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Everything posted by SerpaeTetra

  1. Meh, good film, but don't just take it for truth because you need something to cling to, There are 2 sides to the argument.
  2. Leo or many other professionals could work for themselves doing something they love at $50 - $100+ hr at 20 hours a week if they really wanted to, which can't be much of a grind at all. Thats $1k-2k a week. Most of those people though have a desire to work more/achieve something greater, and to achieve something great you'll through some patches of "suffering" that will produce greater rewards.
  3. I'm looking at these stats and getting around a 3.3% death rate from reported suicides. I assume these numbers can be way off in either direction because of inaccurate attempts and inaccurate deaths by suicide. I might be wrong but I would guess my own success rate would be carefully planned and 100%, but who knows. I'm honestly wondering though if the thought of pain is the main reason people are unsuccessful? I often wished of a state of Nirvana/nothingness, but do not want to experience the thought of physical pain, the pain of others because of my action, etc.
  4. you're still typing on the internet constantly to a bunch of people you don't know, you're still grasping for connection-1,800 times on this site alone...I don't see it happening. Maybe you'll do it for a year or two and find another passion, good luck.
  5. If Coronavirus hit like 2 or 3 months earlier, I think his message becomes much more important to voters and he would have had a better shot. Wage and healthcare inequality, and the attention he gives to global warming seem so much more important than they already did before. Everyone being interconnected is much more obvious now.
  6. Just let go of your attachment to Trump, you'll be so much happier.
  7. I think his response as of late has been ok. However, in the first four to six weeks since the first case of Coronavirus -(January 20th), there was a huge lack of testing, which could have allowed to trace and isolate individuals who were infected. In comparison, South Korea also had their first case on January 20th, and quickly hired 20 private companies to develop a test for Coronavirus, and they were able to trace the infected individuals and quarantine them, and their death rate is much lower (3 deaths per million in South Korea, compared to 10 deaths per million in the US, and likely exponentially higher that South Korea in the end). To be fair, a few other countires like Iran and Italy also didn't have a great response to Coronavirus. I would do research on your own to validate this. His downplay of the virus in the first 4-6 weeks also led to many people not taking it seriously, and further spreading of the disease. Of course, you can't blame the virus on one person, and other factors are at play, such as the freedom the US has and the lack of respect that many Americans had for the virus.
  8. Since Italy's hospitals are so overrun with people who are dying, they aren't testing people with mild cases, so their actual number of cases is much higher than reported.
  9. +1 Despite the recent response by the US, I believe the massive delay in original testing and acknowledgement will lead to a serious crisis worse than Italy's situation. We have a very diverse population originating from more foreign places than most other countries(more international flights,etc). We are actually a few weeks behind many of the Euro countries. In the first link-focus on testing per 1 million people. I think the 100k number from the Ohio Dr.(3 days ago) could be very reasonable. I assume the US govt (and state govts listening to them) would not want to advertise these numbers for anti-panic reasons, so that could be the reason we aren't hearing this from other sources. Minimum 3 NBA players tested positive (3/appx. 360=.9%) Celeberties and politicans including Canadian Pres., many politicians, Hanks Couple, etc. seems at least 1%. 1% of USA would be 3.5 million cases (as of several days ago, and many people still mingling in bars, restaurants, work, family get togethers, etc.) Doubling rate is 6 days. These are just numbers(lowball honestly), and I may be very off, but do the research for yourself. China actually did a great job of shutting down their country and controlling their population(due to fear, communism, etc.) Financially, I would suggest to at least have a plan to diversify from the US dollar if you are 100% in US funds. I don't think this is a probable scenario, but at least be ready to pull the trigger before the general mass in case the US dollar sinks.
  10. I never even heard of Coronavirus till I read your post. You are manifesting it into your own self, please don't spread your fears onto everyone around you.
  11. Whats coronavirus? LOL, are you going crazy, did you just make that word up?
  12. Op-how do you differentiate between how you treat animals vs insects vs micro-organisms?
  13. Could Biden lose a lot more votes than Bernie from the older population if they are staying in due to Coronavirus?
  14. I think Bernie wins...People are desperate for a change, and he is the biggest chance for that. People love the underdog and Bernie is in the perfect underdog spot...not too high, not too low. There will be another momentum shift, and it will be in Sanders favor.
  15. I find it amazing that Warren didn't drop out before today, could have bumped up Sanders a bit.
  16. Maybe people with 300+ trips start having really harsh consequences. People smoked cigarettes for 10-20 years without any notable negative effects, but who knows what happens after 20 years. Leo- what are the effects of psychedelics after using for 15 years? I'm not anti-psychedelics, but the way you talk about them makes it seems to me that you know the long term effects.
  17. The one thing that stood out to me about Leo's latest video is that he said he had 80 trips, but someone needed about 50 trips to understand psychedelics. What if someone who had 200 trips said you need 150 trips, or if someone with 300 trips said you need 250 trips. Hilarious. No fault to Leo, he is just self-biased (which I learned about from him!)
  18. Sanders +425 to be the president...So $1,000 gets you $4,250 plus your $1000 back. Trump is $1,000 gets you roughly $700 plus your $1000 back. Even as a big gambler, I haven't bet on the election until now, but this may be just too good to pass could change to something like +200 after a couple more good results for Sanders in the primaries, which would halve the potential profit. I believe the democratic party has many more votes under their belt than most believe. The reason for me is because I was a Trump supporter in 2016, when I was much less political and just wanted someone that wasn't part of the repeating regime in there (clintons, bushs, etc.), and someone who might be good at govt business dealings. Now, I (and many similar voters) are pro-sanders because of a similar reasons- we want someone new and who is not part of the monopolistic government. The 2nd reason is that many democrats didn't vote in 2016 because they were so sure that Hilary was going to win. They should have a much bigger presence this coming election.
  19. CNN really showed their true colors by trying to blow this petty story up as much as possible to try and create a divide between the progressive party. They are very anti Warren and Sanders, might as well be Fox News.
  20. Yes, I understand you can trace everything back to the point where its no one's/everyone's fault. But in context, many are debating that this assassination was a big blunder by Trump, even my pro-Trump parents believe this. Now, more non-Americans are dead in a place where we really don't have any business being in the first place anyways. You don't think the Canadians (I think close to half were Canadian passengers) are going to put some of the blame on Trump?
  21. Now Trump has some blood on his hands. It seems that the passenger plane killing 176 was hit by Iranian missiles. This would not have happened if he didn't decide to go after this General.
  22. Irans adviser to Iran's Supreme leader said today that it will be from Irans military against U.S. Military targets, and that they don't want any further war after they get there revenge that they think is just. If that is true, I hope the U.S. does not take any further action after that, but I don't envision that happening.
  23. Just look up the war on terrorism in response to 9/11 and see how many people have died in the middle east as a result of those wars - 500,000 people is on the very low and conservative end of projections. The amount of deaths within the United States due to terror is under 5,000 for the past 50 years or so. You can say we are only trying to kill terrorists, but its like throwing a bomb in a room full of people targeting the bad guy and saying you weren't trying to kill the other people in the room. There are reasons other presidents didn't go after this guy even though he was committing attacks. I heard a reporter say this leader was more dangerous dead than alive because of the retaliation that will happen because of this. The U.S. has upset a large number of people that can be very prideful.