Giulio Bevilacqua

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Everything posted by Giulio Bevilacqua

  1. Thank you for your time
  2. Yes i totally agree with you This is what we do , it's not mindfulness ahahah
  3. I love a lot of things . Everything is beautiful in life , so this makes my decisions very difficult. I'm not talking about combining. I would like to work with tai chi , mindfulness instructor , yoga , but on the other hand i have a good talent for music drums and so on . I have a band that is having a growing succes , we have the possibilities to do something in the future. I would like also to study a subject at university in the humanistic field. I know all this stuff is not combinable.
  4. Yes you are right . My mind is obsessed with knowledge.
  5. A gardener
  6. My mother but not very
  7. Thank you very much for this comment.
  8. Hi everyone, I feel very embarrassed writing about my actual inner problems because they are really absurd and foolish , but in the last time they really took possession over me , so I try to write about it. I think they concern excessive perfectionism and mind categorization about everything . I can not enjoy the simplest things in the last time . I always want all the cake and never a portion. I explain better with examples. If I read a book about nutrion or nature (or any possible field) I get irritated because I want to know everything about the subject, I want a degree in it , I want a profession with it . My mind says " you are not a professor of botanic or nutrition do not read this " My mind want to maximise everything. Or a walk in nature watching flowers " you are not a student of botanic so do not watch them" A philospical discussion " you are not a philosopher you don't study philosophy so do not discuss" Listening to music " your life career is not concerned with music so why listen to it " Or meditation " you are not a meditation teacher you can't meditate " I can not study or read something for my self, I want always everything about it ,I'm not content with a portion . I do a thai chi course but I feel frustrated because I want to a have a super professional school where they teach all about it . This mechanism is invading a lot of things , also coocking. I do not know what to do . I know it is crazy and stupid Sorry for the English
  9. I think we must learn to have the famous "Beginner Mind "
  10. I had a discussion with my firends about a society composed by only enlightened people . My opinion about this society is that it doesn't need any political structure or rules . The people already knows what to do and how to behave. What do you think ?
  11. That's the point. I do not know how a society with only enlightens people would be . I tried to imagine but with no conclusion
  12. What is the point of learning history ? I mean , that all the History problems and events are only caused by the destructive Ego . Why should someone study History ? Is there something useful in it ?
  13. I've recently partecipated in a Vegan Animal protest against slaughterhouse, animal killing , It was a pacific protest , but a really strong one, the police took us away . The next days i was thinking if it was a Good thing , it created some doubts in my mind about good and bad , right and wrong . Has protest a value ? I protest because i think it is right accroding to my way of thinking but not for an universal law.
  14. @ShaharA Yes , i agree . I think we are too much concerned with good and bad , but in reality they don't exist.
  15. @brugluiz Yes a lot of people of the past where multipotential !
  16. @Bluebird Yes ! Nice idea man Thank you !
  17. @ivankiss Yes, it's challenging
  18. Hi everyone. I'm 20 years old This periods of my life are really challenging. I'm in a hard state of doubt,insecurity about what i would like to do in my life. My mind is struggeling between some things. Some time ago i discovered a University about Antropology,Religion and Oriental Civilzation. I would do this uni only for the knowledge that offers, to know the things, to have a cultural package. At the same time i'm a drummer, i have passion for playing different struments. I'm actually signed in a private music school, it's smaller than a real conservatory. The problem is : this Antropology university is far away from my city , i have to take 2 trains , it would take 2 hours. A lot of time would be taken away, just sitting in train. So i was worrying that i don't have much time for other things like : nature , tai chi course, practicing drums and so on. I should do good time schedule On the other side my feeling is telling me to go directly to the conservatory, even if it feels scary , maybe my ego is afraid of this choice. I would like to have both at the same time . If i do the university i would finish with 23 years and then i could do the conservatory but i'm scared that at 23 y.o is too late to do it. Is it worth to do a non practical university only for cultural knowledge ? The feeling of the uni is colder , and of the conservatory is warmer . I'm so shattered by all this confusion. I have only 8 months to decide. I know nobody can really help me , but writing to you is liberating . Thank you and sorry for my english.
  19. I'm feeling i would like to study philosophy at the university, but i have ecountered some doubts along my research about the field. It's difficult for me to read things outside non duality/spirituality fields. Everytime i try to approach to some western philosopical book like Kant, Leibniz ... , i have the feeling that my spiritual knowledge and experience already knows everything and discriminates what i'm reading . I can't ready openly without judgment . I would like to read those things with an open mind, seeing them as they are . It's hard because the spiritua knowledge is so superior and this stops me to read and study that stuff . Maybe i shouldn't take it so seriously... What is your idea.?
  20. I do not know the name in english ,i think it is proglegomena to a further metaphysics . And leibniz i read random stuff I agree with you , but i feel this attraction to go into it . So i do not know what to do that is frust
  21. I agree with you , but i feel this attraction to go into it . So i do not know what to do, that is frustrating
  22. I got the same situations .... This changed all . “I don't know" is not confusion. Confusion is "I don't know, but I should know" or "I don't know, but I need to know." When you fully accept that you don't know, you actually enter a state of peace and clarity that is closer to who you truly are than thought could ever be. Defining yourself through thought is limiting yourself.” Eckhart tolle You have to allow yourself to be confused and not knowing ! Why are you going against your actual situation? . When you surrender to" i don't know and thats ok " everything is much clearer . It is a little bit scary and you feel vulnerable , but after a while you enjoy , it's amazing how this can transform you ! . Let me know ! and good luck ! :))
  23. Yes you are so right ! it's a trap !
  24. @zambize Very helpful, nice Thank you !