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Everything posted by SerpaeTetra

  1. When I'm doing self-inquiry, and asking, "what/who am I?", etc....isn't that just the ego asking the ego what it is? Where is the connection to the higher-self?
  2. Many different people all over the world and in many different time periods have experienced basically the same thing. It seems how people interpret that same experience differs somewhat and Leo is simply expressing his particular views.
  3. This makes much more sense then the halloween episode.
  4. Is there any counter argument to this? I feel like there is some order to infinity, or maybe I'm not grabbing the concept correctly. I don't think God would allow or want some of the absolute horrors.
  5. Within infinity, it's possible that God learns from ego's and erases and ends all suffering.
  6. Simply because it's one of the possibilities of infinity.
  7. In my experience, he is not a scammer at all and it's not even close. I have gained so much insight on personal development, and I have spent $0 on anything related to actualized,org, except a big pot to cook his vegetable soup in.
  8. Are you building your own house from scratch? Or depending on someone elses resources?
  9. Your post is opposite of what your quote say just listen, but you can do nothing but keep posting nonsense...
  10. I always associated myself with the brain. When Leo said something like, "are you the hand?", that made a lot of sense to me and it was obvious I wasn't the hand. I put my one hand sideways on my forehead, and the other behind my head in a similar fashion, and my conscious felt way lower than where the brain would supposedly be. I know that doesn't answer your question but just something that came to me after watching the video.
  11. Is 100 ok?
  12. I bough Artivigil from India. $50/20 pills I think, gets way cheaper per pill but had to test it out because I never tried something like that. I wasn't really in a workmode when I got the pills, but I needed to stay up for two days with roughly 1 hr of sleep, (which probably happens like once every few years for me). It was very effective for that, and I think it increased some awareness but I need to try again in a different setting.
  13. I guess that is one thing to look forward to in case you go to prison.
  14. I think God learns to avoid and erase old negative experiences.
  15. I would get professional help. Do research on potential therapists, and try two or three if you have to. Whatever you spend will be much less that the value added to your life.
  16. That video did wonders for myself, so I hope it doesn't wear out for me. I also concentrate on non-judgement of others(and myself), using should instead of shouldn't, living in the moment (replacing passing thoughts with whats in front of me), and loving my old self. All of these seem to go together. Eating well and exercising help too.
  17. I think it can be useful to help with very hard addictions like alcoholism (self-experienced) or heavy drugs, just because those can be life threatening. For other addictions, I don't see a reason to start a new habit, since that person already has addictive tendencies.
  18. Can you change it to .org instead of .com? Maybe I'm naive in thinking, but when I see .com I would be more skeptical if I'm trying to support a good cause.
  19. People in different stages become Orange when they want to, so I don't see Orange being less noble. Lots of Turquoise are shopping at Walmart/Whole Foods, killing insects, etc., so it seems to be more of a convenient truth to me.
  20. If you are going to get a job that you may not like either, you might as well finish if you have one year left. Use the experience to turn it into something positive for the world later
  21. So I had one of these about 10 years ago, where I was basically floating several feet above my bed. I've had a couple lucid dreams before but this was different. I obviously freaked out, rushed to the internet, and the exact experience I had was the first picture that popped up in my search. There was a scientific explanation for it, and I just kind of brushed it off after a few days. Now I have been watching a lot of Leo for the past few weeks and I started thinking about that experience again. Any thoughts on this? I did a quick forum search and didn't see anything. -Thanks