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Everything posted by mmKay

  1. Just wanted to add that when I missed that one night dose by almost 3 hours I felt a stronger headache but that's it. It faded over time as I followed through the round even though I was advised by the mods to stop. I've been officially diagnosed mercury toxic as I had assumed. IDK the acurracy of all these tests and diagnosis though but I'll roll with it. I'll definitely keep chelating as I feel it working with little negative side effects for now. After 10 rounds of increasing DMSA ill add ALA.
  2. Tonight i will finish the round. It will be 4 and half days. I gotta say I do feel slightly better mental clarity. Energy levels are up in spite of the terrible sleep schedules over these days, sometimes just barely getting 3 hours of sleep. Night doses are difficult. Many times I wake up half asleep and I'm just completely zone out yet I barely manage to take the pills. I breathe way more clear now. I used to have my nose chronically stuffed. It still is but way less. It may be because i stopped eating cheese and wheat. Also perhaps because of the consistently high doses of magnesium and vitamin C im taking. I will take 5 days off and finish off the 25 MG dmsa bottle I've got in one go and then rest again and proceed to up the dose to 50 mg as I'm clearly feeling well ON round. Few couple of days I was tolerating a slight headache but its 100% gone by now. Excited for round 2.
  3. Just finished day 2/4 . As I said before I followed through even though I missed a dose for almost 3 hours . I felt a slightly stronger headache but nothing out of the usual. I guess it's not that big of a deal with my level of toxicity and such small doses. IDK though. I slept kinda good tonight in spite of missing the dose. Still kinda tired because poor sleeping schedule.
  4. @JonasVE12 sounds like this Anaphylaxis I get something alike when consuming too much Kombucha or kefir ( too much probiotics)
  5. Fuck - what? Missed my 2:40 dose and woke up 5:30. I had accumulated sleep from the night before. And was asleep like a log. Such a noob mistake. Technically im suposed to stop the round but I'll go on for the sake of personal science. I'm suposed to experience substantial negative side effects.
  6. No longer need to order from the UK or 'murica. Amazing delivery and decent prices. If you don't know the other ones they're:
  7. Last dose. Day 1/4. No mayor side effects besides being restless cause lack of proper sleep. 2 hour 40 mintue doses kinda suck in that regard. Perhaps I'll get used to falling asleep sooner. Also I'll get some covers on my windows so I can sleep in the extreme dark.
  8. About to take dose 7. Anedoctal plausible side effects I've felt ( although it can just be placebo or caused by other reasons) Mild headache 30 min after first dose. Subtle " Pulling " Or " Sucking " Sensation in the brain area, as well as " Pressure " Little dry coughing and " Dry lungs " Feeling. Started sneezing quite often - and really satisfying ones as well. It's actually a mercury detox pathway and I found it ridiculous at the beginning but it seems it's legit according to the book. Little burning sensation when peeing. Little poking sensation in gut area here and there. Havent pooped for like 13 hours. Kinda more hungry than usual and also more thirsty than usual. Subtle euphoria feeling throughout the night. I actually struggled to fall asleep. Because of my work schedule and chelation schedule I only fell asleep around 5 AM to 8 Am. I'm not extremely fatigued though. I feel better than after eating eggs for dinner at night lol
  9. I will keep a physical journal in my pocket. Here is a sneak peak into my organization skills. Thats one thing I could improve but it's definitely not at the top of my priorities list.
  10. I just officially started my first round of chelation ever. Just chugged what I had to chug. Start time : 27 May 18:40 Total time of the round I'm about to do : 4 days ( 96 hours) . Taking 25mg dmsa every 160 Min. ( 2 hours 40 min) . 36 shots of pills. Finish time will be 31st May 18:40 I organized the supplements the best I could. Noob mistake: not enough space in pill boxes. Gotta use three separate containers but I'll be extra focused on doing everything right this first round. I'll order a third pill box right now. Wish me luck. " God helps those who help themselves " Kinda wanted to drop this one here lol. May seem messy AF but I understand it myself. I promise myself I'll do a better job next time
  11. Easy time calculator Used this to make 100% I'm accurate lol. Dosing 25 DMSA every 2 hours 40 min ( aka 160 min) so that I do it at the same day every single day and don't need to switch up alarms or anything.
  12. Alright im finding it difficult to start. I've done the two weeks buildup. Im kind of waiting for the perfect moment but I've not been able to find one. I will start today. I have 3 hours before work which is enough to figure everything out. Problem : ? Need reliable timers. I want no missed doses over these 4 days. Solution : Phone alarm for now. Wrist watch would be ideal. 50 bucks. Dangers: out of battery. Phone turning off for any reason. Not having it with me... Problem : Suplement schedule? Same as Leos vid pretty much. Id spread out magnesium actually ( 400 - 800 mg a day is recommended in 4 doses per day) 500 vit C every 2 hour 40 min together with the 25 mg dmsa. One 50 mg zinc pill at night with food. Two 268 mg vit E pills a day. One morning one night seems reasonable. Carrying pill box to work logistics. Paint timetable on pill boxes. Put numbers in order. More stuff : One ACE pill a day for adrenal suport. Its to be taken at morning. I keep supplementing vitamin D ( As I've tested low) although I've read it's forbidden during the protoco but the clarified its alright. It still leaves me kinda uneasy. Im also taking Artichoke extract and Milk thistle extract for liver support as advised. I feel no difference though. Taking some quality omega 3s, vit A, Iodine and have L-thyrosine at hand in case i need a little energy boost ( not sure how effective it is for me) Need lots of water. Coconut water is ok here and there for some potassium. Have plenty of bananas for the fiber and potassium as my main thiol free carb ( white rice) has none. Grass fed beef has plenty of B vitamins but ideally I'd get that DIY water kefir going again for the probiotics + B vitamins. Fucking flies ruined it for the third time. I think that's it. Let's go. I hope i don't fuck myself up. Here goes for personal science. Quote this in half a year to say id it was worth it.
  13. My question : " What's the deal with Chelation and Zinc/Copper ratio? I hear everywhere that there are some dangers because of zinc inhibiting copper absorbtion, but also I hear that ALA makes your body retain copper during long rounds of chelation . And to " take caution of high copper foods while chelating. Also people keeping track in their copper levels ( I don't know with what procedure) Could anybody clear my confusion a little? What would be the key points I should understand about Zinc and specifically Copper? " Anwsers from admins ; This is my understanding: Andy's theoretical concern was, that ALA slows copper excretion through the liver during the round- while ALA is taken and mercury is shuttled through the liver. That accumulation doesn't actually seem to happen going by the volume of messages Cutler got from people who did NOT experience increasing copper levels. If copper levels need to be assessed RBC copper, is the proper test. ( The Copper Plasma and RBC test measures Copper levels in both the plasma and Red Blood Cells (RBC) )
  14. I just wanted to briefly share this cool idea. Over the last two years I developed this little functional OCD to mentally label every single experience or thought " This is Love", no matter how much I dislike it, and then backwards rationalize ways in which it actually IS love but i wasn't aware of. This stance is a constant assumption. I don't really have the direct experience into infinite Love but I assume it is so BUT I just happen to be too miopic. And what's cool is that if you actually try you can allways reverse engineer anything you think or feel is imperfect about the Universe, your experience, your existence or anything that happens in your life, etc and see how actually this allows for a more complex and broad experience of Love. "To maximize Love " In short. You may not allways directly arrive at the highest complexity order of Love but you will explore lots of different small tweaks and deliberate designs that are actually very sly of Reality and you did not appreciate before that help you to broaden your sense of Love and to embrace life more fully. Some examples. Fuck, why can't I be amazing at singing NOW? Rationalization : by singing being designed to be a complex skill that takes years to see any results in I'm forced to experience perseverance ( a test for my Love over time ) . I may also look up for help from others instead of snapping my fingers and being able to sing like Freddie Mercury, so that I experience a student teacher relationship . Also if I invest time, money and effort into the skill I will appreciate and cherish it way more than if it was an inmediate result. Why does my car have to get fucking filthy over time? I just want it to be effortlessly clean. Rationalization: So that I take care of it personally. You can show love and appreciation to an inanimate object as well ( and actually claiming posession of something is extending your sense of self to include it.) You pick a nice smelling air freshener yourself. You make time to give it a nice wash. You vacuum the chips off the carpets. You give it time, effort, thought and attention. Why does my mom to have to be a alcoholic? Why can't I just have a normal loving mom? Rationalization : Alcohol is just a crutch for many inner mental issues she has. She is using IT to cope with the lack of love and all the hurt that she has gone through when whe was growing up. Which is a wonderful tool and double edged sword from her POV. Now imagine the experience of Love it entails to rise up to the challenge - be deeply hurt and dysfunction and STILL quit alcohol for the love of your children or your family. Or don't. If you die from liver failure your family will be hurt. But they can go to a therapist who loves to heal mental and emotional wounds and experience that. These are just a few ideas. If you entertain this idea for long enough you can spin it into infinity and just keep marveling at the Intelligent design of really. I like to asume that every time i'm upset, pissed , confused or hurt I'm simply " too dumb at the moment" to see the intelligent design. Now you can delude yourself at every corner and use this to rationalize your selfishness which is not why I'm sharing this. So use with wisdom and an eye for self deception if you happen to have the ability for it. Feel free to share your own thought experiments. Some topics : Why do I have to fight myself to get out of bed every day? Why can't it just be effortless? Why don't I look like Jason Momoa? Why do I have to be stuck in a 9-5 grind? Why do I have to experience health issues? Why are people selfish? Why are people greedy? Why is it so hard to get laid for me? Why are intimate relationships so hard? Why do I have to deal with this very problem? ( point at anything in your life)
  15. Good to remember : Oral chelation must continue for another 6 months to a year AFTER you think you’re well. Some people have to chelate for 3 years. As Andy says, “Chelate, chelate and chelate some more.” You will know your mercury has been removed when you can take high doses of the chelators (e.g. 200mg) with no side-effects. Then it is advised to wait a few months, and start another round at a lower dose, just to make sure. REMEMBER: Increasing the dosage too fast is one of the most common ways people get in trouble with this protocol. Chelation is a slow process, it does not help to push it faster than your body can cope.
  16. [...] You can eventually increase the number of days ON if side effects are stabile, especially if you do well while chelating. This is only advised once you have become somewhat experienced with the oral chelation protocol and only when using DMSA or DMPS on its own. ALA should generally not be taken for longer than 3 days. It is then okay to chelate for longer periods with DMSA or DMPS if your body can keep up with the detox effects and interruption of sleep, then have the same time for rest periods. Usually no more that 2 weeks is recommended, but most can’t go for too long anyway because of lack of sleep due to the interruption of it. If you a lot feel better during the rounds you can extend it for a few more days and see how you do. Longer rounds excrete more mercury and cause less redistribution. Longer rounds are advised only for those that actually do better while chelating – for those that have significant side effects while on round, you will need to take as much time OFF as ON. If you feel a lot better while chelating with the DMSA during that extended time and need to stop because of lack of sleep etc, then you should take the same amount of time off before starting again. Most can’t do it for extra long periods. This is especially true when you add ALA and are dosing every 3 hours or more often. But with DMPS which is taken every 8 hours (due to its longer half-life) people can chelate longer or even continuously as you don’t have to wake up to take doses in the middle of the night. ALA causes less copper to be released during rounds causing problems in the long-term (especially for copper toxic people) so the off-days are very important for most to allow balance to return to your system.
  17. Omfg I'm actually doing progress. Hair sample was sent 6th of May ( two and half weeks ago). In about 2 weeks more I'll get emailed my results. As you see below all it took was to track the supplement regime and tick the day. Very simple very effective. I just taped a micro calentar to my laptop ( a place where it's super visible for me ). I Chugged all the supplements x1 a day and then 3 more times just vit C and magnesium. Actually feeling way way better just from this . Magnesium and vit C before sleep is extremely underated. ✅ Finished 2 weeks Core 4 build up supplement regime. Today I can actually start chelation. I want to recap everything all the important stuff I've learned during this last half year over the next few posts. [...] To figure out your thiol status, you need to do an elimination diet. Eat exclusively low sulfur foods for at least four days. Do not chelate with ALA during this time. Reintroduce high sulfur foods at ONE meal. Watch what happens. As a rule, people who do well with thiol foods feel good while taking alpha lipoic acid and can use robust doses. People who are thiol sensitive get a lot of side effects from it and need to stick to lower doses. A Low thiol foods list I can eat for me personally during chelation would be : Mango. Sardines . sugar ( I add it to my DIY water kefir ) . Apples. Banana. Avocado. Chicken. Beef. Lemon/lime. Ginger. Mushrooms. Rice. Peach. Pear. Peppers. Carrots. Tomato. Watermelon. Spelt. Sweet potato. Dates, Corn, Cucumber. Basil. Berries. Black pepper. Figs. Olives. Wheat ( huh ) Fruit (all fruits parsley spelt other than papaya and pineapple are low thiol) Honey. Grapefruit ( YUM ) , Kiwi. Buttermilk is where the thiols end up. Butter is thiol free. No CHEESE. Oats ( Properly fermented over days, otherwise it's 下痢 for me [...]" there is no significant amount of thiol precursors or thiols in coconut. However some coconut products are sulfited to keep them white colored. Read the label. " Things I'll want to stop eating that are high in Thiols and are in my current diet : Eggs. ( Checked that I'm sensitive to them. Terrible sleep ) Beans, Lentils, Peas of all sorts. Dairy products., Cheese, milk... ( even better, I'm lactose sensitive. IDK if im allowed to have Goat stuff but IDC) Butter is fine actually it seems. No Coffee, No Chocolate, No Carob. Brocoli, cauliflower. Chives, Onions. . Garlic. Mustard. pineaple( RIP - But on second thought, I remember feeling off after eating Pineaple, multiple times by now hmmm ) . Peanuts ( sensitive anyways ) . [...] Meat is also high in sulfur, but most people tolerate it well due to its low thiol level. Sulfur ≠ Thiols, contrary to popular belief. About Supplements : No-No : Curcumin - I sleep terribly after it . Turmeric (while it does not contain thiols, it is thiol levels). My supplement actually is curcumin and tumeric. F me lol. Supplements that are safe and support the sulfur pathways : Molybdenum. Dose = 500- 1000 mcg / day
  18. contrast that with CTRL+F option to look up keywords. Very often I want to look up a specific phrase from the book where I just remember only a word or sentence and It snipes it in seconds from the complete thicc book. Or just clicking the titles in the index.
  19. @Preety_India everyone is unique. You can consider peoples opinions and experience and draw your own conclusions. the only real anwser is within your very direct experience. Only you can do personal science and properly analize what are the pros and cons for your specific body and mind. Personally I try to stay away from stimulants as I'm pretty sensitive. If want to aim for brain performance I take a Nootropic cocktail. I do drink an expresso here and there, max one every 4-5 days to avoid any kind of addiction and building tolerance. but most of the time I stay away from it, I'm even sensitive to L-theanine. But that's me.
  20. Twitch streamer " Sweet Anita " Has Tourette Syndrome and she has tic that goes " This is not a tic " . Also interesting re-contextualzation.
  21. Sadhguru enjoys an Oreo Milkshake on Doomsday
  22. Good one. But I still had Twerking Pickle up my sleeve.
  23. I taped a micro calendar to my laptop to track how long have I been successfully been on the core 4 supplement regime. 6 more days to start chelation ?