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Everything posted by Hellspeed
...no comment. Still, believe English is the most awesome and, exp: Chinese the nastiest? Think again!
I say to myself: ...life and situations can be discouraging in life and maybe very close people quit on me. But just maybe because of that, I had a great opportunity to meet the what we call "instinctual dynamic patterns", the direct consciousness with the ''anima'' who we thought is just animalistic. Then I found myself alone, into extreme fear and panic attacks which made my core trouble like a drum. I was very tough, I never cried so deep maybe, before I met my first girlfriend. I said to myself in the first beginning: Who "is" YOU? Believe me!, to this day I never got an answer, but this is crazy, the being who I call by my name knows "IT". Alone, in the dark, with just numbness... IT is I!!!... Or maybe not (occurred to me). Started focusing on my own being instead of everyone else in the universe. Even if being alone and left to die in fear or ostracized, the breath and the pulsations of the body kept me alive and sane. So Believe in Yourself Now! Don't let others define you, never, period! Love is for yourself, don't spread it outside or you will forget to Love others. 1. “Nu există experienţă căreia să nu-i poţi supravieţui dacă ai curajul să înfrunţi viaţa”- Octavian Paler. 2. “Nu e momentul să te gândeşti la ceea ce nu ai. Gândeşte-te la ceea ce poţi face cu ceea ce ai”- Ernest Hemingway. 3. “Nu te certa niciodată cu oamenii proşti. Te vor trage în jos la nivelul lor şi apoi te vor bate cu experienţă”- Mark Twain. 4. “Un om sărac nu este cel fără bani. Un om sărac este cel care nu are niciun vis”- Henry Ford. 5. ‟Lucrul cel mai important este să fii gata în orice moment să sacrifici ceea ce eşti pentru ceea ce ai putea deveni.” – Charles Dickens. 6. “Urmează-ţi fericirea şi Universul îţi va deschide uşi acolo unde erau doar ziduri” –Josep Campbell. 7. ‟Dacă tu crezi că nu poţi, ai dreptate. Dacă tu crezi că poţi, din nou, ai dreptate.” – Henry Ford. 8. “Dacă s-a făcut penicilină din pâine mucegăită, cu siguranţă şi din tine se poate face ceva”-Muhammad Ali. 9. “De îndată ce ţi-ai înlocuit gândurile negative cu unele pozitive, vei incepe să obţii rezultate pozitive” - William Nelson. 10. “Nu te compara cu nimeni altcineva din lume. Dacă o faci, te jigneşti pe tine" - Bill Gates. 11. “Cea mai mare glorie nu o dobândeşti atunci când nu eşti doborât, ci atunci când te ridici după ce ai căzut”- Confucius. 12. “Chiar dacă lumea râde de tine, ia-te în serios. Mulţimile râd de ceea ce nu înţeleg şi ridiculizează tot ceea ce le depăşeşte. Uită ce gândesc alţii. Prea mulţi dintre cei care au în ei o scânteie de geniu nu-i dau frâu niciodată, pentru că se tem de hohotele lumii. Ceea ce contează este părerea ta despre tine şi încrederea pe care ţi-a acorzi” - Napoleon Hill. 13. “Viaţa însăşi este magie, iar dacă nu crezi asta, măcar încearcă să o trăieşti ca pe ceva magic”- Albert Einstein. 14. “Succesul înseamnă a fi în stare să mergi din eşec în eşec, fără să-ţi pierzi entuziasmul”- Winston Churchill. 15. “Lucrurile nu sunt greu de făcut. Greu este să te pui în stare de a le face”- Constantin Brâncuşi. 16. “Nu spune niciodată nu se poate, ci începe cu să vedem”- Nicolae Iorga. 17. “Când îţi doreşti ceva cu adevărat, tot universul conspiră pentru îndeplinirea visului tău”- Paulo Coelho. 18. “Indiferent ce faci în viaţă, va fi nesemnificativ. Dar e foarte important să o faci”- Mahatma Gandhi. 19. “Trăieşte ca şi cum ai muri mâine. Învaţă ca şi cum ai trăi veşnic” - Mahatma Gandhi. 20. “Toate visele tale se pot împlini daca ai curajul să le urmezi” - Walt Disney. 21. “Cheia succesului este aceea de a-ti concentra mintea asupra lucrurilor pe care ţi le doreşti să se întample, nu pe cele de care iţi este frică” - Brian Tracy. 22. “Peste 20 de ani vei fi dezamăgit din cauza lucrurilor pe care nu le-ai făcut, nu din cauza celor pe care le-ai făcut!” - Mark Twain. 23. “Nu este nevoie să ştii unde mergi. Nu este nevoie să ştii de ce mergi. Tot ceea ce e nevoie să ştii este faptul că mergi plin de veselie; dacă faci acest lucru, nu poţi greşi”- Osho. 24. “Dacă nu rişti, nu vei fi niciodată învins. Dar nici nu vei câstiga vreodată”- Richard Nixon. 25. “Vor exista întotdeauna oameni care te vor răni, aşa că trebuie să-ţi păstrezi încrederea şi doar să ai mai multă grijă în cine te încrezi a doua oară”- Jose Garcia Margu.
Hellspeed replied to The Don's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
My best source of Caffeine is raw fermented cacao nuts, not to mention Theobromine, is LSD like with 50+ nuts ingested. -
Hellspeed replied to Igor82's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Nice! Thx. -
Hellspeed replied to Viking's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Tap into Muladhara with Breath. Fear is just uncharted territory in the body, the pain of the blockages are so huge that the mind translates that into fear. -
Because genuine teachings, healing or awakening initiation is harder than working in a mine as a slave for the guru. Why? The downside is insanely difficult. Will take weeks or months to recover from genuinly healing someone per example. So at the end of the day is not worth it to do it for free, only if you have a deathwish.
To learn written pages fast do the following: Read all the material you have for the exam in one informational read, like you reading a book. Next, start again from the beginning, but this time summarizing each half page or paragraph with your own words while you read, do it in a line or two. True learning is the actual pen and paper summary of the material you have, this is when you will basically memorize more than 70%, while in the process of thinking how to compact the paragraphs. After you done summarizing, just read again the whole material you have and take the summarized material and read it as much as you need before the exam. Take at least 3 days before an exam to do this.
Hellspeed replied to Hellspeed's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Let's share practical techniques and tips about direct awakening. Feel free to share... One of the many portals to the unknown and the rabbit hole is this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inferior_mesenteric_vein
Hellspeed replied to Ampresus's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Even hunting big game is spiritual. -
Hellspeed replied to Dodo's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Only Breath can fill the void. -
Hellspeed replied to Marks199's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Don't freak out, someone did this, some individual bond with you using Tantra. Remember, only Love can kill or do harm. Listen to your breath above everything until you discover yourself, there is no technique higher than this. -
Hellspeed replied to Charlotte's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Ujjayi breath is useful for the heart chakra. Not very useful for the overall breathing meditation. -
Hellspeed replied to Recursoinominado's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Nice pointer! -
Hellspeed replied to AncestorOfAisle6's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Nice. This means you are advancing fast. Maybe it is time to go hardcore now Go haritaki, raw fermented cacao nuts, spirulina & chlorella, ginseng, turmeric, melatonin etc. At the end of the day is the healing process of the digestive system and internal organs, because they are atrophied. -
Nice! Welcome to the club
Hellspeed replied to Recursoinominado's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Do a hacking trick for your system. Stay awake at least 3 days in a row while you listen to Breath above anything. This will give you fast access to your own body's DMT faster. Once you dissolve to a certain extent your ego naturally, you can move on from there. Best of luck! -
Hellspeed replied to Hellspeed's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Haven't tried rectum turmeric, or drugs. But sounds promising, maybe I will try it someday, thx! -
Hellspeed replied to Hellspeed's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
And the gate to the heart is not in the chest But nice pointers by the way. -
Hellspeed replied to Hellspeed's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You are a Troll. -
Hellspeed replied to The Don's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Caffeine is boss if one knows how to use it for grounding. But will not help if it's not properly used. The unawakened just brag about the negative in tea and coffee. -
Hellspeed replied to Hellspeed's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Another perspective on Breath and Kundalini, take this with a grain of salt, it does not have to be necessarily like this, is for your own information and growth. ? Kundalini Breathing Exercise.pdf -
Hellspeed replied to Hellspeed's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
No real awakening only with concepts and do nothing.