Seb G

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About Seb G

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  1. Change is reality, time is a measurement and therefore conceptual and literally not real. Beginning and end are concepts too. Time implies change, I believe is closer to the truth, but never the other way.
  2. It's like falling in love.. you just know it haha Seriously though, I think we can always question things in retrospect. If you think about it, a breakthough is a very relative, fluid thing which is defined by your state of consciousness at the moment. If you experience something beyond what you previously identified with, then I would call it a breakthrough.
  3. @Consept Yes, I think the term Tulpamancy is just used in Magic and what I saw in Discord. Honestly, I don’t really vibe with that. Fragmentation sounds better to me. I can totally see how this could be used to find those buried parts of you and learn to love them. I agree that there’s no point on creating personalities, but more like recognize them. I’ve notice certain thinking patterns have a certain “tone” to them, but I haven’t gone beyond that.
  4. Radical Open-Mindedness Required I've been experimenting with Discord recently and found some interesting resources within heaps and heaps of bullshit and weird shit (or is it?). It took tons of open mindedness for me to start getting what Plurality is and I only started looking for something like this because of certain experiences I've been having recently. Plurality is the idea that you are not one entity, but multiple beings channeled through one body. If you are mindful of your thoughts, you can realize and label these different characters. It doesn't have to be a literal voice in your head, its more nuanced than that. You are a different person when you talk to your lover, when you lead your business team or when you are writing in this forum. Its normal to have multiple personalities, its just mainstream media makes this sound like crazy talk. Now here its were it gets interesting.. Tulpamancy means creating "tulpas" or mental constructs for these personalities. Very much like, during meditation, it is useful to label thought patterns because it makes you mindful that they exist, tulpamancy is like taking this to the maximum level. Instead of just labeling a thought pattern with a word, you give it attributes such as a name, body, face, size, etc. Doing this, you can create a character which you can interact even with. Many people in these circles are fiction writers, and say this is incredibly powerful for writing. Have you ever read a book and felt like the character in them exist somehow? How is this related to enlightenment? Aren't you just creating more egos? You can discover you are God during a trip, and how you've created everything, including yourself and everyone around you. My thinking is that, you have that same creative power within this creation. More creation yields more creation yields more creation to infinity. So there's two directions you can go with this work: you can merge with God and all be one, or you can create more. My hunch is that your ego, your image of yourself is a tulpa. Also, its important to note that these "tulpas" may already exist within you, I call them thought patterns/process which tend to run you unconsciously unless you become aware of them. I believe this is what "spirit guides" are, but I'm not so sure. Warning: Be very careful with this. Remember that, at the end of the day, the most important thing is discovering Truth and Love. This is new territory that may be interesting and exciting (at least for me), just don't get too caught up on it and always remember your path.
  5. I think that’s ok.. In my view, a vision board is meant to deeply clarify and imprint on your mind what’s important to you (your top values). It should help you filter out mindless short term thinking activities/habits. If it bothers you though, i suggest writing “creativity” or “creator” instead of “be a creator”.
  6. @Ry4n I can 100% relate. Advice given by @LfcCharlie4 is on point- pace yourself- if you feel anxiety and pain, don't fast more, eat whole foods and make sure to get enough nutrients and calories.. Anxiety is there for a reason, your are doing something unconsciously. Next time you fast and the anxiety starts coming up, instead of meditating, which I think, in your case, is being used to numb the pain temporarily (I could be wrong) practice DEEP and unfiltered self-observation. Think of your anxiety as a pool of stressful thought patterns and bodily tensions to start.. Ask these questions: What SPECIFIC thoughts are making me feel anxious and tense? Why am I holding these thoughts as valid and true? What would happen if I let go of these thoughts? (Ego will make it feel as though you will die if you do, it will say something like: "of course you have to worry! if you don't then you'll die!"- that's a cartoonish example but its actually much sneakier than that) After this: isolate the specific parts of your body that hold tensions because of this. Commonly those may be: shoulders, jaws, stomach, neck, etc. which all stifle your breathing and exacerbate your anxiety even more! This will make you more mindful of your head space- and fasting will help identify those thoughts that drain your energy the most. I'm currently working on this pattern: "I am letting people down, I must do something to help or else I'm a piece of shit" which seems like something positive at first, but I can assure you, what actually happens in reality is just me holding tensions in my shoulders and stomach, blocking air flow and ruining my posture not actually helping anyone. The key is to make your energy draining processes crystal clear. Write them down and label them so that next time a pattern pops up, you'll be like "oh, there's that thought again."
  7. Little background on my food journey: I've been intermittent fasting for over 4 years now eating only whole foods and it just been great in terms of lifestyle and health. I don't really subscribe to ANY diet- I don't care if there's a diet out there that makes you enlightened, immortal, etc. I think that's all salesy bullshit. Health and food has never been an issue for me; I've always eaten intuitively and known exactly what to eat to make myself feel better through self-observation and experience. In my view, deeply learning how food affects you personally is the only way to transcend the problem of diet. Anyhow, this post is about fasting and how I've used it for consciousness work. Going long periods of time without food will reveal to you exactly: what habits, thought patterns, people, situations, bodily tensions, etc that drain your energy and lower your state of consciousness. Fasting can be really challenging sometimes, and during those challenging moments you can take notes or identify what exactly it is that is draining your energy. For example, if you are working and dealing with people, there is two process going on, useful and useless processes. A useful process can be focusing having clear communication and raising the emotions of your team. A useless process would be worrying how you look, worrying about an outcome, stressing out about time sensitive workload, etc. During fasting, the effects of these useless process are clear as day, and you will have extra motivation to eliminate them. Now that was just an example of daily human life. I've found that this same approach can be used for spiritual work. During fasting, it will be exceedingly painful to keep your body tensions, shortness of breath, monkey mind, negative self-talk, beliefs about reality, etc. Clearly identifying energy drainers and falling into presence and releasing is the only way out of all of that as opposed to eating something to feed those things. (even so called superfoods!) Pokes them holes! I yearn for you perspective!!
  8. @Radical You keep insisting that I’m talking about an experience.. I’m not communicating properly or you are forming judgement before reading. Actual Truth is indivisible, you are writing about it as if its something separate from what is.
  9. @Radical I am not talking about an 'experience' as that implies separation from what is. Never mentioned disappearing either as that implies being an appearance in the first place. No 'exchanges' going on either. Who is being seductive, tricky and a liar? It's you(me) and it always has been for eternity. So when I use the word awakening I am talking about realizing that you are the one doing EVERYTHING even giving yourself experiences of 'awakening'.
  10. @Blissout permanence is an illusion- the ego wants to make it permanent and keep it for itself when it is already you and had been for eternity. Stopping and releasing is by far the most direct way because its the opposite of a method.. @Blissout
  11. @purerogue it was temporary! Haha just wanted to share what I had just felt:)
  12. The truth is so fucking obvious and in your face- its so bright it blinds you.. Absolute love is here and always here- release and cry to its absolute beauty. Stop reading, listening, seeking, trying, resisting. It’s you!! Wake up!! The most precious thing that you can possibly imagine is exactly what is right in front of you this very moment. Eternity is now- it’s always been you! What a fucking ride!
  13. @Nahm hey thanks for the reply! It was very helpful The sappy video was very cringey at first, but I forced myself to watch and yes it hit my chest pretty hard and started crying haha. I did go through a break up 6 months ago- I just didn’t think I was supressing it. I looked into body’s meridians and it seems to describe my experiences pretty accurately so I’ll do more research on that. My main concern about all this is that its more ego/illusion. Like who is experiencing tightness in the chest and electricity in the body, etc. I’m trying to integrate this at the moment.