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Everything posted by mmKay

  1. Make of this what you will, but in the video I shared below, he apparently healed almost a decade of chronic pain in an hour, remotely, through Zoom. His process seems to involve the patient describing their subjective experience of the symptoms, and then he works through it with his own imagination, " energy " and a lot of focus. It sounds as whacky as it can, but there are too many positive testimonials for this to be complete BS There is more information about his work on YouTube, including a TV series and anecdotal reports Worth a try? @Leo Gura 00:21:00 - 01:19:00
  2. If only the pen they were discussing was a DMT vape pen. Remembers me of that one quote : Contemplation without psychedelics is like sex with a bone dry vagina. You can do it, but I don't recommend it . - Leo Gura 2020
  3. If you're asking because you want to do something similar, start speaking of the cuff about anything, it's way more fun. Then you can try riffing on a specific topic. You don't have to nail anything because you can come back to the idea the next day. Owens older videos were just that, him riffing on ideas over and over until eventually he just nails it in one of the videos ( source: rsd assistant) More structured speech is important as well, but it depends on the nature of what you're covering
  4. Trump the kinda dude to change the National currency from usd to crypto and then do a rugpull
  5. Different groups may define danger in various ways, but that doesn’t mean that "danger" is all relative . Saying that is just weaponizing relativism and is one of the limits of post-modernism. It's not an excuse for us to avoid regulating whatever we consider to be harmful speech. We have clear criteria, like incitement to violence or hate speech, that can guide regulation. History has proven the catastrophic results of leaving extremist ideologies unchecked. Ironically, allowing extremist speech to go unchecked often leads to authoritarianism, which ultimately undermines free speech itself. Both right and left have valid concerns, but this doesn’t mean we should avoid regulation altogether. The indoctrination of youth with extreme ideologies, whether from radical gender theories or far-right extremism, calls for more regulation, not less You know what’s worse than a government regulating free speech? No regulation at all, or letting it be controlled by a single person or a tiny group of radicals. That’s a guarantee for corruption and catastrophe. Modern democracies have developed rules over centuries of trial and error to balance free speech and safety. It’s not perfect, but it’s far better than having no rules at all against hate speech, which history has proven to be a recipe for disaster. It would be a regression in evolution and a failure to learn from history Yeah, lynching wasn’t stopped thanks to free speech being censored, butt it was started by unchecked hate " free speech". White supremacists did have the power to regulate free speech during that time, but they were openly proud of their actions and didn’t even recognize them as atrocities. They lacked the self-awareness to hide or moderate their speech or actions because their ideology blinded them, so journalists didn’t even uncover or expose hidden lynchings. They documented and published what was already being done openly and unashamedly by these people. Increased public awareness and eventual activism helped to end it.
  6. are you aware that people from the outside can see in at night, while you cant see them? just asking
  7. @Shodburrito Ignorant, undeveloped, and ideological people can’t be trusted with “personal responsibility” and that’s why society has the collective responsibility to account for these risks. If there’s even a chance something could get seriously out of hand and be dangerous for society, it should be stopped before it starts. MAGA extremism, neo-Nazis, and terrorist fundamentalists are dangerous precisely because they were allowed to spread unchecked. We’ve seen the devastating results: Charlottesville, the Capitol riot, and terrorist attacks. Saying society “did just fine” during Jim Crow is insane. Black people faced horrific lynchings. They were tortured and hung in public with crowds of white people cheering and taking photographs. Free speech is a luxury. The stakes are too high to let dangerous ideas spread like a virus. Society must protect itself, especially when individuals can’t be trusted with collective responsability. Regulating harmful speech is about ensuring that freedom doesn’t come at the cost of others’ lives. Dangerous ideas will spread anyways, but giving them easy mediums to spread is irresponsible and reckless. If you say there should be no censorship at all, you’re actually pushing for a kind of censorship that prevents society from protecting itself. By rejecting all forms of censorship, you're denying the collective's right to limit harmful speech and keep everyone safe.
  8. Democrats were missing a juicy vision for getting people fired up for a long time. Saving democracy from Trump and Project 2025 sounds compelling enough for people to vote.
  9. Would you be okay to wake up every single day, to one of your neighbours walking around your neighborhood with a loudspeaker convincing everyone that @Shodburrito is a child molester ( even though you're not ) , his wife is a witch and that his kids are satanic? And in a matter of days and weeks people throw rocks at your car, kidnap your children and put fire to your house? Would you value freedom of speech over your own life and the life of your kids? That's what absolute free speech would allow for. That's a more extreme example of what spreading racist, sexist and homophobic ideas is doing to some people. It's putting other's actual life in danger The stakes are too high for allowing ignorant , selfish or ideological people the freedom to speak and spread their thoughts. Society is responsible of making their best efforts of avoiding individuals to be radicalized and become threats of the larger community. If people can't be trusted to behave themselves , the collective will make sure they behave, for the well-being of the collective. Modern society has made survival too easy. Survival is brutal. People band together in groups to make survival easier. If you were to threaten the stability and safety of the group by spreading ideas dangerous to the group, you would be fed to the livestock in no time for the sake of survival of the group. Free speech is a luxury of democracy. Under authoritarianism or dictatorship or monarchy, there is no free speech. Free speech can threaten the survival of society by allowing dangerous and extremist ideas to grow and proliferate like a disease. Whatever peace and stability we have right now is not a given and should not be taken for granted. Free speech regulation is for the sake of the well-being and stability of society. Even democracy is a luxury. It has been paid for with millions of lives , blood , sweat and tears to get to this point, and yet its far from perfect. Consider this: What if you, or your loved ones, were part of a minority group? Would you be okay with people spreading ideas that could literally lead to violence or even death against you or others like you? Would you feel safe sending your children to school knowing that unchecked speech could inspire a school shooter? If you had a daughter, would you be okay with her boyfriend abusing her physically and mentally, exploiting her sexually be because the boyfriend had easy direct access to someone's like Tate's or even more radical blueprint of how to make it happen? Survival ( in the broad definition of the word) is the top priority of society at large, not free speech. The more radical, extreme or dangerous relative to the current status quo, the more censored you will get.
  10. Brace yourselves! 2 hour Interview with Darryl Anka, AKA channeler of Bashar. UFO backstory and more :
  11. If your touch and physical escalation is not welcome she will feel creeped out and it's actually called groping. It would mean you lack calibration skills and are not reading her well, or are going too far, or too fast, or both, or are not taking in consideration the social context ( she's with her friends/co-workers/family, she can be judged / slut shamed) If she's receptive then she will appreciate and enjoy it. The moment she stops enjoying it and pushes you back, you may come off as desperate or pushy. That's why you allways want to pull back before she does, so you allways leave her wanting more. This is one of the keys of making her chase you and actually crave your validation and attention. Escalating too hard is a counter productive rookie mistake if you plan on pulling that particular girl , unless she's very turned on and you capitalize on that short window and handle the logistics quickly. Many times you don't even have to make out before pulling. Sometimes it's better to first handle logistics, hold the sexual tension, and then escalate all the way once you're by yourselves. If she's one of those girls whose logistics are very unfavorable and she's pretty much un-pullable that night ( she's with her family, she has to work very early, she lives very far and so do you, there is no way to isolate yourselves in the near environment...) you can escalate as much as you two are comfortable with and just enjoy the experience, or only escalate the right ammount and take her contact for a day two, allow it to build your state and go for a different girl. That's why advanced guys screen for logistics. They dont " waste time " with unpullable girls. Know when to just take her contact and go for the next one. Her seeing you flirting with other girls after her can be counter productive or very effective, depending on the girl. Desperate is a word your buddies would use on you if they see you making out with or pursuing very unattractive girls. Or it's something people can call girls if they are "too easy", usually if they are unattractive. On the other hand, If you shower her with un-earned validation and attention, even before any physical escalation, just because she's a woman or just because she's physically attractive, she will feel you're desperate, lack abundance and are needy.
  12. Rest and relaxation can actually enhance your creativity and problem-solving skills, making your focused sessions more productive. Fun and time off are serious business if you want to maintain productivity for the long term. It's up to you if you want to experiment and push yourself to see what your limits are, but it's not a sustainable lifelong plan. Take into consideration that your physical body and mind have needs. Your emotional needs also dictate your behavior. You have only so much focus and willpower, so learning coping strategies is important. It would be wise to respect and plan for meeting these needs in a deliberate way. These needs include movement and exercise, resting your eyes, spending time in nature, having fun and laughing, entertaining yourself, socializing, addressing sexual needs, or simply disconnecting and doing nothing in particular. These needs are common to all of us, but the degree to which one requires them depends on the individual. I'd personally recommend a healthy sprint and a personal experiment to understand your own limits, along with implementing the Pareto principle: What 20% of your work efforts produce 80% of the results? Focus on spending most of your time on that. You could also do Pomodoro cycles of 20 min work 5 min rest before a larger break. Find out what works for you and adapt. Then again, I don't know the nature of your work, so if you share more details, maybe we could explore more tailored ideas. How is it going so far?
  13. More savants! 3 part docummentary. Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 ( check out Gilles Tréhin at 29:51, he creates highly detailed and imaginative architectural drawings of a fictional city
  14. this nano zeolite stuff can seriously dehydrate you. It's written on the bottle. Take it seriously. Peeing a lot can also deplete your electrolytes. I stood up to stretch on my pull up bar and suddenly passed out, hit my head on the hard floor, bit my tongue bad and twisted my wrist. Luckily it seems that I spinned forward mid air and instead of smashing the back of my head it was the front side corner. HOnestly idk whats worse. Learn from my mistakes boys. Kinda cool whacky consciousness experiment though, It could have been inifinitely better as well. I could have developed savant syndrome like some people do after a head injury. What a bummer IF I HADN'T MOVED MY PULL UP BAR 20 cm YESTERDAY, and this thing had happened, I would have cracked my head on the table corner. Period. I woke up laying flat on the floor centimeters away from the table. I literally could have died right then and there I've had a fever for the last 3 days, so who knows what's the real cause of my fainting, but most likely its a combination of both. Last time I fainted was doing breathwork on psychedelics. But there I was laying down already so it wasn't that dangerous.
  15. shark boy gets rich after tooth fairy visit
  16. The only reason you guys dismiss IQ tests it's because you don't score high enough to brag
  17. @caspex I guess you must mean this , at least for android. ( Disables playing YouTube Shorts when launching YouTube. This will prevent YouTube from automatically playing YouTube Shorts when you launch the app.) Looks like a pain in the ass to install if you dont know what youre doing If it lives up to the hype, thats an amazing resource! Playstore APP is garbage and first thing you get are ads "YouTube ReVanced is a free and open-source modification of the official YouTube app for Android. It offers a number of features that are not available in the official app. YouTube ReVanced is a great alternative to the official YouTube app. It offers a number of features that are not available in the official app, and it is completely free to use. If you are looking for a more ad-free, customizable, and feature-rich YouTube experience, then YouTube ReVanced is the perfect app for you." Always repeats the currently playing video for continuous playback. Spoofs the client to allow playback of restricted content. Hides components related to comments for a cleaner viewing experience. Adds convenient buttons in the player to easily copy video links. Customizes the YouTube launcher icon and name, defaults to ReVanced. Disables playing YouTube Shorts upon app launch. Prevents forced captions from being automatically enabled. Disables video description and comments panel in fullscreen view mode. Disables panels from appearing automatically in fullscreen mode (playlist or live chat). Turns off haptic feedback when zooming on the screen. Includes additional debugging options for troubleshooting. Enables the option to download and save YouTube videos using an external app. Adapts HDR video brightness to match the system's default settings. Hides components specific to YouTube Shorts for a streamlined interface. Removes general ads that appear during video playback. Suppresses the display of album cards beneath artist descriptions. Eliminates the autoplay button from the video player. Removes the breaking news shelf from the homepage tab. Conceals the captions button on the video player interface. Hides the cast button in the video player for casting purposes. Suppresses the crowdfunding box positioned between the player and video description. Hides the email address within the account switcher for privacy. Conceals suggested video cards at the end of fullscreen videos. Removes the filter bar in video feeds for a cleaner look. Eliminates the floating microphone button that appears during search. Conceals info cards in videos to reduce clutter. Hides various general layout components for a simpler interface. Removes the button that loads similar videos beneath the main video player. Offers the option to hide video player's previous and next buttons. Hides the dark background overlay when player controls are visible. Conceals the seekbar that shows video progress. Hides the timestamp display in the video player interface. Provides options to hide action buttons under a video for a cleaner appearance. Removes creator watermarks from videos for unobstructed viewing. Enables minimized and background playback for multitasking. Customizes or hides navigation buttons for personalization. Displays the old video quality interface with advanced quality options. Opens links directly in the browser for seamless external browsing. Adds custom playback speeds and remembers chosen speed settings. Conceals specific items in the player flyout menu. Displays premium branding on the home screen for a distinguished look. Remembers selected video quality using the quality flyout. Removes background from the video player controls for a cleaner appearance. Shows dislike count using the Return YouTube Dislike API. Enables tap-to-seek functionality on the seekbar. Integrates SponsorBlock to skip video segments like sponsored content. Tricks YouTube into thinking you're using an older version of the app, restoring the old UI. Introduces swipe controls for volume and brightness adjustments. Enables tablet mini player layout for better tablet user experience. Applies a custom theme for a unique visual style. Allows YouTube ReVanced to operate without root and under a different package name using Vanced MicroG. Removes ads from the video player for an uninterrupted viewing experience. Replaces the search icon with a wide search bar, hiding the YouTube logo while active.
  18. Thanks for calling me normie lol. Looking back I think my particular case was a little more extreme than the average normie that stumbles upon relativism When I first realized the true nature of meaning, value, and purpose, it felt as if the very foundation of my reality had collapsed. Meditation already had begun this process, but your video on understanding these concepts burst my bubble in an aggressive and blunt way. Something which was definitely not the right time for or something that I was looking for at that moment, but I already was aware that curiosity kills the cat when I went down that rabbithole. It was as if knocking over the first domino led to the rapid, uncontrollable, unstoppable collapse of my entire conceptual framework of reality. Once I realized that certain things were mere social, cultural, linguistic or human constructs, it didn’t take long for me to question EVERYTHING ELSE in my life or that I was capable of thinking of, leaving me with a profound sense of absolute groundlessness, and a freedom SO VAST that it was ABSOLUTELY TERRYFING. One of the most insidious aspects of this relativism was how my ego hijacked it for self-serving purposes. When nothing holds inherent meaning, the ego can rationalize any behavior, no matter how destructive or self-defeating. I found myself trapped in this mindset, using relativism to justify my fears, addictions, and self-destructive habits. Even though I knew, on some level, that judgments, rejection, and failure "shouldn't matter," I remained paralyzed by these fears. The ego thrived on the infinite double standards relativism allowed, twisting logic to maintain its grip. I would rationalize that personal development was pointless, meaningless, and biased, making no sense to pursue. Growing up, I was deeply absorbed in video games. 10+ years of WoW. 5 years of LoL , besides of dozens of other videogames. The stories, quests, currencies, characters, competition, victories, defeats within those games were incredibly real to me, not just pixels on a screen. They provided real sense of progress, purpose and achievement. Realizing that these experiences were mere constructions was painful. It shattered the illusion I had built around them and took away a lot of enjoyment and escapism. Some realizations like that my parents gave me my name, and that it could have been anything else, as of today seems so obvious and a surface level insight, but it's actually not obvious. I bet more than 3/4 of the human population is not aware of that and truly belives their name is real and belongs to them. I realized that things don't have names, that we create them with arbitrary sounds and symbols and concepts, and that different things are called different ways in different languages, and we just use this system for comunication. It's not truth. I realized that morality, ethics, manners , good or bad are relative, that the law is groundless and relative ( and why it exists ) , that possessions aren't real but social and mental constructs, that countries don't exist, money is a construct, that time is subjective and age doesn't really exist. These realizations only worsened my sense of confusion and disorientation at the time. I was 21 years old and had just started living on my own for the first time, fresh out of school. The world of meanings that had defined my life—exams, grades and worrying about what my classmates thought of me—crumbled away. Academia and the sense of safety it provided revealed themselves to be nothing more than a game and an illusion. The importance I had placed on these things disintegrated, leaving me feeling utterly groundless and foolish, like I had wasted all that time. As this process unfolded, I came to a realization that no matter what happens, everything is "absolutely okay." This insight led me to stop inhibiting my impulses, which inevitably pulled me toward distractions, addictions, and comfort. Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months as time flew by, and I found myself increasingly detached from any sense of purpose or direction. I stopped judging and moralizing my actions, instead choosing to simply observe whatever I was doing and go with it. This approach dissolved much of the internal resistance I once felt and allowed me to sink deeper into the present moment, for better or worse, which ended up just leading me to seek out comfort and pleasure while avoiding discomfort and pain. For weeks, I would lie in bed, utterly unmotivated and aimless. The female attention and aprooval I once craved stopped being meaningful. I convinced myself that day and night didn’t truly exist, so there was no reason to wake up at any specific time. I saw no point in maintaining basic hygiene or even wearing clothes the "right" way. I would go to the supermarket unshowered, wearing dirty clothes, messy hair and shirts backwards and inside out , rationalizing that there was no right or wrong way to dress. When I had a part time job at a restaurant, I remember letting some customers walk away without paying because in my mind it didn't matter. My sense of self-importance crumbled as well. I realized I was no more significant than a fly or a cockroach, and this realization left me feeling profoundly insignificant and purposeless. Even ending my own life literally didn't make sense, something I never considered seriously. This extreme relativism led me to a state of profound laziness but also access to unconditional happiness. I found that I could lie in bed for months, feeling ecstatic, almost like what I imagine being high on heroin is like, without needing to do anything to achieve this happiness. This was an absolute ambition killer. The sense of meaninglessness was so deeply embedded in my mind that any attempt to take action felt like a distraction, causing emotional resistance. It was as if taking any step away from doing nothing would shatter the fragile peace I had found in this state of inaction. I didn't know who or what I was anymore. I realized that identity, what you yourself identify as, is absolutely groundless and are just meaningless or self-constructed labels. The one thing that didn't crumble was my sexuality. I considered that if absolute relativity is true then everyone is in actuality pansexuaI. But in practice I was just not attracted to men. Period. I didn't need identify as a man , adult or human for the validity truthfulness of my feelings of attraction and preference to whatever I perceived as an attractive female. This shift also marked a clear and sharp transition from analytical thinking to a primarily intuitive approach to life. Intuition gradually became my core mode of operation, guiding my decisions and shaping my reality. I began to connect with and respect my emotions in a way I hadn’t before. Emotions became central to my experience, driving my choices and dictating how I engaged with the world. At that time, this intuitive, emotion-driven way of living was deeply ingrained in me, and emotions, feelings, and intuition were the only ground I could rely on. The descent into relativism also isolated me from others, as I saw them as characters in a game - NPCs, unaware of the constructed nature of their realities. It was a lonely existence, like living in a "Truman Show" where everyone else was oblivious to the truth. Every person I encountered was locked into their own paradigm of understanding the world, unconscious of the constructed nature of their reality. No one would understand me. I couldn't relate to anyone and actually people would judge me and reject me for thinking or talking in these ways. People said I was depressed, when actually I felt more sane than them but confused. This descent into nihilism and relativism eventually pushed me toward "mysticism". As I understood the nature of meaning, language, and concepts, I also deeply understood I didn’t know what anything was anymore; I faced deep not-knowing. I intuitively began practicing "neti neti" meditation and "actuality meditation," which led to temporary heightened states of consciousness and experiences of non-symbolic awareness. These practices helped me trascend the conceptual limits of the mind and connect with a reality beyond words, thoughts and even perception, leading to things like seeing the ox' tail with what I think is a samaddhi experience ( this entire " perception bubble" is made out of the" same stuff" , even "me", the observer, is made out of the same " stuff ") , the insight that thoughts literally APPEAR INTO EXISTENCE from pure nothingness in the most direct way possible, and later some accidental astral projection. I also realized that non-duallity is so non dual it entails duallity, which just mindf*cked me again, and that I was engaging in spiritual bypasing. Eventually, though the pass of time, the school of hard knocks, awareness , trial and error and tremendous amounts of confusion and needless suffering, , I began to see that while all things might be meaningless, there is a universal law of cause and effect. Both cause and effect are meaningless in themselves, but they have real consequences nevertheless, and I personally have real preferences toward certain consequences over others. To deny that would be self-deception. It's obvious but it did not make sense for so long. For instance, I would rather be free than in jail. This is a child-mind level insight I had to re-learn. I realized that being bummed out by meaninglesness is a mental fallacy. Meaninglesness is meaninglessness, not negative. These realizations helped me begin to rebuild my life by recognizing that life itself operates with a deeper intelligence that transcends these constructs, with inherent logic and rules that we discover through trial and error and direct experience. I realized that relativism doesn’t hold up in the practical world; it’s only a limitation of the mind, logic, conceptual frameworks, and language. Being locked in this experience and perspective of being · an alive human being · comes with specific biases and preferences. Something obvious but aparently, not so obvious. This going full cirlcle understanding allowed me to see the limits of Relativism and Nihilism : They overlook nature's nature. hence my signature
  19. @NightHawkBuzz fundamentally, society doesn't accept LGBTQ by default because it's just a knee jerk reaction of the collective and therefore individual unconscious survival agenda. It's a social survival game of gossiping and demonizing and marginalizing to promote the survival, fitness and evolution of the species. People being judgemental and unwelcoming to LGBTQ is similar to when women consistently reject weak beta males. They are unconsciously but effectively weeding them out of the gene pool. They are punishing bad survival traits. It's akin to momma bird not feeding the weaker unfit chick and letting it die. But instead of withholding nourishment the unconscious technique is to ostrasize and reject them, avoiding proliferation of LGBTQ tendencies in society People also unconsciously are afraid that these ideas will become mainstream, that their children will become gay and their bloodline and genes will vanish from the gene pool because their children won't procreate . Which may actually happen for some people, who knows. So it's just collective survival games, but survival doesn't f"ck around and takes it's job dead serious. These are the main reasons. Most other are backwards - rationalizations, ideology, ego, circular logic, knee jerk reactions, strawmans, scapegoating , one's owns insecurities and projections, etc Funny enough even chatGPT is wrong on the core of this issue because it's too PC, and Claude won't even comment chatGPT says the main reason is culture, religion ( protecting the traditional family) , social constructs. It literally told me that elites use social discrimination as a way of maintaining their control and and avoiding their power being challenged lmao Embracing and not demonizing LGBTQ requieres breaking out of unconscious instinctual survival programming, while being aware of where it can go too far or crate needless confusion Why do most men instinctually get an emotion of repulsion if they were to see two men kissing? Why are men made fun of if they don't have a GF or dont get laid often? For the same reason you feel the emotion of jealousy if you see your woman laughing with another man and for the same reason someones puke gives you emotions of repugnance : unconscious instinctual survival mechanisms When contemplating human problems, the answers are mostly survival or ego
  20. Personally I haven't studied the formal post-modernism philosophy. What I do know is that when I grasped the true nature of Meaning, Value and Purpose, I fell into a Dark Night of the Soul of pure relativism for a good 2-3 years in my early 20s before trascending it This relativism stuff is no joke. It can seriously destabilize your mind, your life and your identity. I have a lot of empathy for why people have a knee-jerk reaction against it. What if your life is a house of cards that can crumble with a little shaking of your fundations?
  21. LMAO, I swear you might open a literal physical portal to Hell if you do a 7-day solo "Carolina Reaper Hot Pepper" Meditation Retreat, aka the impatient man's vision quest. Straight to Satan's Salvia balcony mini garden. Let us know the trip report
  22. I find it to be a motivational idea to tatoo " Mind over Matter" on your Sire Johnson. Or at least with a sharpie . That's the kind of techniques they teach you at the last semester of Neuro-Linguistic Programming suggestion: move to fun section