Giulio Bevilacqua

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Everything posted by Giulio Bevilacqua

  1. How can a medication heal this ? It would make things worse, modern medicine can not handel things like this. I have tried it in the past, just more frustration. They do not even know what i am are talking about
  2. Thank you. But how can they deal with such stuff ? They know nothing about things like this. They would put into medication and maybe hospitalized
  3. A physician can non help not even a psychiatrist
  4. I understand. But it’s a energetic situation .They can not understand what’s the problem. If I would talk about kundalini they would laugh
  5. No one . They would close me into a psychiatric hospital
  6. They could not understand what is happening
  7. The best thing is trying to reconnect to your natural urge of sleep. It's like eating, eat when you are hungry, sleep when you need it. The body will wake up at the right moment. Obviouly this takes some awareness. You can ask yourself before going to bed " do i really need to sleep? is my body tired ?"
  8. No. Maybe english. German is really complex. I would suggest you to take courses in schools and maybe live there
  9. There is no how to relax. If you try to relax you will create tension. If you stop trying to relax you are relaxed. Also any other technique will create some unconcious tension, including meditation.
  10. Kung Fu is very good, it is a holistic art. I have done tai chi many years. If you start to get into it and undestand it's mechanics it will open many doors Also spontaneous QI gong
  11. Didn’t understand what you mean
  12. Hi evryone. I am dealing with strong feelings of regret in the last days. Regret about having done things without knowing the consequences, doing things blindly. I did a 5 months semen retention. Releasing semen was for me like giving away gold. Now i am facing energetic blocks/pains and obstacles due to a Kundalini awakening that has surely risen from this retention. I know that i can not go back, and surrender to your past actions is the only way maybe. But it is damn hard to face your stupidity. Just because i read or watched some youtube videos u find yourself messing up life and also people around you. Was wondering, if your actions took you to do certain things maybe it was the case to do so, and could not be otherwise. But i do not know if this is just a story that one can tell to its'self f just to fool himself. Are there mistakes ?
  13. Like this, but at such high speed that kicks m brain out of the skull
  14. Spinning like children do. But at such a speed that it is not normal to handle I would die maybe. It’s a spontaneous movement
  15. No they are constantly there. I can not do anything and do not want to do anything. The pain gets healed only if I allow my body to do its own things spontaneously, like I said it starts to spin like a tornado and it is so scary because of too much intensity.
  16. It is a blessing for someone who consciously seeks it and knows what it seeking. Suppose you get your driving license and than you have a Lamborghini to drive. Or you start to climb mountains and the first one choose is K2 or Everest. I tried many things now, but it seems that evry technique is an obstacle, there is immediately a tension of effort and doing to get rid of symptoms. Also meditation, or watching the breathing is still and effort and can clearly see that the body gets tension. If I just relax and allow the body to let go of control it immediately starts to spin and whirling on its axis so fast that I can not hold such speed anymore. I tried many times to go into it, but it is too much force.
  17. Hi evryone. As i sit in meditation the breath start going into spontaneous patterns like breath of fire. Can clearly see that it is releasing psychological knots and tensions from the belly. What i would like to ask is: How much time should i spend allowing the breathing to do it's work ? I think if i just surrender to it, it would go on and on for hours and days. Has anyone of you some experience with this ? Thank you
  18. Hi, could one guide me into spontanoues movements or give more clarity? I if completly let go my body starts to whirl and spin like a tornardo and it is so difficult to let express the movement becuase it is too strong to handle. If i sit my breath starts doing pranayama breath of fire. If i stand the body starts to shake violently. I would appreciate someone that has gone through this. Thank you
  19. @Thought Art @hyruga Guys please stop sharing random material on Kundalini. Do not let people experience unecessary trouble
  20. I understand. But the decision to sit in mediation evry day for 30 minutes, is still a form of control.
  21. Isn’t a practice a form of control ?
  22. Really do not know where to start. It amazes me how some of you can handle the kundalini process by your self. Going from a nice and stable life situation to a complete hell was just a second for me, and i really do not know if i can handle this process anymore. I am not ready for it, it is too much. You can not force a kindergarten child to learn things from a phd master class, it can not work. My body is not prepared. "Oh you are just believing your thoughts " this is really not the case. My stomach is in pain, the energy is stuck there since months now, my digestion is horrible. All this spontaneous kriyas are scaring the shit out of me to the point where i just ignore them. I pass my days in my bed and eating when it is necessary. . I loved playing drums and was really passionaate about music and percussion, this does not exist anymore. Do not know if i can pursue something in this life again exept of becoming a heremit. Relationships are gone, friends are gone. Taking a walk with my dogs is like a great succes in my daily life. "Still alive" Living with my mother is so sad beacause i'm making her so worried and surely affecting space with negative energy. I tried many things and techniques to handel this energy, in hope to get better and live a stable life again. Nothing worked. It seems that no method can help, life is too big to be handled with some shitty energy tools. I just want to enjoy life again, just simple things, nothing else. Thinking that i have to spend my life expressing this energy kriyas is really not helpful. When i'm 80 years old maybe i'm enlightened, and watsted a hole life time in shaking and doing weird spontaneous movements just to release stucked emotions. I'm 22 years old, wasting the best days of my life, days where i could make experience, travel, have a life purpose,playing music, trekking, haveing a girlfirend. I feel i'm 65 years old, handling a monster that is far more bigger than my strenght and capabilities, I REALLY DO NOT CARE ANYMORE about enlightement, it was the biggest mistake i could do. And the funny thing is that i really did not care about kundalini awakening. I do not want this shit. Some say, it's divine gift. Yes if you have the necessary conditions and live in a proper athmosphere. I am not ready to leave my family and live like a Yogi in a cave doing weird breath work and yoga. Please be careful with your practices and spiritual progress if you are not stable or have a weak mind, this can break you apart in one instant if you are not ready
  23. @Nahm I started seemed retention because my mind was hugely influenced by Osho. Thinking that I could reach more energy and creativity. That man influenced me too much. Slowly my sexual desire disappeared so the energy accumulated. Totally agree that it was a suppression of something else. Most of the time I felt a repulse for sex and expression in general. So, evrytime it feels “bad” is it an indication of false belief?
  24. I stopped evry practice. Except for allowing the spontaneous movements to unfold, they really help. So you mean that by concentration you release energy and can move it at will ?