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Everything posted by Hellspeed

  1. You need hardcore meditation to escape blockages patterns. Is more, you need an awakening and losing your mind first, going insane and come back to really conquer the subconscious.
  2. Indeed, this is the only way to Awakening, and key areas of the body centers. Joseph Maynor take notes hahaha
  3. Focus the breath on Muladhara, it comes back up automatically.
  4. One has to control the Breath and channel it with orange and yellow into red in order to raise Kundalini otherwise is just mindfucking.
  5. How do you know? There are billions of voices in the human body, what say about that?
  6. Tap into Muladhara with Breath, there is your problem may be.
  7. I don't talk about spiral dynamics point of view. I talk strictly about the subconscious side of the matter.
  8. The release of blockages is a product of awakening. Otherwise opening chakras in non-sync leads to more blockages or physical/mental conditions. So follow the sequence until you conquer yourself using Breath, attention and focus.
  9. Orange-Green-Indigo the centers located in the body system.
  10. To really tap into divine masculine you have to Awaken. Otherwise is just a Beta behavior as a consequence. And Beta is the core of divine feminine.
  11. Indeed. I tested this. It works. But it takes huge amounts of energy to channel and not to mention you have to really believe will happen.
  12. Asking is not a virtue, is not childish, is useless.
  13. Is not coming is just your hype about the mind and many others.
  14. It is a constant growth. Kundalini is an everlasting expansion or death if you don't follow the flow. It is the growth itself, but society tricks us and we block the growth around 25-30 years of age, but it can be released again to infinity.
  15. When the 6th sense is in action and you use it consciously, with the good decision you will feel grounded, with a bad decision you will have plexus trembling and restless legs. But you need to know yourself first.
  16. Escaping the dormant state will involve breaking the mind and the physical patterns to a more natural route path. Being on a stuck paradigm for decades when the blood, oxygen, energy flow again to a more complete state, the process will shake the core and if it is done in a small period of time in months or years, one has to be more than brave to go with the flow. Or you can do it in 30 years without pain , you choose.
  17. Physical and emotional pain are the tools for self-actualization. Run from them and you will fall into sleep patterns.
  18. Because the process is very intimate, parent/child bonding or even deeper. So for me, if you are not my brother or my father or a very close friend, or enemy, that's why. To show someone it entails Tantra, an orgasmic process.
  19. Well, I don't see that possibility I already know that the possibility is impossible on that specific matter.
  20. The Quran will show you all the techniques on how to awaken if you know where to look. Skip the western perspective, is BS, same with eastern, I speak about the literacy of the matter. You will find the truth of the matter only from a metaphorical perspective and the closet skeletons.
  21. You saw the plastic reality you have been building for yourself, concept wise. Maybe you fuck up too much.