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Everything posted by Hellspeed

  1. Welcome to the start of pain and suffering
  2. No real improvement without going deep in fear, pain, detachment, loss, insanity, etc.
  3. @Barna Accept being a coward, embrace it, in order to discover courage.
  4. Nonduality is the unlocking the capacity of the body/mind beyond the only 2 chakras that the majority of people use. After one is aware of the energetic system in the body, synchronizes it, then nonduality arises. After unlocking the body and focussing only on the upper side, language, light, good, right etc. Give sufficient time and one gets stuck again in duality. The same language we use every day to communicate is built in such a manner to make one stay only in duality if one follows the meanings of the dictionary and mainstream schools.
  5. David Ick uses metaphors already known to release deep truths. Look behind the images of extraterrestrial beings to find the truth. If per example I'll tell people how to awaken, the techniques and all of that, the majority will take that as a crazy thing to do. Because in reality, the path to awakening is no different than going insane, but knowing how to come back and be aware of it.
  6. Show me a guru who is not manipulative Enlightenment has no morality nor rules, only the mind/ego.
  7. No The ego is built into the body, a self-image of the self. And the body is the whole existence compacted in one being with access to everything. The idea of ''this body'' is limited, is a delusion. Who or what realizes the Enlightenment?: the body. And the ego becomes aware of it and updates. After, one can talk about it using the ego.
  8. @PsiloPutty @Rinne I've been here before a couple of months back, I decided to come back. I had the alias @Quanty.
  9. @Viking As Leo mentioned it, practice this on the Toilet, while you breathe. Let the diaphragm be the only muscle you use, everything else is relaxed.
  10. It will work if the human who hypnotizes you has a very balanced life. Otherwise, your subconscious mind will be bound to him/her, until you discover your own true self. I don't know.
  11. I had similar problems in the past. In my experience, it was that my being focussed too much on the head/mind. Start meditating and focusing on the opposite side of the body (south). Pain will rise but it will get into bliss after the drama. Best of luck!
  12. From my experience, I'm more energetic now in my 30's, than I was back then in my teens or 20's. Total relaxation is a life change.
  13. The soul is the mind in today's society. Get rid of it. Karma is your action, you slap me and I will think bad about you, this is an example. To escape my bad feeling you will have to discover your true self, another example.
  14. The key to Courage is Cowardness. Like an addict to something, has to admit he/she is an addict. One has to admit full Cowerdness in order to move on and discover real Courage. The most powerful motivator in life is going into hopelessness, hope is a mistake.
  15. Go full throttle on Breath. When you feel attacked you go offensive.
  16. The best way for a yogi life is to find a place in the countryside or nature. Following another system of spiritual groups will only diminish your growth. Take the example of Gautama if you are really ready for this. The breath will guide you faster in an alone situation. If you feel that you need people around, then you are not prepared. I don't know.
  17. One has to literally lose the mind and go insane, then come back and realize that; it is called awakening. I'd quit any drugs. Kundalini is more powerful than any psychedelic taken externally. Take in mind that any psychosis is an uncontrolled Kundalini reaction. I don't know.
  18. That sadness you feel is the returning home to yourself, to an atrophied body/mind. It will last until your being gets in homeostasis and healing.
  19. Enlightenment cannot be spoken nor conceptualized.
  20. No different from Christian indoctrination, just it has different images.
  21. Hahaha... Awakening and Enlightenment is not something you want, trust me. Is more tedious and painful than winning Mr. Olympia. It does not take much effort to see reality as it is, drugs maybe will do it, or high stages of meditation. The point is reaching all that and maintaining a balance all time. It is an eternal growth, as evolution is.
  22. They see the ancestral memory in the past, present & future. "Past Life" is only the perspective on the mind, a narrow point of view & a trap for the unawakened.