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This is a little insight I had today. Personally the closest I've ever been to being in an actual cult was an entrepreneurship door to door salesman pyramid scheme cult, and even though I was well informed by all of Leo's content, it still took me 3 months to figure out that I was fooled But in a cult , other people are fooling you. If you're lucky you can think for yourself and escape. Its possible that you get so brainwashed that you never escape. But once your own mind fools you, and you brainwash yourself deeply enough, you're done. The minds capacity for self-deception is infinite.
@Happy Lizard I've struggled a lot with this as well, but as a toxic perfectionist ive learned to let go of looking for that absolute clarity which ultimately leads to procrastination for me. Go with what feels right and you will learn to prioritize and add more concrete definitions over time . matter of fact most of my clarity about tis comes spontaneously when im about my day. Also brainstorm with chatgpt about this. its super good for seeing things from multiple perspectives and giving examples so that you can see if you resonate with anything. you can feed it entire exercises and pick and choose what you feel is relevant. How much chatgpt can help you depents on the quality of questions you ask it. thats how that tool works,
@Leo Gura @Leo Gura can you explain what is beauty ? not at the metaphysical level, but for humans. I have been thinking about this for the last week and I shared my ideas in the other "understanding male attraction thread The nature of beauty is slippery, and in the absolute sense everything is Absolutely Beautiful. Our love for beauty , beautiful faces is a strange loop Beauty is valuable because we value beauty. Dont conflate " beauty " with specific displays reproductive value. Thats " attractive " . if we dont make this distinction this conversation will be unnecesary fuzzy. Yes beauty is attractive, but attractive ques of sexual value are is not only tied to beauty. Beautiful faces are valuable. Why are they valuable? Because we value them individually. Ofc it has social and economical benefits , but why? It has those benefits because we value beauty as a society as well. Beauty serves no information about fertility or survival value. It has to do with our love for the Golden Ratio, harmony of proportions and harmony of colors. all of these are technical concepts, but it's the most accurrate i've been able to pinpoint beauty. ofc personal preferencs matter lemme know whats your take
speak in front of the camara like leo
The process of master Mastery runs from your beginning till the day you die https://www.actualized.org/insights/i-am-not-a-master
Proper socialization builds energy, it doesn't drain you. It's an evolutionary biological fact . Let me know if you want me to explain further Sounds like an issue of lack of social experience and being too stuck up your own aS$ Owen Cook does a good job of explain why socializing may fatigue you: Persona fatigue: burning mental energy on maintaining a facade, appearances , trying to impress and look cool Decision making fatigue: being uptight and micromanaging interactions rather than than going wherever spontaneity takes you Judgement fatigue: obsessively mentally judging yourself , your words, your actions. Having unhealthy disempowering beliefs about yourself, thinking you're boring, overestimating how much other people think about you, overestimating the importance of other peoples opinion of you and their approval, etc. Lemme know if any of that sounds familiar to you Sometimes I spend entire weeks without talking with anyone as I enjoy alone time for thinking, writing and music, but I have deliberatery learned how to properly socialize I have spent 17 years of my life playing World of Warcraft and other games for 16 hours at a time and being extremely cripplingly shy, but with a little theory and a lot of practice you can learn this skill. What you're explaining is not what introversion means. It's a factor but nowhere that black and white. But introversion can have these accidental unwanted consequences in our modern world. You "recharge batteries in solitude" because you're taking not experiencing these fatigues
What I ment is that the reasons you gave that make you confused about moving, like listening to a song or you having an accent from there, are kinda shallow reasons for deciding where to move, and if you're asking for advice about how to make up your mind , you should ask yourself what your specific concrete actual priorities are, specifically for the domain of your Life Purpose ( your life's calling) and reverse engineer the logistics of your life based on your long term LP You're basically asking " where" first ,instead of asking " why" first Ofc moving to a big city brings you new opportunities of meeting people
@shree I'm sorry for being the bearer of bad news but your situation is very serious and the symptoms are absolutely related with the removal of Amalgams . They should only be removed by SMART dentists ( dentists specialized in the Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique) to minimize exposure to mercury and mercury vapors during the procedure. Urgently sign up to the Andy Cutler Chelation Protocol Facebook group and explain exactly your situation to the mods . It's as serious and no BS as a Facebook group can be. They will point out where to start. They give advice to 90K people out of charity and belief in the cause of spreading safe Chelation information. You can not follow the protocol Leo laid out and will have to wait 3-6 months before beginning to trial chelation, with doses way lower, of around 12 mg to begin with The Facebook group has a very clear "start here" section explaining step by step all the information you need to understand, and most importantly the do's and don'ts. In Leo's defense he did say in his HM detox video to do your own research and that your process may vary if you have amalgams. Feel free to ask me questions or check out my heavy metal detox journal where you can see how the process of building understanding from ground zero went about heavy metal detox. But the proper resource is the ACC fanatics FB group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/acfanatics/?ref=share
You can try it for a week. No need to make a big deal of it
Cool little exercise to practice a new skill
Sometimes I wish my mom listened to Beethoven all day long since the moment I was conceived so I had that dope head start in music
mmKay replied to Keryo Koffa's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Princess Arabia what you quoted refers to real life experiences and life from the human surgical Pov. The topic starter was confused about the nature of good , bad , suffering, the " greater good" and so on The title asks "how" is reallity perfect As for your question, Reallity=Consciousness=Nothingness=Infinity=Intelligence=Love and so on , are labels for the same thing -
Absence of body hair is another sexual dimorphism. Males are genetically more hairy than women. Accentuating this difference subtly triggers attraction. Or at least doesn't subconsciously produce repulsion because of resemblance of male traits. I remember having a crush on a girl in highschool. We were talking physically close of each other and I noticed the tiniest ammount of almost invisible mustache hair, and immediately I noticed myself having an emotional reaction of repulsion. This was momentary though, after this I still was into her. Clothes with an exposed belly or tight clothes can also work if you're fit because it gives further confirmation of not being pregnant and shows off your fitness and health. Of course nudity or partial nudity is attractive for obvious reasons. Growing your glutes works for reasons we said before I feel a little superficial for saying this but plastic surgery is objectively significantly more effective for women. Nose jobs, breast implants, lip fillers ( all have to be extremely well done, otherwise it will signal an uncanny feeling and bad health) - This is just for triggering the absolute maximization biological evolutionary male attention, and I'm saying these things for the sake of Understanding Real life human beings are infinitely more complex and coupling doesn't follow absolutely rigid rules . But high sexual value men go for high sexual value women, and low sexual value men go for low sexual value women. Since women's issue isn't getting laid but making the guy stick around, I've been thinking about how to maximize the chance of that Looks still play a crucial role. Don't let yourself go, and stay looking as sharp as possible. Don't listen to critiques like " i don't need you to weak make up or dress cute etc". Even if the conscious words don't mean harm, mens attraction is driven by instincts. There is a lot more to be said on his to make a guy stay I'll keep updating if I come up with ideas worth sharing
No offense but the reasoning you gave to move to these cities are pretty silly The most important thing is to figure out is what the fux are your priorities. What do you want out of life, what do you want your life to be about. What your domain of mastery will be , what your favorite preferred impact towards mankind is, what your life's work will be about. AKA chip away at your Life Purpose. And reverse engineer your logistics from there Also there is no need to move anywhere for the rest of your life. You can go somewhere for a few weeks or a few months, check It out and dip somewhere else If you're that minimalistic and frugal, check out this other post . It may reasonate with you. Also with these two you're deciding if you would rather get accidentally shot or accidentally stabbed 😂
There is a lot of new people joining, some of you are weird AF but that's okay lol you have 20 warning points before being ostracized from the community so you have some breathing room to learn to behave yourselves
It's important to point out that the process of "mastery" never ends. You will never have "mastered" a field, you never arrive to *mastery" , there is always more. So in essence its mostly about being a life long learner. Noselfself's position about the Importance of thinking for yourself is a valid point but very little people can actually properly guide themselves into the right direction, a d mor often than not it just leads to stubbornnes and close-mindedness, so I'd say just learn from as many sources as possible, even from your own intuition Check out Leo's blog post on learning from partially wrong perspectives
mmKay replied to Keryo Koffa's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
This post will give you as much perspective as it gets -
mmKay replied to Keryo Koffa's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
That Reallity is Perfect is more of a context for the larger phenomenon of existence than a truth for your personal human life. Reality is perfect only from the Absolute POV because it welcomes and embraces everything. EVERYTHING without any exception whatsoever. Which is not the case for creatures that have skin in the game. You as that hairless chimp have clear preferences and dislikes. Now you can be closer to the perspective of "Reality is Perfect" depending how you frame the problems you face in your life and Into what context you put it. It also depends of what your state of consciousness is. Reality is certainly not perfect from an egoic state of consciousness. There are infinite degrees and states. In some reality is perfect, and in some it isn't -
Check out Leo's blog post about Learning from partially wrong perspectives
I'm sorry if I sound reductionistic or condescending but I've listened to the whole thing and it just sounds like he discovered thinking about things
@sleep It feels to me you're using these substances as an emotional coping mechanism to compensate for needs that aren't being met. I would recommend being compassionate and understanding with yourself. It's self medication and you're doing what you can. The things that make a psychologically healthy individual are very definable , and if some pillars are missing , and the person doesnt possess the mental tools necesarly to cope with the situation , he will turn to distractions ( what I call self medication) as an emotional band aid to deal with the confusion, pain , anxiety or whatever the case is. It's helping yourself however you are able to. My point is that you first have to identify why do you need a crutch in th first place before trying to kick it, and then wonder why you limp and feel the need to go to the crutch. What do you have going on for you? What do you wish to have going on for you? What specifically do you not have going on for you that you desire or feel a lack of? Feel free to provide any extra context that you may find relevant
More insights about male biological attraction cues towards women, and the nature of beauty in the eyes of mankind. To build further on the make-up part : Make-up mimics youthfulness, and makes use of colors. Colors trigger attention in the human psyche. Because from an evolutionary PoV, they have provided important survival information as mentioned before. Make-up also emphasizes the eyes and the lips, which have sexual connotations. Eye contact can mean sexual interest, and is vital to the non verbal communication of sexual interest. The lips are related to kissing. One of the reasons kissing is sexual is because the lips are full of sensitive nerve endings. So is the tongue. When you kiss, you are giving each other a degree of pleasure, therefore release neurotransmitters like dopamine ( the feel good neurotransmitter) and oxytocin ( the bonding neurotransmitter ) , and a cocktail of different neurotransmitters. You can see where this is going. For more info, check out the Sensory Homunculus. It's a visual map of how our body would look like if our bodies grew in proportion to how sensitive they are because of the presence of sensitive nerve endings. There are also theories about humans unconsciously being able make use of scents, taste and pheromones of your potential mate to judge her/his compatibility, but that's beyond my scope for now. Aparently primates do make use of pheromones to signal status, fertility and territorial boundaries. Once I met a girl that said that she felt turned on by the scent of male sweat 🤔 Something I haven't mentioned before: Rosy cheeks/blushed cheeks. It signals youthfulness and can be, and often is mimicked with make-up. It's an attraction cue I couldn't point my finger at before. It signals youthfulness , but also subtly may signal fertility, because of the menstruation cycle: Hormonal changes , mainly estrogen and progesterone, have a vasodilator effect, aka they increase blood flow, and the cheeks happen to have a specifically dense network of blood vessels ---- Make up also contributes towards increased beauty . DUH. But specifically why? Earlier we pointed out mankind's appreciation and preference for beauty as a species. Therefore, beauty is an attraction trigger for both genders To not speak of "beauty" in an abstract and fuzzy, unclear way, we pointed out the Golden Ratio as a standard for beauty for mankind and nature at large. It is one of the main definitions for facial aesthetics and beauty. But then, besides face there is also body proportions. Body proportions that match with the Golden Ratio are seen as more beautiful. There is more . Properly applied make up brings women closer towards the Golden Ratio standard of colors, by matching it to your skin undertone and creating an overall picture of harmony of colors. Check out the Golden Ratio of Colors (It also exists in music, math , nature , animals, etc.) Color Theory. Color Harmony Theory. Long hair is another attraction cue. Evolutionary it requires overall wellbeing , good health and good nutrition to maintain. It also adds to aesthetics ( beauty ) and draws attention by it simply being there. Long hair is a physical display and demonstration of these qualities. Jewelry, nails, clothing, high heels ( they modify posture and therefore accentuate butt and breasts) and other props give them an additional canvas to increase overall beauty with a mixture of aesthetics and colors, and draw more attention. Tight / fitting clothes display presence of breasts and shape of butt. Higher pitched voice is also an attraction cue. signals youthfulness, fertility ( puberty) and high estrogen. These are also a clear sign of what's called sexual dimorphism ( differences between males and females of the same species). Concrete specific Female-only traits are a natural trigger of attention of males. The color pink is a social sexual dimorphism ( so is the hair, but hair is way more grounded in evolution) But colors are not arbitrary. Pink may have been chosen as the female color , because it resembles the color of newborns. Newborns have an immature circulatory system, where their blood vessels are closer to the surface of the skin, giving that pinkish tone. Also pink is present in the act of blushing during strong emotions, like embarrassment or arousal. High empathy, aka emotion inteligence is a sexual value cues in males because of its importance in raising healthy offspring. --- Just today, I noticed that a woman stood out in my eyes from a large crowd of people. I saw her from the back, from a distance of 10 meters. She immediately caught my eye because of the pink color of her shirt and her luscious long hair. I only saw a part of her torso and hair from the back. I noticed myself immediately being intrigued the millisecond I noticed her presence. As we walked by each other and I saw her face, I noticed that in a single millisecond my brain assessed and confirmed her youth, fertility and sexual value. That's so fascinating . I'll share more with time.
I just realized this is a part of the cure for ADHD and ADD. Heavy metal detox being the second part ( or first , depending on the case ) Of course you can't get your yourself to focus no matter how hard you try. Because you have to absolutely minimize stimulation for months until your brain rewires, since you've been bombarded with it for years and decades. Otherwise all effort is useless and you feel helpless . And nowadays it's treated artificially by ingesting pills. It's ridiculous once you understand neuroplasticity. The answer is so easy but not simple . I would love to see a research paper and properly made science experiment.
Pretty cool perspective. I doubt any of this could be " healed " without psychedelics