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Everything posted by Mezanti

  1. Would love to hear more as you progress.
  2. @UDT if your passion is music, let's just say, you can't just quit your job and decide to somehow make a living off of that,you will literally starve, you have to stay working your job meanwhile pursuing music, finding new tracks and paths, techniques, skills, marketing strategies, then slowly you become less dependant on your job because now you're getting an income from pursuing music, and then you can quit your job, to pursue it full time. This is what i mean by safety net, your safety net could also be your bank savings, where you have a supply of money that you can live off of for years until you get your passion in action. I think it would be foolish to buy into the notion of: "everything has to be on edge, i must not have a safety net because then i won't exert my full potential, to actualize my full potential I would have to simplify my life down to either starve or succeed" See the ego when faced with such a choice will go unhinged, it will overwhelm you with fear and doubt, it will want more comfort than it ever had wanted before thus exacerbating the challenge of pursuing your passion.
  3. It's a thought provoking subject for me Can people that have achieved nonduality experience duality again? I have 2 views on this. 1. Like working out, when you stop you lose your gains. One would presume that achieving non duality and then quitting the practices that got you there in the first place would cause your ego to redevelop itself once again, slowly and then at once you would lose non duality, and fall back into duality. 2. But then the other side of the story would suggest that once you've understood it, there isn't going back, despite stopping spiritual practices, since its a reality that you've grasped and then it's something you can't forget, since you see it working through everything. i haven't the slightest clue as to which one to go with. Share your thoughts
  4. ABOUT ME I'm in my teens, I have a relatively high iq, im driven, i'm hardworking, and im goals oriented, but all of that doesnt mean anything, because i worry that others don't perceive me a certain way, and this has been a brick wall in my life essentially keeping me stuck from dating, developing my charisma, having friends, pursuing talents publicly; music, art... the list goes on. I've started a meditation habit a day ago, and already i've seen some results, i've filled my schedule with meditation. I do it twice a day for an 1 hour every time and on weekends I have cleared out an entire day just to do a strong determination sit. I'm pretty sure ill be able to achieve in a month what someone else meditating for 15 mins a day did in year. THE EGOS DEVELOPMENT I know that fundamentally the route cause of my neurosis in this subject of "caring what people think" is all the manifestation of Ego. The ego is what i call a survival identification mechanism this was what i had described it as before discovering it's a mechanism that has been programmed to identify itself and everything around it, placing values on everything, recognizing things as harmful or harmless... the list goes on. It does this to maximize its own opportunity of survival.This mechanism is a consequence of evolution across thousand of years of trial and error crafting the perfect surviving creature, us humans. who are alert, quickly identifying our surroundings and know what to fear in order to stay alive. Its an identification mechanism. in today's society, surviving isn't our goal, in today's society we have taken the survival aspect of life and simplified it to the extreme. The average person doesn't have to hunt for food, nor does he have to hide from lions and other wild animals. The average person today, goes about their day pursuing their personal interests and comfort. Survival is taken care for him by the supermarkets and yet the identification mechanism still runs in the back of his head 24/7. THE EGO'S ROLE IN WHY YOU CARE WHAT OTHERS THINK Your ego has identified others thoughts of you to be a crucial aspect of your survival, this is all subconsciously done, Your ego believes that if the Tribe perceives it as bad then it will be abandoned and abandonment is death in an evolutionary perspective, so in order for it to stay alive and survive it must not be abandoned, it must be apart of the tribe, so therefore it has to monitor what people think about it, in order to be able to please them. THE SOLUTION The gradual numbing down of the ego.
  5. @Viking that probably means you're not a persistent reader, thus making it hard for you to get the jist of comprehension. I say get the book in audiobook format, it could help. Also usually only the first few pages are tough, but as you read through the book it gets easier since you adapt to the writing style of the author.
  6. @Leo Gura is this like the beginning phase of nonduality for this individual? is this what it felt like for you?
  7. @Outer are you really that old greybeard in the photo.
  8. @Good-boy hah, love your sarcasm, but troll somewhere else.
  9. @Hellspeed have you experienced an update in your ego?, isn't it just a lesser and more aware version of the one before, its a gradual process, the removing of the ego, it gets "updated" just like your iphone giving you a better, and better ,and better, and better version of it slowly over time.
  10. I think youve grown much ever since the “how to stop caring about what people think” it would be nice of you revisited this topic and gave a more spiritual perspective on it, explaining the egos influence and what not.
  12. @Osm what was, him quitting his channel and moving to india or the fousey con thing?
  13. @Hero in progress yeah its obvious your more spiritually advanced than i am, despite me understanding you mean, i really dont expierence it.
  14. @Finland3286 i think this is what red/orange to blue looks like, with a touch of green, hes is definetly not transitioned through orange, he skipped blue into orange, and felt there was always something missing ”being the good servant” so he went back to blue, and now hes working through it. I say red because look at this Hes obviously trapped in red with blue intentions, he isnt green despite him coming off as that way, green people arent materialistic, arent egotistic, are calmer dont get mad, are about nature and the equality for everyone and everything, clearly fousey isnt like that, hes serving his own ego, thinking that if hes good and percieved as good hes going to be fulfilled. A perfect example of an over developed ego, and thats awfully bad cus look how depressed this nut head is.
  15. @PsiloPutty hes not, i really feel sorry for him, his ego is very developed, he is very very neurotic and suffers and this persona where he plays the “prophet” is his coping mechanism. To convince himself that he is valuable, I think that doing this meditation thing is really really good, but currently , hes deluded by his own ego.
  16. @Good-boy if you think fousey tube is awakened your just as bipolar as he is.
  17. @EternalForest you dont know me enough to say im obsessive but you make one hell of a point. Thanks for the advice, gonna read the book as soon as i have the time
  18. @UDT Play it safe but invest almost all your time searching for your passion, once you find that, slowly get out of your safety net and emerge yourself into your passion. You wanna make sure you strategize a way to profit off of your passion, i highly recommend you take business and marketing courses. You also cant not play it safe and not have an extreme work ethic, your work ethic is probably the most important thing.
  19. @Andreas get into religion, and god, be the good citizen, care about people, and what they think, develop manners, do things to help out other people especially in religious settings. Become very judgemental of assholes, and people that say no or people that look out for their own personal interests. but for the love of god, don't become fouseytube the perfect mixture of red and blue.
  20. @MisterMan your ego is the one that chases spirituality, but as you follow through on spirituality, you start to lose your ego, im not a fucking guru. Im egotistical as fuck and probably you are too.
  21. I've began my meditation habit today, i'm beginning with the strong determination sit. Just wondering how many fuckin months it's gonna take to start seeing the effects of meditation. please share your thoughts