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Everything posted by mmKay

  1. Leila Hormozi had a nose job and it was well worth it ( she had brows done and other stuff as well though) Yes it's brutal, but plastic surgery is effective and maybe twice as much for women Don't go full MJ or Simon Cowell though
  2. One of my best friends is a natural that peaked in high school. He has around 100 or more body count. This dude is oozing testosterone . Super hairy and naturally twice as muscular at me without touching weights. He only learned from me last year that pre-seminal fluid can get a girl pregnant. Until then, he just pulled out, wore his lucky socks and washed his wiener with diet coke
  3. Am I the only one who read that with Jordan Petersons Kermit voice?
  4. He did look pretty hot next to that pineapple in that one blog post 🥵 no homo iykyk
  5. Make some good cash and fund the male birth control pills project
  6. @Nilsi How Hitler's Volkswagen Became A Symbol Of Free Love
  7. @Leo Gura have you tinkered with jailbreaking Chatgpt? There are ways to run it on your own hardware in an absolutely uncensored manner. That's where the jackpot is
  8. Let's goo! 😓🎉 Keep it short and sweet, one regret per post. You can always vent more later I kinda wished I didn't waste my youth playing videogames for 16 hours per day for decade and a half. Only now I begin to feel the guilt and resentment What keeps you up at night?
  9. @Nemra my friend mostly goes for freebies and leaks of Instagram influencers that have the link in their bio Idk personally 🤷
  10. At this point just automatize Chatgpt to argue for both sides, and have another AI decide who wins Jokes aside,it would be fascinating to have AI debate itself for 1000 hours about some topic and give you all the highlights
  11. I have been told it's up to the individual how far to take it. A friend told me
  12. Investigating and exploring all alternative scenarios is absolutely valid . You learn from what happened, but also from what could happen but didn't . Yes it's not historically accurate because it didn't happen exactly that way and to that degree. But it could have because it is congruent with the ideology . Saying we are " brainwashed" by movies and games is downplaying the atrocities of Nazism. The risks are in not taking seriously enough the dangers of Nazism, not in being too closedminded about it You can plow chatgpt for hours about the upsides of Nazi Germany. That doesn't excuse the atrocities Videogames and movies are valid real possible spin offs and ramifications of elaborating along the lines of the real actual Nazi ideology .
  13. @OBEler It's not an oversimplification, it's a congruent elaboration of the trajectory of Nazi ideology. It doesn't matter that Hitler himself wasn't blonde with blue eyes. Absolute logical coherence is not a requisite for ideology and close-mindedness. Even if not historically accurate, the movies and videogames are congruent with the ideology. Again, it doesn't matter that the absolute extreme or his ideology didn't manage to happen. It was clearly headed in that direction . So the movies and videogames are valid Yes, they would salivate at the idea of killing 6 billion people in the sake of racial purity including 80% of their own people to make an ultra pure race That sounds like a Nazi wet dream What are you defending? It sounds like you are cherry picking the noble parts of Nazism and downplaying the atrocities
  14. @OBEler It is not historically accurate, but it is definitely not nonsense. Yes, that was the ideology of the superiority of the Aryan race. In actual reality he didn't get to follow through on the extreme version of his vision of killing anyone who wasn't blonde with blue eyes. It was simply logistically not possible in his lifetime. Do not doubt, if he had the opportunity he would have done it. Even you yourself are startled at the idea: " that would even mean non Jews! " Sadly for him, he only managed to implement racial hierarchy systems , indoctrination and propaganda of the superiority of the Aryan race, racial hygiene policies and selective breeding programs , which is only just a few steps towards that extreme You're downplaying the severity of this by saying " well but he didn't actually kill people if they weren't blonde with blue eyes" It is absolutely clear he would resort to those means if given the opportunity. His speeches were filled with extreme racial ideology , propaganda of the superiority of the Aryan race, literally pushing the idea of the need to " eliminate inferior races", and his "Lebensraum" concept , of making living space for the superior Nazi population You can put two and two together ----- What you're fighting against here is that the games and the movies are not historically factual and accurate. But what you're missing is that they are absolutely congruent with the Nazi ideology , and therefore valid, plausible ideas and creative spin offs. What are you defending? The accuracy of the history books? I'm really trying to understand here It's more important to understand the possible ramifications of such an extreme ideology than what actually only managed to happen . If a terrorist attack hijacks a single airplane that kills 300 people, you seriously contemplate all causes, ramifications and the ripple effect of the tragedy. Hitler killed 60.000 times more people than this fictional terrorist attack Investigating and exploring all alternative scenarios is absolutely valid . You learn from what happened, but also from what could happen but didn't
  15. im glad to introduce you to the concept of " vanlife " or " carlife " if you weren't awere of it already. i've done it for 6 months and it can definitely work for certain people at certain points in their lives. if you do it properly, you minimize the cost of living while maximizing adventure and travel. It's not absolutely free, but it certainly is affordable. You decide how little you're willing to settle for . You can work at any job for half a year and travel for another half a year, and eventually save up money, or apply for goverment paychecks . In Spain we get 4 months off per 1 year worked , up to 2 years free time at once ( if you have legally worked for 6 years )
  16. That's the exception, not the rule, and the consequences of not publicly praising the regime and eagerly participating can be that immediate but also more of an insidious negative ripple effect on your life and your loved ones. Yes, the majority of people just wants a quiet peaceful life and will participate the bare minimum not to be seen in a bad light. Yes, you can say people willingly participated in the regime , if the negative effects are potentially so bad , and you are rewarded so good for fitting in. Sideing with power has an obvious appeal . As a side note, to this day I hear old people here in Spain saying " my life was better with Franco". It's a pretty common saying here , and they give real life tangible examples of how their life was better. And it's true. If you side with power you get rewarded. It's not apples to apples though.
  17. @OBEler there is overwhelming hystorical evidence of how the corrupt nazi regime influenced all aspects of personal life. And even without that evidence you can simply understand how if corrupt people are in power , rules and morality fly out the window "Lead a normal life and feel free to cancel if you don't want to do some dirty tasks"? Do you understand what politely declining a task from that corrupt regime means for your family , business and possessions? Why do you have so much faith in the good will of the members of a corrupt system not to abuse their power? Not actively participating, non compliance or God forbid, opposition , in an authoritarian corrupt regime means blackmail, torture , imprisoned or worse, of you and your loved ones. A corrupt regime uses propaganda, coercion and absolutely whatever dirty means to maintain "their order" and power What are you defending here? That Nazism was bad but not that bad? I don't understand If you have an interest perspective I'm open to hear it but this is getting more cringe by the hour, nothing personal. I'm sure you're have good takes on different topics
  18. How is 40£ expensive for someone living in London? I thought you have to be at least middle class to afford living there
  19. no, the Gestapo's surveillance meant that even if you didn't actively oppose the regime could still be perceived as threats, so being " apolitical " was dangerous. It's one of the most impacting aspects of Nazi movies imo. Not participating = oposing
  20. You clearly have a dust mite allergy. Ventilation is not enough. Wash all bedsheets and clothes at least once per week in super hot temperatures, get air purifiers, there are different pillow cases to starve them off, etc. Get tested and learn the protocols. These mofos are everywhere . They feed on our dead cells and their poop is everywhere around your house if the circumstances are right
  21. That is just factually incorrect... Where did you pull this information from? If you opposed the Nazi ideology you would get persecuted, discriminated , incarcerated, forced to emigrate or even sent to concentration camps. What makes you think Hitler's regime would go easy on you for clearly not being by his side?
  22. Just one of the few petitions that happened