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Everything posted by mmKay

  1. Never dip your fingers in the everglades
  2. Woah!!! Primitive water filter with just branches!! Mind-blowing
  3. Okay, but what are you talking about in concrete, tangible terms? This is still very vague, which seems to be part of the problem holding us back from giving proper answers Vague questions get vague answers
  4. What does pursuing spirituallity mean to you? What do you exactly mean with getting shit done?
  5. @jacknine119thats what's called the foot-in-the-door method of indoctrination You start with being curious, watching from a distance, slowly inching your way towards deeper brainwashing. Before you know you're stuck in there without even knowing how you got there' or that you're inside a cult. Maybe the only way for you to learn this lesson is to seriously get stuck in one for a decade, which in that case I'd be sorry
  6. It's not only behind your back If you look at your hands , there is always a side you're not seeing. Same with everything and everyone else See video: what is actuality?
  7. curiosity kills the cat
  8. Anglerfish mating is remarkable The male is 40 times smaller than the female and they fuse for life into one
  9. Jesus this documentary about lions is straight up movie material Here is a trailer
  10. This entire channel is nuts. The guy walks barefoot around the florida everglades at night with a flashlight around crocodiles snatching snakes and other random animals looking for a 20ft python
  11. It makes you happy if you don't expect or rely on it to make you happy " There are two ways for driving yourself crazy : not getting what you want , and getting what you want "
  12. Bamboo is so deadly it's unreal. This is just one example. Watch Vietnam war booby traps for some nightmare fuel
  13. I imagine the beeping sound is actually him watching this video in a hospital bed 🤦
  14. Actually discipline is mostly about building and sticking to habits and routines long term until they become second nature to minimize conscious effort. You are talking about willpower really which is resisting temptations and take specific actions in th very moment