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Everything posted by mmKay

  1. Advertisement for your Soul's last pizza before it picks a new dimension to encarnate in. Swedish meatball Multiverse Pizza
  2. late-delivered flat-earth buddhist-rat pizza with string-theory-cheese consciousness and triple topping of nothingness , sogged by poseidon's kiss, served on your stepmom's coffee table as she's sleepwaking with a Google Cardboard VR headset
  3. I found interesting the actual science of women's fertility decline , and increased chance of complications during giving birth. This gives some more explanation for men's biological obsession and attraction with youth. Damn nature and evolution is intelligent and ruthless " Women are born with their lifetime supply of eggs, and the number of available eggs decreases with age. By the mid-30s, the ovarian reserve is substantially lower, affecting fertility. At Birth, females are born with approximately 1 to 2 million oocytes (eggs), at Puberty: This number drops significantly to about 300,000 to 500,000 oocytes by the time a girl reaches puberty. By her mid-30s, a woman's ovarian reserve is substantially diminished. Approximately 10% of her maximum ovarian reserve remains. By the time of menopause, a woman typically has about 1,000 eggs left, though these are generally not viable for fertilization. As women age, not only does the quantity of eggs diminish, but the quality does as well. Older eggs are more likely to have chromosomal abnormalities, increasing the risk of miscarriages and genetic disorders in offspring. The risk of miscarriage increases with age, particularly after age 35, largely due to the higher likelihood of chromosomal abnormalities in the eggs. Older women face higher risks during pregnancy, including conditions like preeclampsia and gestational diabetes. They are also more likely to experience complications that can lead to preterm birth or require interventions such as cesarean sections. "
  4. @integral its a complex situation, ill share a few half baked perspectives for now - i may edit and elaborate later : You seem to have a personal-development bias. It's not eveyones top priority to improve themselves or to be openminded. Some people prioritize being right, having a solid worldview, avoiding cognitive dissonance, not challenging the status-quo, have their own pet theories, want emotional comfort, or simply prioritize on more basic survival and day to day things and worries. Consider that their closedmindedness, selfishness, stubborness, laziness, etc. serves a complex purpose you're not seeing at a first glance . also you seem to have a lot of attachment towards changing , improving others or their minds / beliefs, pointing out their blind spots, and people validating your worldview . That's something to work on letting go of . You can lead the horse to the water but not make it drink. You are not responsible for changing anyone, and even less if they havent asked for it. People don't owe you changing for you or validating you or your ideas. Have you thought that maybe, in a twisted, complex irrational counter intuitive paradoxical way, people enjoy their problems? and that you are threating to take them away, or are actually creating problems by pointing them out ? You don't communicate the same way or same topics to a kid than to an adult. If you know some people's mind simply works differently, knowing how to addapt your comunication style to reach people in a more effective way is a valuable skill. Maybe make clear when sharing your perspectives, that it is like this way for you, or it' your opinion. Otherwise it may come across as preaching and an attack to their worlview. You may benefit from working on a little " spyral wizardry" as it's called as in knowing how to reach different people at different levels of cognitive and moral development. ( remember that SD is only one lense of many ) From what I've noticed you're almost overly logical, nunanced and philosophical, and it may come across as repeling for normies causing them to dismiss you even more easily, or almost as threat to their worldview. For example, your signature is a great attitude towards your inner world, but if you come across that dense in the slightes to others, it's likely they will either dismiss you, find you annoying or disagree with you a lot . consider for example, that If they don't smell the bleach and they don't feel any or much symptoms, or they simply dont make the connection, it almost doesn't exist from their POV, and you're the one acting weird. I recommend keeping any personal development, philosophy or spirituallity to yourself or your career. Other than that just be very casual and laid back around normies. Meet people where they're at. Connect with them where you know they are able to connect. Maybe once in a while you will accidantaly stumble upon someone with your same interests IRL, but other than that you can scratch that itch on this online forum, to a certain degree sorry if this sounds a little blunt, it's pretty half-backed but I feel you will get some value from it . I may expand later
  5. I found by searching " how to meditate" on YT back in 2016. I already was familiar with his face because he was recommended to me sometimes on the side bar as I watched PUA content so I picked his vid out of all. Also the " No BS " in the title caught my attention. It's actually still his most popular video I knew about meditation because it was an ability in the old pokemon Gameboy games and out of nowhere I had the curiosity to find out what it actually is
  6. Does Daniel have a main channel? Where is most of his content?
  7. Join this group and meticulously go through the Start here section That is the right place to ask all of your questions. It touches on mycotoxins, copper toxicity and even weight gain I believe. Stay away from EDTA. It is not a proper chelator and causes redistribution. It does more harm than good so it's dangerous. Also your chelator doses are likely too high if you're really toxic . If you're absolutely miserable while chelating or dysfunctional in between rounds, too high doses or inadequate liver, thyroid or adrenal support may be the issues together with not enough magnesium, vit c, vit e and zinc ( called core 4) Or you're doing too long or too short rounds. The very minimum is 72 hours ,dosing every 3 hours ( ala) or 4 hours ( DMSA) . Dmps is 8 hours I believe ( I may be wrong) Lead is mostly stored in the bones as it mimics calcium. It likely reaches the brain as well, but i don't know how deeply it's stored. Mercury Is particularly lipophilic so it's extra insidious as most of the brain is fat. It is known to be the most toxic heavy metal and once you detox it enough, your natural detoxification pathways should clear and help you get rid of the rest easier ( if your genetics allow for it ) Lead is slowly released into the bloodstream throughout the bone remodeling cycle. Aparently dmsa and dmps are effective . They dont cross the BBB barrier but I understand they would pull it out the brain indirectly by clearing it from the blood , therefore redirecting it to the blood from the brain ( I may be wrong, but it does work like this with mercury) You can also look into zeolite nanoparticles . I'd avoid the acz brand as it contains colloidal silver , which is suspected to accumulate forever in spite of them saying otherwise All the information you need is in that Facebook group, no joke . Don't accidentally dismiss it's value because of it being Facebook. It's the real deal. Wishing you strength and resilience . Let me know if I can help but please do as much research by yourself as you can. The link I sent you is a gold mine
  8. thanks for the feedback . I seriously considered it and had a look and my post history to have a look at myself, but it is factually untrue. I almost never ask questions and if I do it's because the message lacks a concrete tangible description and then we are left speaking in vague, lofty terms, which get anwsered in general vague terms by other users before me, so I don't feel it to be valuable to add more general perspective without having more concrete details or clarity Anyways, I consider asking the right questions " giving value " , sometimes even more than giving my uninformed opinion
  9. Can you provide specific examples of what you're talking about?
  10. Another example or sub-comunication would be this: if I hold up a rose 50 cm away from your face and tell you to describe it as detailed as possible, then , depending on what you do, dont do , say , dont say, it implies different things about you or me. If you don't tell me it's red it implies you're colorblind. If you don't say many details it implies you're either not very creative or have bad near distance vision If you describe things about the rose because I told you to do it, it implies compliance If you're not able to stay on topic it implies lack of attention span If you say it in a very dry way not very poetic or creative it implies you're overly analytical If you say things about how to make a business out of it it implies you're ambitious If you speak very fast, stumble on your words , don't come up with anything, it implies you're nervous It's just an example for you to see the ramifications and ripple effect of your words and behavior and another way of how sub-comunication works
  11. @Past-Philosopher-562 "Frames" in Social Dynamics are the different possible lenses through which your interaction or relationship with the girl or people can be interpreted through . The facts of a situation only matter if looked through a particular context . It's the context that runs in the background that makes sense of the entire situation. There is ALWAYS a context or frame. Most of the times it's unconscious, implied or implicit. You can re-shape your own frame to make it more empowering or convenient through your beliefs about yourself . For that, you need to notice your conscious and unconscious beliefs, challenge them, provide an alternative and internalize them. Some beliefs are harder to break than others and require a lot of real world reinforcement and proof ( not once but over time ) for you to actually believe it. Sometimes you dont even know what your beliefs are or that you are holding a belief. It's deeply unconscious and it takes time and effort to pull it up to the conscious for your to work through it . in that case you need to Inquire and look for potential anwsers until you find what feels accurrate: What do I belive about myself? What do i belive about others ? What do I belive I'm entitled to ? Why? What do I currently belive about X for me to be getting Y results? Why do I belive that? is that valid? How else could I see this situation for it to be more empowering to me? ( this is an example of how to Inquire or search for your unconscious beliefs ) Psychedelics can also massively help you with building your inner game and uncovering your beliefs ( careful, they do much more than that and even more so depending on your genetics ) Eventually your new beliefs and that frame you will deeply internalize and it will become part of your character, and therefore it will be your implied frame about yourself. The next step is how you convey and communicate your frame . A HUGE part of your frame is "subcomunicated" ( big key word ) through your tone of voice, loudness, eye contact, body language, emotional reactions, facial expressions, , level of entitlement, social status… But also it is subcomunicated through your intent : Looking for validation, looking for aprooval aprooval, outcome dependance , having an agenda… not wanting to be embarassed, judged, shamed, not wanting to feel awkwardnes, loosing your status or honor … Are you acting needy? It conveys you don't have a lot of choices and therefore you're not a valuable mate. This is the reason why you can often hear that " it doesn't matter what you're talking about with a girl," It's because they are actually unconsciously listening (mostly) to the subcomunication for who you are . It's all about " how you come across " For example, if you are speaking in a rapport seeking tonality and are saying things or doing things that seek for her validation of you ( aka self-qualifying ) , it implies a frame that you are lower value than her, she's on a pedestal, she's the prize, that you are trying " win her over " ,that you have low status, that in the past people have not been nice to you, that you yourself belive you're not good enough for her , and all of that is grounded by yourlife experience thus far) This mechanism is very clever. Evolution and reproduction doesn't f*ck around ( pun not intended ). This right here is Gene selection and survival of the fittest in action. Her reading your subcomunication . She is looking at Honest signals of Value ( can't be faked easily ). Dishonest signals of value would be mentioning you get laid a lot ( can be a lie ). One mechanism women screen and test for honest signals of value are " shit tests " . They test your congruence and how grounded you really are . You may appear confident for the first 30 seconds, but are you really confident ? Do you flinch when she disaprooves you ? do you get bitter when she doesnt give you that much attention? do you beggin to self-qualify? do you crumble under social pressure ? There are multiple different frames in a social interaction , some of them are : who you think/convey you are, who you think/convey she is, who she things you are, who she thinks she is, who you two ( strangers, friends, lovers, partners ), your role if a relationship happened between you two ( lover or provider ) ... There are also social frames that stem from the environment or culture. They can be challenged or re-framed to a certain degree but not completely disregarded If you dont know who you are, what do you want, what your values, standards and boundaries are , what do you not want , you have a weak frame . You will be reactive and ungrounded . If two people meet, two worlds of frames meet. In an interaction there is allways someone reacting more to the other person, at least to a slightest degree. If contradicting frames meet , and these frames are very differnt, a dynamic we can call " frame battle " occurs, where you are two people try to settle the dispute. If your inner frame is that i'm the buyer not the seller. She has to qualify herself to me. I have abundance, I'm fun, interesting . She has to win me over. I have standards and I screen her through my filter. I'm a cool guy with a lot of value because I'm grounded in who I am, and my intent is perhaps just to meet a person, maybe find out a little if you we compatible, but mostly have fun, I wont be self-qualifying or looking for aprooval / validation, then and words and actions and emotional reactions will be different. If the girl is attractive and secure of herself she will also have "a strong sense of reality". She will see herself as the prize, and belive that you need to impress her and win her over for anything to happen. So, in the frame battle, the one with the stronger sense of reallity wins , and then THAT frame becomes the agreed upon reallity and it is accepted and followed by the person/group An example of a strong frame is the cop frame. Imagine a cop pulls you over for speeding. He inmediately owns the frame. He doesn't need to sell you on why you're getting a ticket or what can happen if you refuse to colaborate . It's all implied . His authority, legal , physical and moral upper ground . If you have to logically explain your authority or advantage, you don't have a strong frame. If you logically try to explain why it would be a good idea to hook up with you, it's likely not going to work ( I've witnesed my friend doing this lol ) You build your strong sense of reallity by inner work but also through consisten reinforcement from the external world. It starts in your mind, but then you have to be congruent ( aligned with your words, thoughts and actions )
  12. I was missing this level of metaphysics. After realizing some of these things you feel like the entire word is gaslighting you and you question your sanity. Also reconciling some of these Truths with human life is a real mind-twister I'm grateful for the heavy metaphysical lifting of but im glad it's taken a little more pragmatic turn, at least for now.
  13. This is an absolutely terrible situation, don't get me wrong . Nevertheless what I'm saying is that EVEN THAT you are imagining, not in some mystical magical cloudy way, but literally " feeling others pain" doesn't exist. When you "feel it", it is an emotional reaction caused inside of your body , caused by your mental filter of how you make sense of what you perceive. Therefore it's possible to turn off that ability of " empathy " or imagining others pain if it is causing you harm. I'm not talking about becoming a psychopath, let's not straw man this. Personally I'm an extreme empath, but suffering when others are suffering is optional. Understanding this is advanced metaphysics and I don't expect anyone comprehending the insight that easily What do you mean with Oneness-Suffering worldview?
  14. @jimwell can you elaborate? I don't understand where we disagree. I was pointing out that when you suffer because other's suffering ( aka empathy ) is because you are imagining their suffering It's the difference between stepping on an ant consciously and feeling negative emotions , and stepping on it accidentally and unconsciously and feeling nothing, and imagining the pain of an imaginary ant that's being stepped on in your mind You are generating the emotions . You don't actually feel others suffering. If you don't imagine it you don't suffer yourself. This is actually pretty advanced metaphysics and many people will not be able to make sense of it Since this is the mechanism of how Empathy works, if OP is miserable because of other's suffering, it is a valuable skill to turn it off on command, and turn it on after a break I called it "OCD" very lightly, not in the clinical sense. He compulsively imagines others pain and suffering making himself miserable. That suffering is just a partial truth, and if you focus on it too much it will make your bitter, resentful, restless and overly emotional
  15. @NilsiSome food for thought , from different perspectives : Even if you were to spend every single second of your life working, getting minimal sleep and optimizing your productivity to your maximim, working your ass off to the very fullest, you would barely move an inch towards solving " humanities pain and misery " . I dont share this for you to get depressed and unmotivated. It's a truth of life that is actually freeing you to choose WHAT DO YOU PERSONALLY FIND MEANINGFUL Consider that unless you consciously choose it, it is not your job as a human being to save others from suffering and pain. And if so, choose a specific niche problem that you find meaningful solving, that aligns with your personal strenghts , values, prefered medium, domain of mastery and zone of genious ( yeah a Life Purpose ) and make your life's work about solving it. You triangulate all of this so that the time of your life that you spend on it is as meaningful , fulfilling and rewarding as possible . Remember that a Life Purpose is your career, your life's impact and contribution to the world. It is a big part of your Life , but it's not the entirety. Chronically spending more than about two chunks of 4 hours per day on your Career, no matter how much you love it, will most likely end up being counter-productive . It will end up negatively affecting the other areas of your life . Work-life balance is real. The balance looks differently at different chapters of your life . A Human being has more needs besides a Career and Life Purpose. You have social needs, sexual needs, physiological needs, finantial needs, cognitive needs, biological needs, curiosity for life, etc Identify what are your needs and work on fulfilling them consciously rather than unconsciously. In what way is your career not fulfilling ? Work on that. In what way do you find meaningful connecting with others? Architect your social life so you can meet this need in that specific way. More food for thought : Empathy is self manipulation. You don't have access to others suffering. You imagine it. And mostly it's less acurrate than it actually is . Your negative emotions and suffering is manually generated by your mind, in an unconscious way. I see that you are aware that if you "stop looking" and imagining others emotions and difficult situations, your suffering dissapears . And you say you want to feel deeper, which is a noble desire, but I advise to learn how to turn "empathy and that negative imagination" on and off on command . You already have it partially turned off. You are not connected to the suffering of the current 8.000,000.000 people. you are not connected to the suffering of the 100,000,000,000 human beings that have stepped on this planed, and not to talk about all the animals, insects, vegetation and so on, currently alive and throughout all of time . Not being able to turn off empathy and disconnect imagining others suffering would be acertain OCD in my opition, and is a recipe for unnecesary suffering . More food for thought : Desire is an unconscious contract we make with ourselves to be unhappy untill we archive what we want. Over and over . It allows you to leverage negative emotions for extra fuel you wouldn't have if you knew how to be satisfied with less. It is absolutely useful- but for a certain stage of your life. Think deeply before letting go of it . I have spent my early twenties deconstructing my motivational systems and have access to " unconditional happiness " and " bliss on command" states. It's great, but on the other hand this doesn't fit my personallity since im very creative and have yet to establish a fulfilling career as a finantial backbone for my life . I have accidentaly unraveled it at the wrong stage of my life, because I didn't know better . Now I'm spending the second part of my twenties manually reconstructing my reward and motivational mechanisms from the ground up. Unconditional happiness to that extreme degree makes you a lazy sloth and ends up backfiring in multiple ways, as you have correctly intuited. It's very counter productive to what the mechanics of being a part of society requiere of you. Unless you have nailed your LP or have enough income for a lifetime, I'd think twice about letting go of that mechanism . But let's not get stuck in black and white thinking here . What I advise you here is to be more open to your intuition rather than relying on negative feelings and drudgery. You can find motivation, meaning, happiness and guidance in other ways : What do you love doing ? what do you find beautiful ? what sparks your curiosity and interest ? What absorbs you so much you want to master it ? What inspires you ? What kind of contribution or impact on the world / humanity / others do you find meaningful ? How can you leverage your values, strenghts and interests to build a meaningful career ? If you follow that intuition, unless you have serious health issues, you will still be productive without having to rely on negative motivation and suffering. I'm happy to elaborate more if any of this has sparked your curiosity .
  16. @Francis777 can you define your Kundalini symptoms ? I see that term thrown around quite a bit and never know when it's acurrate or misdiagnosed
  17. Gleeking. Shooting saliva from your salivary glands
  18. Sounds like Buddhist critter fantasies Bypassing suffering is a fantasy. Learning unconditional happiness will shortcircuit your human motivational system . In practice you will be very dysfunctional. Sustaining it for 20 years ( or even a lifetime) is more fantasy. This is not something healthy nor reasonable to strive towards Desire is a deep software in your brain for you be unhappy untill we archive what we want. Over and over. It doesn't happen to be useful for survival just by accident. Be extremely careful screwing around with your System 32 files.
  19. " A sense-of-duty is also a virtue or personality trait that characterizes someone who is diligent about fulfilling individual duties or who confidently knows their calling. "
  20. Screw personallity tests. Let's do it properly. How valuable is it for Self-Understanding to have a big picture list of all personallity traits and their definitions? How valuable is it for understanding others? How valuable is it for understanding your relationships? This is why I'd like us to recompile definitions for all personallity traits. This could provide a profound new layer of clarity for your life and what your strengths and preferences are, therefore allowing you to architect and live a more fulfilling life. Let's get all the basic ones but also look out for less known ones. My fave Personallity Trait finds for now ( I took the first one absolutely for granted my entire life): Wikipedia: Need for Cognition Efficiency-orientation. The tendency to Min-max Wikipedia : Perfectionism. Understand its positive and negative tendencies Wikipedia: Grit ("long term ambition") Wikipedia: Novelty seeking Ambiguity Tolerance I don't know if it's possible to absolutely lack a trait. I feel it's more of a degree on a spectrum.