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Everything posted by Mezanti

  1. @thehero its more likely to be a subconscious feeling that you have when you recognize that you are in your house, something from the past or fantasy that triggers those emotions when you recognize you are in your house.
  2. @ajasatya because you have no ego to govern your need for survival.
  3. @Aquarius hmm, you're right, i am trying to convince everyone from a place of ignorance, you are too (its relative) but i think it's a good thing, i'm putting it out there that i think this way, and the arguments that arise should slowly shift the way i think.
  4. @Elysian you realize, what he is trying to say is an insult. my interpretation or not. that part where he said that "i thought i knew everything", just makes that blatantly obvious, if he were to actually be telling me something he wouldn't have said that.
  5. what the hell.@ivankiss @Serotoninluv do you think this is possible, isn't this some woowoo spirituality teleportation time travel shit.
  6. @Hellspeed i couldn't, could you show me some online evidence?
  7. @kieranperez ah your level is higher than mine i see. what an enlightened being you are.
  8. @ivankiss so if you are enlightened, you would still be you without the thought of you, but then would you really be you? without the thought of you how could you continue to do you?
  9. @kieranperez just what the hell are you talking about
  10. @Hellspeed prove it to me, show me evidence of harmful animals bowing to enlightened masters simply because they are enlightened.
  11. @Hellspeed so unapproachable dogs, Rotties, Pitbulls, Crazy horses don't attack you because you are enlightened.
  12. @Hellspeed Enlightenment is not some woowoo thing where lions get scared of you because you are in harmony with everything.(your words) Enlightenment is a realization and experience of non duality. The lion will eat him, just like he would you or me.
  13. @Hellspeed how is that logical, so the lion would just bow down to him and say fuck it im not eating today.
  14. I don't agree that YOU (or your soul, spirit,) will be reincarnated as a baby forgetting about its previous life, i think since you are consciousness and as consciousness you are that baby but hey i'm open to all possibilities.
  15. @Key Elements sO hE wIlL RuN aNd TheRe iS a LEsSoN. Why is the realization that everything is one (including suffering and pleasure) would wanna make you end one aspect of life?
  16. @Annoynymous Figure out a way to decrease neuroticism, ultimately what what it comes down to is that you're too high on trait neuroticism. I'm sure this can help you better understand what's at the works, this character trait has been studied by psychologists all over the world. your thoughts are ultimately a manifestation of your ego, but let's not get into that yet. also your thoughts are kind of like a pointing finger, hinting at you the things that you yourself would like to have, and making you feel guilty and worthless for not having them. If i were to give you some advice it would be something along the lines of. 1. develop hobbies 2. set goals/ (be it get a girlfriend, ace all your exams, create your own business, publish a work of art, read a specific book, build charisma,..........) 2.5.set your goals into practical action steps 3. create a daily routine in which you combine both your hobbies and your goals, (one hour study, then one hour play) use google calendar 4.achieve results, and formulate a life purpose 5. Meditate if you do all the above you will have some evidence to prove that you are indeed good enough. developing stability and control over your own life, doing things you love as well as growing and generating results, will establish a sense of fulfillment, like nothing else. except for enlightenment of course. ? Now the part you don't wanna hear:? but let's not forget, why do you want to be good enough? what is it that you achieve from being good enough? why do you wish to have value? what is value? what you will eventually discover is that this is all ego, trying to identify everything around it, including itself, placing values on things, and is usually conflicted over the things it has awareness over.
  17. @Leo GuraI think doing meetups is a fantastic thing. However that would require a larger audience as you said Just out of curiosity, on average how many new members join the forum every month? This could be a good indicator of the time period there is before we can start doing meetups.
  18. I heard Leo is going to be making videos on this topic in the near future