. I'm gonna experiment with not eating meat for a week or two see if my stankiness goes down as well. I smell like pork even after a shower. Any recommended brands or rules of thumb when buying a good body deodorant? Thanks ?
  6. what about this? Purchased a Potassium Alum rock in my local supermarket, gonna try it out. Thoughts?
  7. @Striving for more do youtube for few months or a year. It's all the creative authonomy and creative outlet you need to test the waters. Come up with a skit or short video idea, get the people and figure out the logistics, and pump out a few videos, see if you feel like you may enjoy this in the long run.
  8. Thos guy seems to be a quality source of carnivore knowledge. He even runs his own grass fed farm, knows about sibo and many other healh nuances. He's kinda clickbaity but still, lotta value in some vids. In this specific one he talks about the torture he went through because of iron toxicity from years and years of eating muscle meat, and what the solution was.
  9. What if we are the aliens squatting on the earth and now the real owners flew by their vacation planet and they now they ate like who dis and why u trash my house : o
  10. What if they stoopid and kinda primitive but their planet had easy access to fancy sci-fi fuel and superb materials? Maybe they aren't that much beyond us *shrug*
  11. Oh wow never thought about the added danger of being a cop in the US vs in the EU.
  12. @Leo Gura for me even ghee feels kinda inflamatory and gives me back acne. Are you going to eat organs?
  13. have you considered a fecal transplant? Kinda random but it popped into my mind after your blog video. god bless south park. Actually on point.
  14. there is this time i got baited by some sexy interdimensional hot babes to see if had my sexual cravings together and later kicked out of the dimension, here's the post :
  15. Today I discovered speech to text. I can ramble away my thoughts and also get them as an easy note. Just requieres little polishing. Also, use an external bluetooth keyboard for your smartphone or tablet, for notetaking. Surprise me bois.
  16. not exactly on point but in the same ballpark
  17. So I had an insight : It's probably going to require like a year of tripping or more to heal and release all the trauma and blockages I carry just to be actually truly "functional". Actually I'm tempted to say a life-time of tripping since I don't really know, but lets hope not lol. I like to keep it light on the forum and not wipe my digital tears on your LCD screens but here is some more serious talk : I've been in this sort of limbo between Spirituallity and Personal development for more than I'd like to admit. It's coming close to 3 years now and I really feel how I'm subconsciously pulling on the handbrake the whole time. Basically, I'm getting nowhere in both of these. My personal development fundations had never been solid , and then I went too deep too fast into spirituallity and I definately hurt myself ( pun not intended ) I 'm not able to pinpoint exactly what is holding me back but there certainly is a lot of something, and I have more than plenty of reasons, that I'm not getting into here, to belive I'm carrying tons of trauma. I've done heaps and lots and tons of journaling and other trauma release work and I've been really successfull at it . And yet there is more. The blue whale in the room. Because right now I feel like " I belong nowhere" . No I'm not depressed or nihilistic. It's just how I really feel. Filled with resistance and disinterest . Not really much interest in developing myself, not really interested in social life, not really interested in spirituallity, or Life Purpose / contribution, or making money. I don't really relate to my family. I tried to go back to my competition-driven videogame lifestyle but I can't even enjoy it anymore. I've seen behind the curtains of desire for status, recognition, being the top dog , etc. The magic is gone forever there. I light up around other people, since I'm a really uplifting guy but I feel like it's actually just distraction. I could distract myself with a GF and more and more friends and travel and maybe starting a family like other people distract themselves with, but those are just red herrings and I intuit it. I want to start lvl 2 of life. TLDR : I want to make a systemic, structural move to be able to consistently trip and heal my hidden wounds. I'll do more research since I'm pretty much clueless about what are some decent plausible decisions but what came to my mind are two things : Learn how to grow mushrooms, since they are legal to grow / for personal use here in Spain, and munch on those, but I live with my parents and I have no interest in explaining or convincing them of much. Ofc I could just move or rent a place or smth. Temporarely move to the Netherlands with the only purpose of pursuing personal healing, since I heard you can simply buy psilocybin truffless in physical shops there. The thing is IDK how effective they are for healing work. I don't think some 3000€ Ibiza ayahuasca retreat would be the solution like I've seen around. Maybe there are some similar but better alternatives. Anyways. Legal sourcing surely is one heck of a bottleneck for human consciousness development and colective healing. If you have some legal, posting-guideline friendly structural solutions or suggestions that you think may suit me, or anyone in similar shoes, feel free to share.
  18. Very good idea. I suggest a comunity tab where we can propose clips and titles. Out of contest clipping may be an issue though.
  19. Overcoming hyper-rationallity and decoming more in touch with feelings and intuition as my main operating system for day to day life rather than logically analizing every choice
  20. -cant delete the video from the post, cool video though - Pov: is the dog behind bars and you're free, or is the dog free and you're behind bars?
  21. Yes the man said he will do it
  22. If i'm just sitting all day and dont move my body my limbs get cold. If I go to gym or move at work for 5 hours I can sit in the same room and same temperature with warm limbs for hours. Move your body so blood circulates imo