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Everything posted by mmKay

  1. This is quite amazing - watch the whole thing
  2. Alligator meat is high in heavy metals. So don't make that a staple in your diet florida man
  3. idk if Temu has been posted on here yet giga-capitalism
  4. ☝️ I do believe your mind's eye and visualization skills improve if you detox heavy metals. One reason you may be depressed is because you LITERALLY are not capable of holding a compelling motivating Inspiring mental image of a life you would be thrilled to live Erase pls 👇
  5. Is this one good ? It's the only decent one I've found available in Spain. Leo's link is 300€+ for the delivery to Europe 🤦
  6. modafinil is good, it makes you more witty. It increases my motivation to initiate conversations with strangers but my mood is actually pretty serious, I have to manually let go and vibe if that makes sense . thats me though. One thing I like doing is avoiding sugar and stimulants for two weeks , and then on a weekend night I'd have like 150 g of sugar, a strong green tea and 1/4 th modafinil. giving myself a sugar rush is my way of getting intoxicated lol Al-lad gets you tipsy but your mind stays clear, perhaps enhanced. alcohol is terribe for me, it makes me more introverted. weed REALLY releases my anxiety. I go out sober though. You can manually pump your state and be high without substances
  7. I mean since you are the Universe and all is One then nutting into a wild goat is also considering " sex with yourself " . Just food for thought I'm proud of this being my 2.000ᵗʰ post
  8. I Invested 245€ in chelation. FINALLY. I procrastinated on this for a year and half. No joke . This should last me for at least half a year of chelation. How have I not thought of this budget friendly alternative before ? DMSA is so extremely expensive. It does chelate Lead which ALA does not. But ALA is what crosses blood brain barrier so thats where the brain gains are at. And ala in powder form is 50 times cheaper. As I said before, aparently for Lead chelation it's enough to do one single three day DMSA round per month ( no more than 50mg per dose ) which is actually pretty cheap if you buy the large pills and just take the powder out of them and split them in smaller doses. But lead takes years to chelate as it is stored in the bones and slowly released into the bloodstream as your bones regenerate by their decade long cycle. 5€ for 1000 gelatin size 00 capsules on Aliexpress is as cheap as it gets in Spain . Free delivery. Still better than the 15€ they have on amazon... Seriously I use Amazon less and less... I got the exact same miligram scale as on Amazon for 6€ ( first order discount) - the prices are so inflated... Dropshipping has gotten out of hand. checked on Alibaba. around 40€ for 10000 empty capsules !!! but the delivery is 160€ lmfao I may experiment with microscoops instead for dosing all of this so that I don't have to make the pills. ACC forum does not recommend it as it may be unconsistent, specially with the chelator dose. Keeping a stable blood chelator level is part of the safe chelation protocol. Leo does find microscoops more accurate than microscales for weighting psychedelics for example, but it is true that so much more can go wrong with consistently microscooping supplements and chelators over time ( spilling, accidentally inhaling, mistaking doses... etc )
  9. So a few days ago I came back to my parents place in Malaga after being in Valencia with my campervan for half a year. I was stranded on that parking lot for about a week. I tried troubleshooting the mechanical issue. Initially I thought it was the inmobizer so I removed it. It still didn't start. Then I bridged the injection pump with the starter battery with a cable and it started!!! Great!! Just kidding. Not great. It turned on but it was pouring diesel onto the parking lot like an open tap. It didn't want to start for a good reason. I took out the ignition key. It didn't stop the van. I disconnected the battery... It didn't stop the van This is obvious looking in hindsight because of the cable I bridged and the van being a diesel, but in the moment I did not think, I just acted. So in a rush I cut a container with one hand to put under the van to catch some of the leak as I was calling my father to ask how the f*ck do I stop it now that it's on. Anwser was simple, just go first gear and smash the brakes. F a c e p a l m. Turns out it's a leak from the injection pump. Anywhere I'd go around in Valencia most likely it would be a 2000€ repair. Because they tell you the whole thing has to be replaced. Rarely you find someone who would mess internally with it. I called the insurance to take my van to my house 600km away so that my father can repair it. Most likely it's a 20 bucks repair by switching some rubber gaskets. It is supposed to arrive in a few days as they fill up the huge tow truck with 9 more cars. I came by a 11 hour bus ride with two backpacks . I recorded the entire story of this post irl but I feel I don't enjoy editing that kind of vlogs. I may share it as I'm still finding my style in this YouTube world. So why is the injection pump broken in the first place? The dude at the ITV (mandatory bi-yearly mechanical check up on vehicles in Spain) revved my engine to 5k for the emissions check... Bruh. Initially it was running but I had intuit I was leaking fuel because of the high consumption. It must have burst at the parking lot. Bruhhh So I'm staying here for at least the end of January before I decide what do I want to do next So that's the logistics of what happened. The serious matters are deciding what the f*ck to do next. Not having a clear direction in my life is seriously having a toll on my mental health. Don't get me wrong. I don't think in depressed. I just seriously lack direction, passion and ambition because of a few different reasons : I think I may have actual psychological damage from spiritual work. From contemplation of metaphysical issues. I did get some answers back in 2018 that destroyed my motivation for life until this very day. A Dark Night of the Soul so hard I almost didn't make it I spent my life playing videogames and have never cultivated interests outside of that world. It is still affecting my day to day life even I haven't done it in years. Also this heavy metal toxicity makes my mind slow and dysfunctional and my body lazy. My libido is trash, probably because of cornography. I'm staying away from that for an entire year to see if it improves it. My actions are hindered by a severe toxic perfectionism I'm struggling to shake off, and a life long crippling deep fear of judgement that runs so deep I have still barely scratched it's surface after years of personal development work. The more people I get to know the more ashamed I feel of being so materially behind in life, even though I understand the nature of meaning, value and purpose and am orders of magnitude ahead of the average mind So that's the cocktail I'm dealing with. That being said , I'm a super upbeat guy irl and even more so around people, and my emotional state baseline from -10 to 10 would be a solid constant +2 I look around to observe other people. What do they spend their time doing and what do they find meaningful. I see people who get lost in drugs, competitions, video games, drama, attention seeking, chasing status, fame, relationships, raising families... Now that's all good and is part of the average human experience, just not what I'm looking for. I'm not really motivated by a relationship with a girl, chasing sex, being wealthy, Truth and metaphysical wisdom, travelling and seeing the world, leaving a legacy, status and competition... I'm still developing a taste for contribution and helping people. Personal development is my main focus but pretty slow with minimal motivation. I just have this loose faith that I will find my thing... My life is just so bland right now and I dont wish such thing to anyone. I enjoy public speaking. Speaking to the cámara. Improv comedy. Singing , Understanding personal development and the human psyche , explaining, listening to people's mental issues. I like dancing, giving massages, calisthenics ( kind of ) socializing with like minded people, pick-up for the thrill... I used to be very interested in spirituality but I kind of overdosed on that in my early twenties as I still hadn't set the foundation for my life ( I still haven't) but it has given me access to unconditional happiness on command ( temporally ) which actually further hinders my motivation lol Writing is cool because it's as accurate as you can get with sharing your raw thoughts , in a dry unemotional way. I'll do another post with more actionable stuff and some plan that I may have laid already years ago
  10. American cat species
  11. American cat species
  12. I barely can belive this one is real. It looks so alien. I love deep sea creatures and the microscopic world, the beauty is astonishing! Feel free to share more.
  13. Ctrl + alt + Arrow Keys to flipo screen on Windows. Disclaimer: Sharing this meme for humor purposes only. It does not support or validate the stereotype of women being bad drivers. Diving skills are not determined by gender. Laugh along while promoting equality and challenging stereotypes.
  14. Still more evolved than your kid rised on YT shorts (?) normal people tune their voice with the piano. This dude tunes the piano with his voice 🤦
  15. @StaraX I wouldn't draw conclusions before you personally test multiple batches. You've been unlucky most likely. Does caffeine , L-Theanine or their combination have the slighest effect on you? If not, and you frequently feel physically fatigued, your adrenal glands may have crashed and I'd recommend looking into adrenal cortex extract
  16. Have you checked the expire date? Mine went from being absolutely amazing to absolutely garbage once they expired. Mid way, two months before expire date they also made me extremely irritable. Also don't expect substances to be as effective for you as they are for Leo... My AL- LAD trip was orders of magnitude weaker than him . Nothing to do with his trip report video.
  17. Based on my experience, people who speak more than one language are somewhat more openminded and SLIGHTLY less dogmatic. My claim is that you don't really find these people as "vegetating, and super low-consciousness". Also IMO, speaking more than one language is proportionate towards leaning slightly to the Left, rarely ever conservative. The idea of this topic came from me realizing that when it comes to choosing who I hang out with I used to ALLWAYS unconsciously gravitate towards polyglot people like myself, and it resulting in more likemindedness and a better fit. P.S. : I'm not implying that knowing more languages solves all of the sneaky mind problems, but that there is a kind of way that the mind turns out to be as a result of increasing the complexity and depth of thinking in different languages ( increasing perspective ). P.P.S. Something is telling me that being a polyglot would be a quality of a Stage Yellow thinker ( but not a requirement)