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Everything posted by 1x0

  1. @Spacious I see you live in Briz. Fancy a pint sometime?
  2. Same. However, strangely I have an overlapping and short lives phase while the other larger dies out. It's very depleting.
  3. Good action points, I will think about what you said and get back to you soon. Thanks!
  4. Hi all, I am interested in your views. Extinction rebellion obviously primarily green in the spiral dynamics. How well do you think they will do in a blue/orange understanding? Any suggestions in change of or additional tactics to reach out to those stuck in a blue/orange understanding? Much love to you all and thanks in advance.
  5. @SoothedByRain I am getting you now.... we need them to observe the damage they are creating and they will sort themselves out. There is still the barrier of encouragement to observe.
  6. That's quite a vision you have there! We or our future generations might get to that stage. However, My question that I seem to be unable to express very well is: How one (or a group) can reach out to all stages with a message of urgency? I can see that Extinction Rebellion are using a Corel approach of disruption and letting them all sort each other out, as no one will listen to a green other than greens. Is this the only way to reach to all stages in your opinion? Many thanks!
  7. Thanks for your answer @SoothedByRain. I don't agree with you that it is driven by Ego. I think there is a lot of people with big egos in the mix. There is also a lot of sheep following going on too. So maybe not just greens but also many progress driven oranges and rule driven blues in there too... If it is all too late, that doesn't mean we shouldn't kick up a fuss about improving our balance with nature. After all, there has only been nature, so we might as well try to exist in it. I am also sceptical that there are many people holding data back for fear of upsetting people. There are people that love that shit to take a stab a society. Civil disobedience is certainly creating a stir, but in order to connect with everyone there would need to be a multifaceted strategy to get buy-in. I'm trying to contemplate if that would be possible.
  8. Gutted there is no response. I'll try again... Extinction rebellion is the alarm bell. The action takes all of us. Can you think of any other inventive strategies to reach out and make people stop in there tracks and inciting immediate change to our business as usual. Spiral dynamics greens are already thinking about it, so what would appeal to a blue or orange, to first listen, secondly take action regarding our climate crisis? Much love xxx
  9. I quite liked the phrase I hear once that coral was "chaos instigators". Helping humanity transcend faster by stirring up friction in the right places, leading to the naturally dominate force defusing the distraction.
  10. Hi All, I have recently been diagnosed as an ENTP (Extrovert iNtuition Thinking Perceiving) type in the Myers-Briggs model and having done more research might put myself somewhere between that and the INTP (Introvert iNtuition Thinking Perceiving) bracket. If this model is correct, of which it seems quite accurate in my experience, it feels like I should work on realigning my environment and activities in a direction that would harnessing the characteristics of my cognitive stack whereby the learning process is predominantly achieved through pattern recognition and intuition. My current focus is that, in a world of rule driven business models, I have identified that I am less understood by my peers and that being in the minority in terms of the way I learn and process data might be the reason. I want to be myself, not be conditioned. Therefore, understanding and rearranging my position might be a path of freeing my flow and passion. With a focus on creating the correct environment for harnessing intuitive learning process, my question to you is if anyone has already gone round the houses in this line of thinking and could shed some light of wins/traps or any great sources of information to get some more guidance from. Kind regards you champions!
  11. I'm Bristol. Give me a shout if you fancy a pint
  12. There is a serious gender weighting problem in these lists. Leo's lists suffered from the same.
  13. ok, so you learn and practise emptying you mind and then at some point you might experiencing being in a different way. This different way is profound and life changing at the same time a being simple and obvious and nothing you didn't already know. Then you can return to life with the knowledge that a lot of what you where doing was unnecessary, and that your better off just hanging out. Is that more in line?
  14. When we where dumped into this world, we didn't really have a clue what it was we where supposed to do. Turns out nobody does. That didn't stop people from telling us what they think we should be doing. We put faith in these beliefs as everyone seemed to be doing the same thing more of less, so we do it too, with passion (another thing we are told we want). Now I have the ability to question it all, I realise that still no one seems to know what the hell we are doing. It seems that I can get closer to reality by identifying what isn't real, most of which was obscured by my belief in my personal identity that appears to be nothing but a social construct. However, I still don't think I have spotted the thing that is in side of me and everywhere that I could call my being. Maybe there is no point,... just scale and angle in our perception as a result of genetic accidents. The self enquiry as described above, seems to be this reductionism, get closer to nothing, rid yourself of all these distractions, beliefs of personal identity, thoughts and emotions of the past and future, need to be happy, or sad, or enything, open yourself up to a finer grain of awareness mastery as separation from all these motor responses your mind and body has you believe. Then somehow let that go too.... ??### Am I along the right lines? If so ...What do you do with that? People on this planet are so wrapped up in their stories, and you have to play at their level to be within it. So if you know something so profound it makes playing the game just like playing a pointless computer game (I can't play computer games because of the pointlessness of it). I would rather do nothing. If I follow this path towards enlightenment, am I going to be further indulged into meaninglessness and do less, or will I get over that? What do you do now that you are enlightened? Many thanks!
  15. @Serotoninluv yes that's great. Going to contemplate this a bit and splash an idea back when I am ready.
  16. Hi all. It was fascinating learning about spiral dynamics and being able to apply the model to my situation/experience. I know it is only a model and you need to treat it with a pitch of salt. Also that my perception is almost certainly inaccurate. However, it appeared to fit really well, and gave me some insights into the interaction of people within my teams. I feel like I've been stage green for a long while now, living in a blue/orange work environment. I have learnt that I couldn't possibly be stage yellow yet because it is so obvious to others that I am sick of many blue/orange values and I can't hide it. It appears now, that I might need to leave my company. Hard as it is to leave a baby, I always knew it wasn't really mine to lead and I have to find some way to exit gracefully and hopefully rewarded enough to buy some time for exploration of what is next. Assuming I do branch away, I am thinking of how to root my future commitments into something that feels relevant. I am guessing I should stick to stage green until I ware it down and feel the need to transcend. If so I have been pondering on what that might look like. The problem being I feel like I have been serving these blues and oranges for so long, I need to peal off these social constraints to really embrace green first. I would also like to look further into the future than my next step. The tools I have been creating harness the desire for blue values such as cottage industry, accountability, rules, company culture etc. Mixed with orange values such as providing tools to make our clients feel like heros, with fast and slick productions with minimal effort and maximum success buy-in etc etc... I am guessing to explore my green values I will need to make tools that capture the emotional drive of open source large data platforms, or social/psychological support for the disadvantaged. ... and yes I think I would enjoy these fields. --- However, what I really want to explore is what would be next in this digital realm? What would the digital tooling (if that is correct) look like that would suit the Yellow stagers in this world? Much gratitude in advance.
  17. Thanks @111111, I was fishing for stage green/yellow web product ideas as a to make my career more relevant to my values and away from blue/orange drenched values. Thanks for the suggested ratio!
  18. Thanks @Hellspeed, I am assuming you mean forget the tech and just focus on the love I give. We live in a survival hierarchy system where I need to make some money for my family, but also it would be great if I have provided benefit, so I need to focus on something. I'll ask again, in case someone wants to share some cool ideas. What digital tooling would suit the Yellow stagers in this world?
  19. Hi all you super fab and super engaged people Question: With the accelerating use of communication and our increasing filtering resistance to it Alongside AI serving us what we want (or someone wants) us to be exposed to....... Are we tuning and leveraging it to help us transcend to a higher complexity of consciousness and awareness. Or Are we driving ourselves deeper into our divided ideological beliefs and towards a war. If so... Is war the stress that is needed to help us transcend our society? eg from tribe to warlord to civilisation to industrial and I guess to the climate crisis (next) and then again when enough people understand our need to relinquish our beliefs altogether. Or Maybe as we become more complex, the less need for war.
  20. Thanks for you insights all! I'm beginning to thing this selfish civilisation needs some sort of shake up. I fear it will be at the expense of the environment.
  21. Can I bring the focus back to my question... Do you think the acceleration of communication and the resistance to it alongside targeted AI, is going to pull some of us back to dogma, hence a bigger divide and war of sorts? When a society heads mainstream green, is there going to be resistance from the blues and oranges? Is this what is going on now? A communication war. Less bloody if so. Then when we progress into yellow mainstream is there going to be a resistance from the greens? What would that look like? Are yellows still too selfish to let us die? Love you all.
  22. Yes, that is true tech is allowing us to share and learn faster. However, even as a techy myself, I get overwhelmed by its pace. I wonder how the less tech proficient feel and the effects it has. AI might overwhelm us completely. We are back to the everything is "perfect" and "on course" statement which I am still questioning. Do you have a vid on evolution? Sometimes I feel it is created, other times I feel it is a dna mutation and meaningless. I also get your point on a different type of war. History might repeat in some way, but it is always different.
  23. I was thinking of grabbing all the colour's values posted in the mega threads and splitting them into four categories: - I involve this value in my life and want to retain it - I don't involve this value in my life and want to gain it - I involve this value in my life and want to remove it - I don't involve this value in my life and want to avoid it I was thinking this might focus my attention of what I'm doing right and wrong. Haven't started this mind.