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Everything posted by Hellspeed

  1. Thoughts are a tool. The majority of them come from collective consciousness through the filter of own illusion of the ego. Once we awaken we can know what are our thoughts and what are not. Being compelled by thoughts, simply means attachment to ego.
  2. Any religion has the truth in his essence, kundalini and everything. But the approach in religion is that you have to follow their norms and their acceptance, and this is where one goes with the flock or not. Any religion book teaches enlightenment in the metaphors, not in the literal. Christians usually are brainwashed into taking the bible literally, so they are dormant and dangerous at the end of the day.
  3. Simple. Awaken and project all the chakras in sync with your visualization. Is not enough only with the mind, it is a matter of having the limbic system awaken, so one can influence the subconscious minds of people to shift their will. Those unawakened lack free will, only activates on food craving, sex and danger.
  4. Ego is not god, is a glitch in the matrix. Does not exist, it depends on attachment. This absolute cannot be grasp from a perspective of non-existance. Mystical experiences are just that, a shadow in the cave. Absolut infinity is beyond imagination.
  5. Absolute Infinity is a delusion of the Ego Higher self does not crave understanding.
  6. What is Ego in the fist place, what is beyond concepts about Ego? How we dissolve the Ego? It is something physical too.
  7. Breath and relaxation. Survival is tension and resistance.
  8. No, nobody in reallity is willing to learn from others once one discovers breath. And usually nobody let nobody be genuine, only with social conventions. People freak out in the presence of self confidence or simply they enter survival\fear mode in the case when someone afirms something wich does not make sense in different eyes. The sad thing of this world is that many folk think that truth is debatable and relative. That truth is something laborious and complicated to understand and dismiss the basics. We live in a society that people praise general opinion than genuine experience of the minorities.
  9. Maybe the best position is in squat, rest state. Focus on breath. Next in the spleen, taking energy from the crown, then open the heartspace wth Thor energy from above, to give eletricity to the heart space. But while you do that you follow the yellow brick road... Pancreas. Remember in batman 08? Joker in prison, had a crazy person put in jail to get him out, strapped on his insides a cellphone with explosive. That is the explotion, the spleen does to the plexus wich is ruled by the ego until awakening.
  10. Boring... Tell me you grew a second limb or something
  11. Is normal, you practice meditation until you don't sleep anymore. Usually this is a kundalini of the right hand path, when you are almost awake. You need to awaken the heartspace with kundalini, not the head and the ego. Tip for you: focus on the crown and spleen on the left side, it will make sense after you practice. You will not fall asleep practicing this, it will become a way of life.
  12. Is normal, you fall asleep until yoy wake up. The sleeo is the awakened state not the hallutination of the ego.
  13. Love is the natural state. You speak like this because you don't know what love is, in reallity you forgot and have to remember. Is called Awakening.
  14. We ask why until we escape karma, ego. After that this tool is an impairment. Only works while in the mind\thoughts paradigm. To see the bs behind own beliefs.
  15. As much as we appreciate good vibes, good source knowledge, Leo is just building and praising Ego, and he is making you noobs think he got something in his meditations. Is not to blame the cover, nor the individual, not even the good knowledge and insights Leo is selling. ∆∆∆∆The real problem is deep, are the real teaching beyond ego, beyond astral plain, beyond tripping, beyond awareness and knowledge.∆∆∆∆ As a phylosopher Leo says something, but maybe he is struggeling with energy. Being in the focus is very difficult, is more difficult than you noobs out there think. All that dormant energy, relying on a human being can destroy one in the process if he\she is not awakened. So, we like to brag in this forum, we like to be humble, we like to be critics and lovers of the infinite when is convenient and we have a good day. Or we simply get angry when true insights are called lies or vice versa. Learn from Leo people, not necesarilly the cover, nor insights. THE PERSISTANCE AND NEVER GIVE UP! Namaste Leo Gura and all the acolytes around.
  16. If you people only knew what Maynor has been through this life. Just check the records within the akasha realm plane. Quite honest and brave to self passing himself. Like Rocky.
  17. Oh yes, @Joseph Maynor said it. I prefer to offend people and not be followed by the flock, only by those who are not getting offended
  18. I don't feel ofended. I feel the mummies, so i pointed it out, nothing wrong with it. In apparent conflict will reach a true conclusion. Otherwise praising any noob who meditates will bring this forum and society in general to death. Better say what it is, even if we offend. We will sort it out in the long run, and the truth will always prevail. But the truth cannot succeed in the first shot, this is how it is.
  19. But true Masters will go the wrong way and learn from own mistakes, come back and expose that to oneself and those around
  20. Many truths you saying here. But let's be real i've been there too, some years ago. It is a very blocked Akasha, meaning throat goes into the bee hive, plexus. And one cannot escape this only the Samson way, braking the Lion jawe with the left side of the heart. The beehive createe a finite loop btw the head, plexus and the right side of the body. Here is where ancient Yoga will help only. The new consumerism yoga is built on the ego, the right side, the light, the nervious system, but lacks the instinct, wich is forced to align with a cancer head. Being the reason i pointed out in this forum, that if one does not know how to sing from all the chakras, has no clue what so ever what is talking about. Because singing can be little trained, is something we discover with awakening. So yeah, this matter is complex and without muscles at first. Namaste
  21. @lmfao because Ego is a way of going directly with awarness mainly in 6th chakra and 7th forcing the right side with the Plexus 3rd. Each chakra has a left and a right, are the 10 commandments of the bible, just go beyond the literal meaning. The knife cannot cut itself says a zen proverb. This means if i go directly into the head to see and be, then the lower chakras will get stuck in a finite self concept eay of life, and if the vital force of energy has an end loop, blockages arise, is simple. So to crack open the third eye, one has to use tbe first 5 chakras in sync. It does not work 1,2,3.... The real awakening sequencr starts with 4th, powering 7th and going down the left aide of the plexus powering 3rd that comes again in 4th the all the way down on the left side util 1st. From there is a matter of mastering breath, injaculation and belly in on exhale with the plexus. And the 5th chakra is like a bridge, goes into the spleen and heart also. After all than, one uses the spleen to take from above and give it to the lover parts, knowing how to use the pancreas and spleen and all the above to target the forhead to break Karma. So fallowing the rule of Zen of the knife that cannot cut itself, we need to focus the opposite in each chakra/hormone gland. Example: to get in contact with the heart the Spleen is the focus. To get in contact with the throat, the heart is the focus. To get into muladhara, we use the spleen with sexual energy and plexus and crown So this awakening stuff is complex, but not complicated. Is about identifying where one is stuck and use the blockages to own advantage from the opposite relative organs. For more details ask me in pvt. Namaste
  22. To be, one has to make the inner internal organs and limbic parts, reptilian, awaken them. Once you are conscious of the inner in practice through breath, then is possible to really be, change body temperature, heart beat, dissolve the ego at will, etc. Awakening is making conscious every atom in your body. Otherwise we fool ourselves with stupid concepts of the mind and forcing the ego to take control and create a false bliss. Many are stuck like this for decades and lifetimes. The true true: is easier to force the ego into a egoic enligtenment state. But this is not transcendence, it is a social cancer, people dead inside and gurus with cancer, pathetic and disgusting. So when we talk about effortless we talk about plexus and head. If we are stuck in the plexus and head, one can build a very kind ego and beautiful false nirvana that don't hold water. Only in the eyes of the uninitiated. Mainly efortlessness is simple as: don't use the muscles as the main staple, the plexus and head is in charge of that. This is Goliath from the bible, ego, even if is the most beautiful human being with other people, this is still ego. So the efortlessness goes deep ibto the rabbit hole, starting with breath, crown and all the way down the left aide of the body starting woth spleen, wich opens the heart. And long truth short, using the first 5 chakras to destroy the head and actualize that with the heart. Thia is a physical practice, has nothing to to with the mind. We only use the mind to focus o breath to channel the prana into various internal organs. So those eyebrow intellectuals, get to the ground noobs! Namaste
  23. You are seeing the water in your eyeballs. Do youbha myopia problems? Seeing from a far?