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Everything posted by mmKay

  1. this is fucking insane. Thank you so much. Do you have hardcopy of old RSDNATION forum ? ?
  2. yea idk im just a kid didn't think this one through ?
  3. imagine your grandma hugging you so hard she squeezes you to a sheet of thin plywood
  4. I don't wanna jinx anything but Mitch McConnell ain't looking so fresh
  5. That was the video I linked . IDK if its real or not, or how much of it is real. But it certainly is an insane story. Either way the value here is be grateful for your life, you dont know how good you have it. And you can't imagine how bad things can get, so appreciate what you got. If you're on this forum most likely your life quality is in the top 20 % of human beings, contrasted with the 8 billion that we are.
  6. If you havent, watch this. This is a video of her talking about her upbeinging. Yes its fucking long - like your average video but it's well worth it. Its fucking nuts. It's fucking nuts! ! It will definitely be worth it. The story is mindblowing really. She's been raped lot's of times since very young, brainwashed tortured and forced to satanic rituals and cults. If you haven't seen it, brace yourself
  7. As title says, what would you recommend? Are pepper sprays effective for minimal personal defense? I'm talking scenarios where some weirdo or crazy guy decides to get physical with you, or you are about to get robbed. etc. I'm not paranoid, take all my shit and leave me sockless but it's cool to be minimally prepared for such scenario. I've had two stupid dudes once slap me in the face at a club for no reason at all other than having fun, talking to girls and being sociable. And some other group of bad dudes group up on me looking for a fight, till I had to physically leave. It's an annoying experience tbh. At least I don't live in America where every second psycho has a Glock lmao
  8. Then carry a sock with filled with dry rice in your pocket. Make a straight cut at the bottom and saw it back together with some thin thread. When the moment comes swing your weapon in the desired direction to bombard the enemy with the grains and make a run for it. Or last resort :
  9. @SamC follow your intuition. You know already. But do you know you know?
  10. @Zigzag Idiot like this? Submission is definitely a form of self defense. Look at racoons or cocroaches playing dead. Worked this far hasn't it
  11. MAYOR BREAKTHROUGH INSIGHT : Chew food. A lot more. Like 60 chews per single bite. Just came off a 80 hour water fast and had no issue whatsoever with some steamed pork that usually would feel heavy. Shoveling food down has been one big issue for me. The difference is huge. Also remove a food from your diet entirely for at least couple of weeks and then be very mindful of how it makes you feel once reintroduced : gut pain, diharrea, brain fog, sluggishnegs... Test eggs, dairy, meat, nuts, nut buttera, nightshades, lentils, etc. This technique compounds into ultimate knowledge of your gut over time. Do not dismiss this.
  12. Physically is only a paradigm. You can have a samadhi experience and become the whole field of vision temporarely. "Your own" Is a concept. Ultimately posession does really not exist. Things just are but you identify with objects, body, thoughts, etc. Face is a mental concept as well. Sit down and try to define exactly what your face is. Exactly. You wont be able to without fuzzy generalizations. Your whole problem is in the way you phrased your question and in the un-inquired assumptions and paradigms you hold. Question and think every single word/thoughts/concept/assumption. Thats if you are interested in understanding reallity and yourself.
  13. There was a covid outbreak at my workplace. I caught it as well. For a week straight worst headache of my life, but thats it. I was fully functional besides that. I had a near fatal lung infection when I was 3 yrs old and it seems that that didn't affect . Are vaccines the way things need to be? Naturally, a pandemic would weed out the "weak ones". Kill all the disease vulnerable people and life would go on. Nature don't care. But are you ok with potentially being the one that's weeded out? Are you ok with your sister and mother potentially weeded out? You decide. Little bonus. And here we are.
  14. Found vaxxine ingredient list on 4chan. This is no joke wake up guys
  15. I smell new cooking video. Sharing russian grandma potato pancake recipe.
  16. Spongebob reference : this whole channel
  17. Now you know why penguins waddle ? God is a horny motherfucker
  18. @Strangeloop Plot twist : Gay / straight is a duallity. Sexual preference is not white or black, but a wide grey spectrum. You can stick your wiener wherever you want without identifying and attaching to any single stereotype or archetype. You are ultimately Pansexual. But are you brave enough ?
  19. Rule for nutrition : different things work for different people. Personal experimentation is highest authority. Also try blending the lentels really good with a little water and spices. For me it makes it easier to digest noticebly.
  20. Yeah i have issues with with eggs, no matter the quality. But throwing away the white and eating just the yolks works wonders. Here qulaity chicken breast is 25€ for a kilo!!! 5 times more expensive as the average one ( if you happen to find it in a supermarket ) . Spain is not on top of the organic pasture raised game. I love lentils and peas to death but they make me bloat and take super long to digest making me feel heavy, and since a sharp mind is one of my top priorities they are a nope for me :/. Potatoes are too high carb for me and they kickstart a binge craving to eat more and more carbs. Coliflour does the trick. Anything you can do with potato you can do with coliflour . Works wonders for me.
  21. this south park inception-like episode is gold
  22. Buy yourself a fapmaster 6009 fleshlight flike a real man ? Also certain diets lower libido drastically, which can be a good thing. For me, keto/ low carb does that but whatever works for you. Also maybe some combined water fasting / celebacy cycles work at spacing out desire to orgasm Those are my 2 cents? but you know you