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Everything posted by mmKay

  1. Fun little game here, let's not take it too seriously. When I first asked myself this question the first thing animal that came up to mind was a Fox, and it actually is aligned with some of my top values which are ingenuity and playfulness Other than that I thought Turtle, because I drive a small camper van and as an introvert sometimes it feels like I can go back into my shell whenever I want a time out from socializing What's yours and why?
  2. I dug up this pic back from 2019 Lots of these wild goofy fellas at my place. Currently one has been roaming my bedroom for a month. Sometimes I find him on my pillow or crawling on the ceiling on top of me when I'm at my pc lol I love geckos. Get yourselves a handful. They are the cats of the reptile world Get yourself a pocket sized croc What's my prize?
  3. Leo's crocs while shooting vids
  4. @UpperMaster sneak peek appetizer @Davino my ego says my ego is tier 3 so it can't possibly be wrong
  5. Vestigial traits in humans are remnants of structures or behaviors that had a function in ancestral species but have lost most or all of their original purpose due to evolution.
  6. High fever is physically taxing but I actually love the cognitive benefits. The raised metabolism and body temperature that's fighting the infection enhances thinking, at least for me. I don't know about focusing on some external information, by for contemplation inside of my mind is great
  7. I'm sure it's not something Leo may be very fond of but it seems it's just a matter of time before someone scrapes all the video transcripts and trains an AI on it. I find It inevitable and of tremendous value to the people that are already familiar with the content. I would definitely recommend putting it behind a monthly subscription paywall. @FlyingLotus already summarized all the content using AI as a first step. is an example of this. It has been trained on over 1600 transcripts of his videos and it's basically like having a conversation with Jeffrey Mishlove. It's feels like the natural evolution of Leo's work. A decade to create the body of wisdom to ultimately feed it into an interactive tool. The nature of the beast is that there comes a point where the amount of content is so immense it gets exponentially difficult to get into it and review all of it, where as an AI chat-bot may be just the right solution. Anyways, I thought I'd bring out the elephant in the room and hear your opinions. Feel free to lock this if it's out of discussion
  8. Confidence doesn't necesary requiere experience, just a lack of self-doubt. Some people's confidence comes from delusion, blind spots and dunning kruger effect. But yeah massive experience is a sure way of developing confidence, specifically with women
  9. The desire to take credit and recognition exists for a reason, and that reason is survival, just like ALL human endeavors and ALL human features. It's one of many survival mechanisms. Credit and recognition can give you survival value. It can give you status, resources, validation, sex, money, etc. (Validation is also a survival value; your peers liking you means they will help you with survival.) Imagine being the inventor of big game hunting, fire, the lightbulb, or electricity. Credit and recognition for that one innovation or idea could make your genes spread exponentially. Survival is serious business, and giving credit where credit is due is essential for the evolution of society. Imagine you work hard for years to create a solution to a major problem, only for someone else to take the credit. That's a serious handicap to your survival. It's also deceitful, and you are being taken advantage of. The person who takes credit wouldn’t have the intellectual genetics that people think they do, which could lead to them getting status, sex, and resources that should have gone to someone else. The wrong genes would receive an unfair advantage, skewing natural selection (which is meant to boost beneficial survival traits, not deceitful ones). Deceitful traits can only last so long before getting weeded out by real valuable traits . Credit and recognition serve a real purpose in survival. We are still playing a game of survival with dead serious stakes at play, and we are nowhere close to transcending it. Without copyright, griefing would run amok. Why work hard if you can just steal someone’s work? That's the more energy efficient thig to do. We have tried that before given our lazy and selfish nature, and now laws are there for a reason. They are not perfect but it's better than nothing. We can always apply discernment to check if we are being dysfunctional and just crave attention and validation, or if we are actually being reckless and working against our own survival benefit when we still haven't built a solid foundation there. Emotions exist for survival reasons, and they may be screaming: "Hey! I need the fruits of that work!" Anyways, it's a tendency to be aware of. Check what the actual stakes are and make your decision. The ego can be insatiable, so drawing a line may be tricky. And the ego exists for Survival, so the more you get Survival sorted out the more you can lay back and let go of the need for recognition, instead of demonizing the survival mechanism for doing its intended purpose I wrote this (credit please) because I'm actually currently wrestling with the same situation and had to contemplate , why do I feel that way? Ultimately it really is something to let go of. Just don't be reckless with your survival efforts and you won't need the emotional reminder for it It's actually a cool double standard. It's cool if I benefit from others ideas for free but not the other way around
  10. Superhuman levels of libido surely help as a motivation for mastering game. Results in pickup are exponential. Getting a GF does not scratch the same itch as experiencing abundance. At least satisfy whatever you're working with so you're not a horny desperate hyena and can focus on stuff you find meaningful
  11. I like observing myself observing others, as the insights and learning is happening real-time , making sense of sense-making Tier 3 hobbies lol
  12. Someone generate this one : Crocodile Wallstreet : Crocodile eating a Crocodile eating a Crocodile eating a Crocodile ( wolf of wallstreet theme for bonus points )
  13. Also know as the principle of Marketittyng You can show a rack to a neardental high on fermented fruit and he'll have a similar strong emotional reaction than a modern dude
  14. @Davino my bad, it was @MuadDib who leveraged AI to summarize all the content
  15. You feel you're " glued " to your body because of your state of consciousness. You are your body, but also you aren't your body. I've been practicing Astral projection for the last month ( check out my journal, I share practical steps to have an Out of Body experience TONIGHT ) -- Google the Subtle body, that's what you're looking for in technical terms. In my own words, it's basically as if your physical material body is " overlapped " with the " Subtle body " ( Pure sensations without the need for a material body or sensory organs ), and if your state of consciousness is right ( during dreaming, or right upon falling asleep or right upon waking up ) you can exit your material body and experience the astral realm. You still see, feel and hear the same as if you had a material body, but it's just pure perception without the need for sensory organs
  16. Yeah but understanding it from the outside is also part of understanding the whole. You can't have a full picture just from the inside. You need contrast and multiple perspectives. Understanding it from the inside comes with inherent blind spots. Just like asking women for dating advice or what do they want from a guy will give partial or misleading answers, because women don't have experience attracting women. But they do have access to a different experience which is not often explored by men because it's not required for getting laid, its not " useful" in pragmatic terms. In terms of our work I'd argue than understanding from the outside is more accurate and valuable than from the inside. We don't need or want to experience everything, cognitive understanding is good enough. In terms of the Universe, it prefers to experience , through incarnation from the inside. The universe ain't in a rush
  17. Adrenal fatigue is very common with heavy metal toxicity. The single thing that has helped me with energy levels has been high doses of vitamin C. Pick a buffered form to avoid too much acidity. I use sodium ascorbate. I take up to 8 grams per day, but you may need some time before you can get there without an upset stomach. I’d recommend about 500 mg of sodium ascorbate every 3 or 4 hours for at least 2 weeks so that you can feel a proper difference, and then reconsider if it's something worth sticking with. I just buy 1 kg and make my own pills to save money, but what I linked is good enough. There is a night and day difference for me, and I’ve come to the conclusion that if I don’t supplement with large amounts of vitamin C, I am pretty much dysfunctional as long as I haven't detoxed from heavy metals. Besides that, look into adrenal cortex extract (IMPORTANT! JUST THE CORTEX!). It works wonders for fatigued adrenals. Anywhere from 1 to 20 capsules per day or even more. @Buck Edwards keep in mind it’s normal (to a degree) for you to take a while to wake up, especially if you happened to interrupt a sleep cycle, had poor sleep, a heavy dinner, lots of artificial light, stress, mosquitoes, an uncomfortable bed, too hot/too cold, dust mites allergy, etc. Other things to keep in consideration: at night, your oxygen levels decrease due to shallow breathing, blood doesn’t flow nearly as much due to lack of movement, low blood sugar from not eating for many hours, dehydration, and poor nutritional choices like chemicals in food or caffeine addiction can be felt in the mornings. Definitely have a wake-up routine to re-energize yourself. Move your body, get blood flowing and get some oxygen in. In other words , a nice walk in the park should get the job done.
  18. This is the closest I've been to having astral sex. I'm beginning to see certain patterns and understanding that dimension more. I went lucid at the end of a super long dream that was pretty weird. I was being chased by someone and It was basically that hide and seek game where I was camouflaging as objects. It came to a point where it was ridiculous and that made me go lucid. I started flying to escape that situation and went through the floor without knowing where I'm going. All of the sudden I entered a massive party cave with maybe close to 2000 people. I could see the entire thing with my eyes. I started looking for a girl. There was an open air bar. I flew closer to some girls sitting on bar stools. They didn't recognize my presence. I kept flying. I could see hundreds of people. Two women were walking in front of me. They were in a cheerful mood, maybe early 30s. You would think I'm this dream world it would be just all hot babes but they were just okay. I approached one of them by flying closer and putting my arm around her shoulder and looking into her eyes. I basically communicated my intention of having sex. She was still cheerful and told me she has COVID 19 in a playful way. I felt it was a shit test and I said that I love COVID 19. She giggled and we hugged. I could really feel her body. I touched her belly and put my finger in her belly button. I could really feel it. She was super thin and I loved it I grabbed her by the elbow and together with her friend we started walking into a venue bar/club. I was beginning to exit the realm so I did deepening techniques: rubbing my hands together, clapping, touching my body... I looked down and could see my legs for the very first time. I even had an astral erection and could feel my astral Johnson. I couldn't find a place to isolate ourselves in the venue and I was feeling that everyone was watching us. I started beginning to exit the realm. I think it's because it was already 10 Am. Sun was shinning , my eye mask had skipped and there was construction noise... !! Damn You would think that it that dimension you can get away with whatever you want, but there seems to be a certain logic to things. Other beings need to recognize your presence, you need to communicate your intention by whatever way and they need to give you consent. And it seems that you need a private space as well for now so you accidentally don't feel feelings of shame that could get you kicked out of the realm. You need a degree of civilized behavior. You can't just go around sexually harassing others like you'd think you can get away with in the Astral realm. That will get you kicked out. You also can't manifest or control everything. There are certain parameters that you need to work with. Yes you control thins with your intent and your mind, but it doesn't seem to be absolute as of for now. That's so cool. Looking forward to learning more about the phenomenon. I'll look into My big TOE book and other online info. Maybe there are some more guidelines and I don't need to test everything from scratch
  19. Have you ever thought that, to the aliens, we are the aliens ?
  20. I just barely recovered from the 100MG ALA round yesterday. It's been 3 weeks. What worked was taking 8 to 10 pills of adrenal cortex EXTRACT for a couple of days. It seems that round seriosly fatigued my adrenal glands. Mercury and heavy metals are known for " crashing your adrenals ", which manifests as that chronic fatigue where no ammount of sleep is enough. I'll do another round soon. I should go back down to 60 MG but I may just be stoopid enough to try 100 MG again, for the sake of science, even though I'm no scientist. @baconsfield Pure body extra Zeolite Nanoparticle spray. If I were you I'd at least try a single 3 day 25 mg DMSA round. You should be just fine if you've never had amalgams and will get a feel for how chelation feels to you as safely as possible
  21. Obviously first look for the underlying issue. ED at 27 is not normal. If it's porn induced ( PIED), have a read : If it's not PIED, consult a health professional. Make sure to consume enough cholesterol from stuff like eggs, which is one of the main components for Testosterone. Get enough protein ideally, from meat ( Aminoacids are essential for hormone production ) -- Also make sure to consume enough Zinc ( I take 50 mg of Zinc Picolinate per day, but thats just me) . Vitamin D is crucial for hundreds of different bodily functions. Take a blood test and supplement if needed. I live in Souther spain ( 300 days of sunshine per year) and had to supplement for 6 months regardless. Weight lifting can temporarely increase Testosterone levels, potentially even in the long run . Also get enough sleep and consume enough calories. Being chronically on a calorie deficit is a sure way of killing your libido, I have tried tadalafil ( Cialis ) a few times. The pills are 20 MG but I just cut them in half. One half lasts for an entire weekend basically. It makes getting an erection through physical stimulation super easy for about 72 hours . Refractory period still exists, whatever that is for you . You can allways carry one in your wallet in case of emergencies, but it may be illegal to have in some countries without prescription in case of a routine police searsh, so inform yourself. It can somewhat boost your confidence to an extent if that's something that was bothering you, somewhat like how I Imagine you'd feel more confident walking on the street carrying a concealed gun ( ? ) For a casual relationship I don't think you need to mention anything, but for a GF I'd definitely tell her about it. You don't want to rely on pills for every single session. It could get a little confusing why sometimes you can go for 6 hours and sometimes you're done after the first round. What you can do is test out MACA, it may work wonders for you. It can even work for her, so that's a more long term sustainable substance. IDK about negative side effects. They definitely are there if you abuse it . You could develop performance anxiety if you rely on the pill every single time .
  22. I can't tell if that's amazing or a miserable existance driven by infinite lust
  23. Entered the phase twice in a row yesterday. I fell through the bed as a technique. It was very blurry and I got kicked out back to back in spite of deepening techniques. Weird. It seems that that dimension/s aren't completely constant
  24. As I'm learning more and more about sales and marketing, the foundations, Insights, do's and don'ts , with the purpose of becoming financially independent in the next 10 years , I'd like this place to be where I share what I find , and for this thread to become massively valuable over the years You're welcome to share wisdom nuggets as well, but really think through if what you're posting is valuable, as to keep it tidy I will regularly be asking mods to remove irrelevant or low quality posts I want to focus on high quality and ethical sales and marketing to the degree that is possible , but I consider learning and translating lessons from the coldhearted cutthroat real business world as well I started with the Alex Hormozi Podcast. It's around 650 episodes long and I'll be mostly sharing stuff from there for now The first 150 episodes focus more on a gym owner perspective before switching over to more pure sales and marketing, but it still very valuable for a newbie like me. A little something from today: Value equation : Value = Significance of Outcome multiplied by likelihood of archivement divided by time and effort Your product's value in the customers eye can be calculated by understanding how deeply they value what you are offering them , multiplied by how likely is it that you can make reality that result for them, divided by how much struggle it takes from their part . And that is one factor that's on their mind when deciding if to pay the amount you're asking