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Everything posted by mmKay

  1. Hair tests are safe, inaccurate and "cheap". Provoked urine tests are potentially dangerous depending on how toxic you are and how you tolerate chelators. They are very accurate to tell you how much of what youre excreting The costs are up pretty fast. We're talking hundreds on just testing The best in my opinion is just to do a chelation trial. Any response to chelators, either good or bad I'd an indicator of toxicity and therefore you will benefit from following the protocol. And even more so given the symptoms youve listed Heavy metals are not the only issue. There are many many more health factors
  2. Lately we've been discussing a lot of potential health dangers in common food. I'd like to start a thread where we get to compile all health hazards of our modern lifestyle in one place. In October 2020 Leo personally pinky promised me ( true story) that in the future he will shoot a video about how to detoxify your entire lifestyle. We may as well get started here. As not to turn this into a thread filled with bad news, fell free to simply mention better alternatives. Videos, articles and simple hearsay are all welcome for discusision. Some ideas to get the ball rolling : Tetra Bricks are lined with an aluminium coat on the inside that can leech into your drinks, specially if it's something acidic like orange juice. Alternative : buy in glass when possible, or squeeze yourself. Comercial Fruit juices from concentrates may contain heavy metals as they rely on fruit powders. Chocolate filled with Heavy metals : Deodorands commonly contain Aluminium. --- Better alternative anyone? -- If i find myself in a pickle I just spray the deodorant on the inside of my shirt rather than on my armpits. Do not drink tap water. Probably contains Halogens and Heavy metals. Lets say that Tap water < Spring/well water < Plastic Bottled water < multiple stage reverse osmosis water ( will share link soon ) < Glass bottle water . Some medicine can contain heavy metals, like eye drops. Cookware may contain toxic elements, specially teflon pans if you scratch them, or cheap stainless steel may be laced with Nickel. Go for high quality stainless steel or coockware. Toothpaste has Fluoride ( I don't know exactly about the health impact ). You can make your own toothpaste with peppermint and clove essential oils . I'm sure we can come up with plenty more oral health techniques. You see the point.
  3. @mmKay it happened. I spontaneously decided to go out yesterday, almost didn't. I went out solo and I pulled/closed the first girl I talked to yesterday at her place. The logistics were miraculously straightforward . It was from a latin dance club None of us had alcohol She's young, blonde petite with blue eyes. I'm not looking for a relationship but we will most likely develop a FWB I double down on this. I found myself underperforming... I'll purchase some blue pills for emergency 🙄 I'll spare the details
  4. Mrbeast runs a team of over 200 people to do his videos, its not adecuate to compare that with an one man YT bizz Also leo specifically does one take videos to avoid spending long time on editing
  5. @Dodo we all are God, besides you 💅
  6. Just start doing very simple minimal effort videos. You have 0 reference experience and don't even know if you will like it. Well edited videos by themselves, not even taking in consideration the content, preparation or research, take 5x more editing time than you think, and significantly more if you have to still learn the software Definitely go for DaVinci resolve if you're starting from scratch and don't have previous skills. Its free and it's used even by cinema editors quality vids by todays standards may be over 100 hours of editing Unless you like the medium of digital video creating, you will be miserable . You can try public speaking, building info products, find a coaching nieche, be a writer, do seminars, organize events... Etc What I noticed is that I need to space out video editing throughout the week. It's the difference between driving 12 hours straight and driving 30 min every few hours Start talking to the cámara and see if you enjoy it . You can do with or without notes I thought Id love creating content but editing long hours makes me miserable as I prefer dealing with people, in real time , in group scenarios
  7. This is pretty damn good general bizz advice that checks all the requirements of this thread . Starts slow but I got a few very valuable ideas from the vid "30 yrs of bizz in 2hrs 30 min "
  8. Drink soy milk and eat plastic. And put your smartphone in your underwear before going to sleep . Make sure you are as sedentary as possible Or get castrated if you want a shortcut . Look at what happens wif dogs after they loose their b@lls. Do you desire that kind of melancholic energy? Be happy you can still get active without blue pills Use your desire to get laid a lot as fuel to build yourself a cool life Overusing and abusing p®n willruin your libido as well. Period
  9. Have a look at this to experience ASMR. Different people get it from different scenarios. I used to get it as my teacher explained technical drawing to me 1 on 1 I consider this an emotion as well. Sorrow: Melancholy
  10. @Carl-Richard your brain has become sensitized in a similar way as Leo with psychedelics where he will trip for 24 hours with a single puff of weed. His case is more extreme though but I think this gives you a satisfying perspective to understand what happened It's like Google reminding your browser history. With the press of one single letter in the search engine it will show you entire phrases you've searched before. You've carved out a neural pathway and undoing it is either impossible or takes a decade+ of abstinence, and even then it can come back rapidly with a little consistent use
  11. If you read this and you're a lurker, it is a sign from the universe for you to sign up right now ✨
  12. Aparently not exactly a traditional emotion but it feels like brain discomfort I consider hunger an emotion , or very closely related Also the " Hangry" emotion ( anger / irratibility caused by hunger )
  13. I can't wait to get my hands on Claude. I did this with ChatGPT and it was good but not that good
  14. Pickup is basically the science of pøø$$¥-hunting
  15. research drug sensitization ( NOT DESENSITIZATION ) and neural pathways formation. Chemicals physically rewire the brain. For topics like this, plowing chatgpt for half an hour will resolve all your questions in terms of biochemistry and neuology. You're really missing out if you arent using it for your studies
  16. Ahh man I've randomly read through this thread and Im thrilled to go clubbing again. I've done a lot of things over the last few months that arent directly game but that translate into game, like improvised speeches in front of a crowd, hosting a toastmasters event, improvised stand up comedy Infront of a hundred people, lots of bachata clases, singing in public, picked up the kazoo, improv theatre, lots of guitar playing and lastly this thing called Contact improv which Is absolutely gold for practicing physicallity and eye contact I'm hyped to see how this translates into game when I restart this challenge
  17. That specific girl has trauma and emotional injury around dating, as she verbally told you. Those emotions bubbled up when talking about her trauma, which put her in a sad/ down emotional state. This affected and colored how she saw you in that moment. Together with the fact that opening up like that to a stranger is too much of a serious and non playful topic, she subconsciously put you in the BF category ( big commitment , emotion investment...) over player category ( low commitment, nothing serious, just fun , down for hooking up) - but she's not ready for a relationship, she doesn't want to get hurt, so this closed your door A playful fun vibe would have you taken you further in the intaction If you managed to have sex through an initial player vibe it would actually open your posibility for a relationship even though she may still not be absolutely ready and still dealing with trauma , and potentially help her heal That's just my opinion , and you will never know the actual cause because human beings and specifically women are extremely complicated creatures
  18. Basically break the fourth wall of existence
  19. That sounds more like the definition of "guilt" Shame can be that but also be about who you are and not only what you did. Like your self-image ( identity) and how you think others perceive you. Like being ashamed of being broke or short has nothing to do with doing anything, it's an inner game issue. Guilt is a about consciously doing stuff you know is bad by your own or societies standards ( stealing, telling lies, hurting people... )
  20. I didn't even know the concept of bad air. Pretty cool to put a label on it that situation Plowing ChatGPT on " bad air" is gold Maybe release a conscious relationships vid for the big comeback :0
  21. @Ben Landrail yup. Normal people practice tuning their voice against the piano This dude tunes pianos with his voice , no joke. We have an example of that few pages behind That being said I actually don't like the tamber of his voice. His harmonies are mind-blowing though
  22. Men are borderline autistic compered with women The kind you're describing is an exception
  23. @Majed ofc. I personally met some that went there on and off. Check the game global group